Model United Nations of the University of Chicago (MUNUC) is the largest conference in the Midwest with 2,500 delegates descending upon Chicago to participate in a weekend of learning and fun. The conference, which has an emphasis on education, serves a vital role in the Midwest where Model UN conferences are not as widely available as in other parts of the country — many Midwestern delegates see this as their biggest conference of the year. Check out our liveblog of the conference!
As usual, we try to capture different photos of delegates and staff in action:

Seychelles (Cambridge-Isanti School) and the Czech Republic (Valparaiso High School) discuss their thoughts on a draft resolution in 6th Legal

Sweden (The Prairie School), India (Warren Central High School), Israel (Cathedral and John Connon School), and Nepal (Culver Academy) present their draft resolution in Sixth Legal
The sponsors for a draft resolution read off their ideas in DISEC. I couldn't catch all the sponsors but I believe Venezuela, Uzbekistan, Madagascar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Myanmar are on there along with the lead sponsor, Ethiopia (the delegate reading the resolution).
Undersecretary-General for Specialized Agencies Clara Spera roams the halls to make sure all delegates are having fun in her committees
The Russian Federation (The Blake School) obviously has some opinions on space-related issues in COPUOS
The leaders of the the JCC - Germany cabinet negotiate a secret agreement in preparation for an invasion of Poland
Undersecretary-General of Continuous Crisis Committees Gabriel Panek announces the awards for JCC - Soviet Council of People's Commissars
MUNUC Closing Ceremonies are always an emotional affair. Chief Operating Office Aash Anand and Secretary-General Ben Smithgall share a hug here.
Awards Analysis:
MUNUC is meant to be an educational conference so competition is de-emphasized. Nevertheless, they do give out individual Outstanding, Honorable Mention, and Verbal Commendation awards. According to my unofficial tally of weighted scores, Liberty Public Schools and Deerfield High School seemed to be the top two performing delegations.
Culver Academy, Cambridge-Isanti School, Wayland Academy, The Blake School, Cranbrook Kingswood School, and Glenbrook South High School also put in outstanding performances. The following schools also saw a good number of their delegates win awards: Jefferson Area High School, Neuqua Valley High School, American Heritage School Plantation, Illinois Math & Science Academy, Edina High School, Walter Payton College Prep, Berkshire School, Cathedral and John Connon School, and the Chicagoland MUN Club.
Note that the Cathedral and John Connon School from India was competing on back-to-back weekends; they had successfully defended their Best International Delegation award at Harvard HMUN last week. Using their performance at both conferences to serve as a barometer, it goes to suggest that although many of these other Midwestern schools do not get a lot of press because they don’t have as many local conferences to attend, they are nonetheless excellent in committee and should not be overlooked when it comes to national recognition.