StuyMUNC 2011 Live Blog

A crisis staffer dresses up for an update in the Aztec War Cabinet 1519

This weekend’s Stuyvesant Model United Nations Conference (StuyMUNC) features a number of innovative crisis committees ranging from the ancient — including simulations of the Peloponnesian War and the Aztec Empire — to the futuristic — such as a fictional Solar Energy Conference where sunlight has replaced oil as a key global resource.

A number of the advisors I spoke with said they like the conference’s focus on small, crisis-based committees, which forces their delegates to participate. One advisor told me that his students realize they can’t hide in committee since everyone has a role to play and multiple chances to speak, and by the end of the conference, the experience convinces his formerly speaking-shy students that they can engage themselves in committee.

Click “Learn More” below to see pictures of delegates and staff in action, as well as my interview with Director-General Gibryon Bhojraj.

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