When researching for Model UN, you should think about five different types of research:
- Country Profile
- Topic Background
- Past International Action
- Country Policy
- Possible Solutions
Your research across these five categories should all go in to your “Research Binder”, which you should put together to prepare for a conference. Read more about what to include in a research binder here!
Country Profile
To get started with research, its important to understand the country you’re representing- where it is, who lives there, who your allies are, what type of government your country has, and more. Together, the answers to these countries comprise your “Country Profile”. Here are some guiding questions to get you started:
Physical Geography
What is your country’s official name?
What region of the world is your country located in?
How big is your country? (square miles)
Who are your country’s neighbors?
How would you describe your country’s physical features and climate?
Politics and Government
When was your country founded?
What type of government does your country have?
Who are some of your country’s leaders?
How many people serve in your country’s military?
Who are your country’s allies? Enemies?
What is your country’s capital?
What is your country’s population?
What is your country’s ethnic composition?
What is your country’s official language?
What other languages are spoken?
What are some of the major cities?
How would you describe the quality of life in your country?
What is your country’s total Gross Domestic Product?
What are some of your country’s natural resources?
What is your country’s currency?
What are your country’s major imports and exports?
What are your country’s biggest trading partners?
To find the answers to these questions and more, we recommend you use our Country Profile Map!
Topic Background
- Clearly define what the topic is.
- Identify the key terms related to the topic, and answer key questions about the topic such as “What causes this issue?”, “Who is impacted by this issue?”, and “Where is this issue most prevalent?”.
- Make sure you’re using credible sources of information to understand your topic- don’t just use Wikipedia, the news, or blogs!
Interested in how to write the Topic Background section in a Position Paper? Check out our article about it!
Past International Action
One of the most important things to understand when discussing any topic in Model UN is what the United Nations and international community has already done about the topic. You don’t want your solutions to be redundant, and you want to make sure you’re aware what the world already has, and hasn’t done. Past international action can come in the form of UN resolutions, international conventions and treaties, or actions by NGOs and international organizations. Here are some resources to help you find the past international actions related to your topic, or you can check out our article about using UN sources to research your topic!
Past UN Resolutions
International Conventions and Treaties
Reports of the Secretary General
Reports of the Economic and Social Council
Plus, our NGO Guide details the work of over 100 NGOs over a broad range of issues, so you can see what Civil Society is doing about your topic already.
Interested in how to write the Past International Action section of your Position Paper? Check out our article about this section!

Country Policy
Once you have a decent understanding of the topic and your country, you take this knowledge together and learn what your “Country Policy” is on your topic. Your Country Policy is what your country thinks should be done, or not done, about the issue, and how this topic impacts your country. This means determining if your country is in favor of solutions that have been proposed or resolutions that have been passed, or if your country has been advocating at the UN for policies.
A good starting place to learn your country policy is to research what your country’s government, foreign ministry, or UN mission have said about the topic on their website. Use our Country Profile and Policy Map to check out these websites for your country! Other resources to use from the UN include the following:
Member States on the Record: Speeches at the United Nations
Member State Votes on Resolutions
Signature/Ratification Status for Each Country of Important Conventions and Treaties
Possible Solutions
The most important part of researching for a Model UN conference, and often the most forgotten, is to research Possible Solutions to help resolve the issue your committee is discussing. The solutions aren’t what your country wants to do for itself- that would never need to be discussed at the UN. Instead, you should consider what your country wants the United Nations to do about the issue worldwide. Feel free to use your own creativity to think of ideas, and find reasons why they would work that you can use in speeches, and later in your resolutions in committee.
All resolutions should be realistic, and can even build on past solutions the UN has tried- maybe you want to expand a program worldwide that was previously local. Maybe you think that a specific solution needs more support or funding. Feel free to include existing UN action in your solutions, but new and creative ideas are always welcome as well! Aside from the United Nations and Member States, other good places to look for solutions are in the existing work of NGOs (check out our NGO Guide here), through various Think Tanks worldwide, and in university publications.
Other Resources
Structure and Publications of the United Nations
- United Nations Main Page
- UN Charter
- UN Systems
- UN Overview
- UN Treaties
- UN Library
- UN Members
- UN Journal
- UN Wire
- UN Research Guide
- UN Cyber Schoolbus
- Permanent Missions to the UN
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Issues on the UN Agenda
- WWW Virtual Library: the United Nations
- UNA-USA’s MyDiplomat App
General Assembly Committees and Main UN Organs
- General Assembly
- First Committee: Disarmenent and International Security
- Second Committee: Economic and Financial
- Third Committee: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural
- Fourth Committee: Special Political and Decolonization
- Sixth Committee: Legal
- Economic and Social Council
- Security Council
- Security Council Resolutions
- International Court of Justice
UN Specialized Agencies, Programs, and Funds
- UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- UN Development Programme (UNDP)
- UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- UN Center for Regional Development
- UN Commission on International Trade Law
- UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- UN Commission for Social Development
- UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ)
- UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- UN Commission on Sustainable Development
- UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
- UN Commission on Population and Development
- Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- International Fund for Agricultural Development
- International Labor Organization (ILO)
- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Telecommunication Unit
- UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
- UN Center for Human Settlements
- UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- UN Information Center
- World Bank
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- World Meteorological Organization
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- UN Statistics Division
- Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Country Profile Links
General Research on Countries
- Check out our New Country Policy Profile and Policy Map
- CIA World Factbook
- US State Department Background Notes
- List of Governmental Websites
- List of International Governmental Organizations
- Foreign Governments Comprehensive Web Site Listings
- Library of Congress Country Studies
- The Lincoln Library
- The Electronic Embassy
- Country Watch
- The Economist Country Briefings
- Government and Legal Structure by Country
- UN Maps
- Atlapedia
- InfoNation
- BBC Country Profiles
- Group of 20
- World Bank Data and Statistics
- NGO Global Network
- Wikipedia
African Countries
- African Union (AU)
- African Development Bank
- The Economic Community of West African States
- The Economic Community of Central African States
- South African Development Community
- WWW Virtual Library: Africa
Asian & Middle Eastern Countries
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
- League of Arab States
- Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
- WWW Virtual Library: Asia
European Countries
- European Union (EU)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
- Council of Europe
- Western European Union
- Policies of the European Union
- WWW Virtual Library: European Union
North & South American Countries
- Organization of American States (OAS)
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- South American Common Marke
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Latin American Economic System
- Pan American Health Organization
- Small Islands Developing State Network
- Caribbean Community and Common Market
- Andean Community
- Council of Canadians
- WWW Virtual Library: Latin America and the Caribbean
United States of America
Links by Topic Category
Peace and Security
- UN Peace & Security Page
- UN Disarmament Page
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- UN Institute for Disarmament Research
- Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- Nuclear Threat Initiative
- UN Peacekeeping
- UNODC and Terrorism Prevention
- UN Terrorism Page
- Global Security
- Carnegie Endowment
- Crisis Group
- United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs
- United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
- US National Counterintelligence Executive
- US National Security Agency
- International Relations and Security Network
- UN Mine Action Service
- Adopt-a-Minefield
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines
- WWW Virtual Library: Peace and Security
Development: Economic and Environmental
- UN Development Page
- UN Development Programme
- World Trade Organization
- International Monetary Fund External Country Information
- World Bank External Country Information
- International Fund for Agricultural Development
- UN Conference on Trade and Development
- UN Global Issues
- Division for Sustainable Development
- International Labor Organization
- UN Industrial Development Organization
- High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States
- Council for a Community of Democracies
- Debt AIDS Trade Africa (DATA)
- UN Environmental Programme
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UN Convention to Combat Desertification
- UN-Habitat
- Ecolex- Environmental Law Information
- EcoNet
- European Environmental Law Page
- Geneva Environment Network
- United Nations System- Wide Earth Watch
- World Resources Institute
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- WWW Virtual Library: International Development
Development: Humanitarian and Health
- UN humanitarian affairs page
- UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- UN Division for the Advancement of Women
- UN International Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
- Americans for UNFPA – One Woman Can
- Child Rights Information Network
- Database on Research and Information on Children’s Rights
- Childwatch International Research Network
- Save the Children
- UN Children’s Fund
- Children in Conflict
- UN Youth
- Women Watch
- United Nations Population Fund
- Population Action
- World Health Organization
- Global Health
- Oxfam
- World Food Programme
- Food and Agricultural Organization
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- Doctors Without Borders
- UN High Commissioner on Refugees
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- UNICEF in Emergencies
- Relief Web
- Federation of American Scientists
- WWW Virtual Library: Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Human Rights
- UN Human Rights Page
- UN High Commissioner on Human Rights
- Human Rights Watch
- Amnesty International
- Freedom House
- Human Trafficking
- US Department of State Human Rights Reports
- Bayefsky List of UN Human Rights Treaties
- Project DIANA at Yale – Human Rights Documents
- Center for the Study of Human Rights
- Human Rights First
- Human Rights Internet
- International Human Rights Law Institute
- International League for Human Rights
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
International Law
- UN International Law Page
- International Court of Justice
- International Criminal Court
- International Law Commission
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- World Trade Organization’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
- WWW Virtual Library: International Law
News Sources
- UN News
- Google Scholar
- Google News
- Google News Alerts
- Al-Jazeera
- Financial Times
- International Herald Tribune
- Le Monde Diplomatique
- New York Times
- The Economist
- The Times of London
- The Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- WWW Virtual Library: News Sources
- WWW Virtual Library: International Radio and Television
- WWW Virtual Library: International Relations Journals and Magazines
Think Tanks & Policy Groups
- WWW Virtual Library: Research Institutes
- 9/11 Commission
- American Progress
- Asia Society
- Aspen Institute
- Brookings
- Carnegie Endowment
- CATO Institute
- Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Chatham House
- Council of the Americas
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Crisis Group
- Council on Foreign Affairs
- European Council on Foreign Relations
- Federation of American Scientists
- For the Record
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Policy Association
- Foreign Policy in Focus
- Gallup WorldView
- Global News Bank
- Heritage Foundation
- Institute for Global Communications
- Institute for Policy Studies
- International Institute for Strategic Studies
- One World
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Transparency International
- UN Democracy
- UN Foundation
Want to learn even more about how to conduct MUN research? Check out MUN Institute Summer Camps!