Montessori MUN Delegates in Action! Plus 4th graders talk tough on…taxes?!

Elementary school delegates in the Committee on the Rights of the Child. For me, this picture embodies the spirit of Montessori MUN -- these are children discussing the rights of children.

Montessori MUN strives to embody the principles of the Montessori educational philosophy, which makes MMUN different than most Model UN conferences.

There are no awards in order to emphasize cooperation and consensus-building between delegates. These are the youngest delegates I’ve seen participate in Model UN — they range from 4th to 9th grade.

And some things that are common practice in Montessori classrooms have carried over to the conference — click “Learn More” below to see what I mean!

When would you ever hear 4th graders talk about…taxes?! At a Model UN conference, of course!

Thank you to Camille Moro of Seton Hall University — and also a Montessori student — for helping me live blog the conference today!

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