UCMUN Liveblog: IAEA/Security Council Crisis

Delegates reading over a working paper

The IAEA committee took a turn today as the delegates were presented with a crisis. Iran was found to have nuclear weapons given to them by Russia. The weapons were transported through China and into North Korea. It is believed that the weapons will be fully functional within three weeks with the ability to reach South Korea. Delegates debated the course of action that should be taken. The United States that the believes it should hold up its 1994 agreement between the U.S. and North Korea to fund two light water nuclear reactors.

The delegation from China adamantly  denies any condoning of the transport of nuclear weapons. In return for North Korea’s disarmament, the chinese delegation is prepared to fund three light water reactors and at a projected eight billion dollars and a billion dollars reimbursement.  The delegate from Germany, “would like to see North Korea agree on a solution in which military force would not have to be used and all nations would agree to disarmament.” The delegates can seek aid and advisement from the Security Council. It is important to work with the Security Council because their agreement on the planned course of action is necessary to implement  the goals. The delegates will resume debate with discussing multiple points of contention in various working papers.

Delegates negotiating in the IAEA

Delegates discussing a working paper in the Security Council

The delegate from the United Kingdom debating his point in the IAEA

A stylish delegate in the UNHCR

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