University of Georgia Model United Nations Conference (UGAMUNC) Recap

Award winners from Centennial High School

University of Georgia Model United Nations Conference (UGAMUNC XVIII) was held February 3rd-5th in the  Zell B. Miller Learning Center at the heart of the University of Georgia campus. UGAMUNC is run by the University of Georgia Model United Nations club is an organization dedicated to bringing international issues to the forefront of high school academia.

Delegate’s got to hear a noted guest speaker at opening ceremony and had a delegate social on Saturday. The University of Georgia operates a traditional-style conference consisting annually of four standard General Assemblies (GA’s 1,2,3, and 6 respectively) the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the European Union and the UN Security Council.  Committees operate under both traditional and crisis formats.

Throughout the course of the University of Georgia Model United Nations Conference (UGAMUNC), students were engaged in debate concerning the most pressing international issues in current affairs. Furthermore,  UGAMUNC provided the opportunity for participants to develop public speaking and research skills in a forum that fostered relationship building and diplomacy.

Centennial High School who won Best Delegation.

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