10 Things Delegates Do at their First MUN Conference

We’ve all been there: the first MUN conference. For a select few delegates, this conference goes surprisingly well—they get superlatives, commendations, and even awards. For most delegates, their first conference is a chance to grow and experience the world of Model United Nations. However, no matter how poorly or well the first conference goes, all delegates do pretty much the same thing! Here’s a list of the top ten things delegates do at their first MUN Conference!

1. Trying to find someone from your school to form a bloc with 








It’s difficult to find a group to fit in with during your first conference. So why not just stay with the people you know and feel comfortable with?

2. Raising your placard but hoping the chair won’t call on you 

raising hand









Face it, we’ve all raised our placards this way to prove ourselves and our effort. When we get called on though, all those efforts sort of boil away as we sometimes don’t really know what to say. The worst is when you forget your placard is in the air but you’re called on.

3. Being afraid to ask a point of inquiry because the committee looks experienced

out of place








It’s scary when you feel like the new delegate in a room filled with “pro delegates.” You don’t want to slow down committee, but you also don’t want to not know what’s going on!

4. Actually doing the research and knowing what to say







Pat yourself on the back if you’ve done excellent research. It’s thrilling to be able to keep up in committee and actually add to the discussion! You even added three statistics to your speech hook.

5. Making eye contact with your advisor when you’re the only one without a bloc during an unmoderated caucus

eye contact






That first moment of contact between your advisor and yourself may be the most awkward. After all, your advisor’s trying to see if you’re doing well.

6. When someone repeats what you’ve said but they get more commendation for their delivery









Delegates will repeat what other delegates say in committee because their content is good and in-line with their country’s position. However, it’s heartbreaking when someone has the same points as you but somehow delivers it better for more applause!

7. Resisting the urge to pass notes that do not pertain to the topic 










When you have no idea what’s going on in your first conference, you may have the urge to pass a strange note, maybe one that says “nuke the committee” or one that asks for other delegate’s snapchats. Try to hold in your boredom and urges in future committees!

8. Reassuring your advisor that you’re having fun and doing well in your committee 








After all, you wouldn’t want to worry your advisor!

9. Taking the “victory walk” after your first ever speech 








No matter how poorly or well you delivered your speech, it was your first ever speech in MUN, so well done!

10. Celebrating with your bloc when your first ever resolution passes, even if you don’t understand half of what’s in it







It’s safe to admit that at the first conference, not a lot of delegates proofread their resolutions. Be sure to check at your next conference!

 The first MUN Conference is the most important conference, no matter how badly or well you do. Just remember to have fun and make the best out of your time!

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