2017-2018 North American Collegiate Model U.N. All-Star Team
byConna WalshonMay 22, 2018
Purpose: The purpose of the North American Collegiate Model UN All-Star Team is to recognize exemplary individuals in the college MUN community who have made a difference inside and outside of committee. These sometimes represent but are not necessarily limited to just the best delegates or award winners; conferences already determine those accolades. Rather, the College MUN All-Star Team should be representative of the best and most respected leaders in the community. They are diplomatic and skilled in committee, help strengthen the relationships between schools, provide thoughtful leadership, and make the Model UN experience better for everyone.
Process: College students who participated in at least one college Model United Nations conference in North America were eligible to submit one nomination form of up to ten students on the college circuit. Because of the All-Star Team’s emphasis on community, students were only allowed to nominate up to two delegates from their own school and were not allowed to nominate themselves. The nomination process took place from April 23 – 30, 2018, and was promoted to a wide range of universities by the Best Delegate Media team. Each nominated name received one vote. Ballots were manually edited for spelling inconsistencies and manually checked for validity; only votes from valid ballots counted in the final numbers. Delegates receiving the top number of votes were given All-Star team honors divided into three tiers that reflect the percentage of votes received: 11 First Team, 11 Second Team, and 18 Third Team.
Credits: Best Delegate Program Manager Conna Walsh contacted Head Delegates and other college Model UNers to source the All-Star Team biographies and photos. Thank you to all the individuals who contributed biographies, and thanks to everyone on the circuit for participating in recognizing their peers for leadership in the community.
All names are in alphabetical order by last name within each tier. Biographies and photos are provided by the All-Star’s peers. This year’s biographers represented some of the top delegates on the circuit that were friends, teammates, and competitors of All-Star Team members.
College Model UN All-Star Team (First Team)
Rishi Bhargava University of California, Los Angeles
In the last few years, Rishi’s flair for constructive debate and bloc-building in unmods has made him one of the best delegates UCLA has seen. Serving as a Head Delegate and the Director of Travel Team for UCLA in his senior year, he started off the season by picking up an award at CMUNNY, and then received a gavel three-peat by winning Best Delegate awards at TrojanMUN, AggieMUN, and HNMUN, making the season his best performance ever. Under his leadership, UCLA picked up delegation awards at CMUNNY, TrojanMUN, SBIMUN, AggieMUN, and UCBMUN. Affectionately known as the “team mom,” Rishi has been an exceptional leader and head delegate for the UCLA team for the last two years, constantly making sure that every delegate has a good time at the conferences they attend. As a friend and mentor to not only UCLA delegates, but to numerous delegates across the circuit, Rishi will be sorely missed by MUN at UCLA.
Shankar Chelliah University of California, Los Angeles
Muthushankar “Hoot Hoot” Chelliah is a graduating senior, finishing off a powerful and impressive four-year run on the circuit. Since joining Model UN in his freshman year, Shankar has racked up numerous gavels during his career, including two from HNMUN and ChoMUN this past season. However, Shankar’s impact extends far beyond his award count; he is a veritable West Coast icon, beloved by nearly all who know him (and his sick owl tattoo). This year, he was responsible for leading UCLA to their greatest success yet as co-Head Delegate, and ensuring UCLA’s continued superior excellence as Director of Training. Following his graduation, he will work in investment banking, where he will finally be free to wear his large collection of Patagonia vests. His friends and teammates cannot wait to see what he will accomplish in the years to come. Shankar will be sorely missed following his departure, but he will certainly never be forgotten.
Dominick DeFazio New York University
Dominick Defazio is a senior majoring in Business and Political Economy at NYU, graduating this May. He joined MUN his freshman year, where an impressive early record of awards led him to spearhead the NYUMUN Global Initiative during his sophomore year, establishing the NYULondon MUN club and travel team. As a junior he served as head delegate and this past year he has gaveled at multiple major conferences including UPMUNC, HNMUN, and CHOMUN. Outside of MUN he can usually be found channeling his passion for entrepreneurship and social impact into his startup MarketVote, biking around the city, climbing walls and hosting great parties.
Dominick is recognized by many across the circuit for his charisma, work ethic and dedication to MUN. Close friends will remark on his unparalleled sense of adventure and daring personality. Dominick is an invaluable teammate, a knowledgeable teacher, and a great friend, and we wish him the greatest success in his future endeavors.
Georgina Kenchington Georgetown University
A senior at Georgetown University, Georgina Kenchington’s graduation will certainly leave a Geo-sized hole in the hearts of not only her teammates, but the entire circuit. Georgina has a knack for not only endearing herself to her competitors, but making lasting friendships across ranking rivalries and JCC lines, and truly and deeply cares about everyone she befriends, making her not only a wonderful competitor but above all else, a fantastic friend. Creative, assertive, and at times scarily convincing, Georgina served as Georgetown’s head delegate, ad hoc CM, and high school conference’s coordinated crisis CM, and truly established her legacy as a queen of crisis, gaveling 3 committees while putting literal blood sweat and tears into running the GU team. Never one to stop doing MUN, Geo will be working with a Model UN company in India next year.
Kevin Markowski Florida International University
Although lot can be said about the person many folks recognize as “the Kevin,” no one defined the Model United Nations circuit better than he did. Described as “writing like Alexander Hamilton,” Kevin’s approach to Model UN embodied the best of the activity: substantive, research-based, and as seen by his recognition at HNMUN this year, highly diplomatic. Despite early “setbacks” at NCSC and CMUNNY this year, the circuit’s most prolific gavel machine would solidify his position among all-time greats by ending his career with 16 total gavels, with many of the coming in Ad-Hoc committees. Beyond awards, Kevin made an incredible effort in his time doing MUN to get to know as many others as he could. Always smiling, ready to meet others, and supportive of his many friends on the circuit, he will be missed sorely by both FIU and the entire Model UN community.
Corinne Riley University of Chicago
Corinne Riley is a graduating senior and president of the UChicago team. On the circuit, she is a force to be reckoned with, slaying all committees who have had the chance to be graced by her presence. From competing on some of the largest committees on the circuit, to ending her MUN career as a faceless intern, Corinne has effortlessly transcended almost all areas of this activity you can think of. As president of UChicago’s traveling team this past year, she led the team to win all six conferences attended and has acted as a both role model and mom to its members and beyond. To be totally honest, if the team could buy out Morgan Stanley’s offer so she could stay on as president, they would in a heartbeat. Aside from eating eggs all day every day, towering over everyone in her incredible array of heels, lingering around the Reg library’s first floor distracting everyone, or just saving the environment one double sided print at a time, her love for this activity and her embodiment of it overall aims will be missed greatly next year. Goodnight Moon!
Michelle Rosario Florida International University
Michelle Rosario is a graduating senior from Florida International University. This past year she served as Head Delegate making her final marks on the circuit. This year alone, Michelle participated in 9 conferences, earning Best Delegate at 6 of them and Outstanding Delegate for the remaining 3. Michelle went from not traveling her first semester on the team to awarding at every single conference she has been to, and finished her MUN career with 8 gavels. Such success is due to her compassionate leadership, her sassy determination, and relentless amount of preparation and research she put into every committee. She’s been an inspiration & mentor to the younger generation of FIUs team and a tremendous leader. Those who have competed with Michelle can attest to her authenticity and high respect for all those around her. Michelle’s personality has allowed her to make life-long friends in committee and has earned her the title “Queen of the GAs” on the circuit. Michelle left her mark on both FIUs team and the circuit and will be deeply missed.
Ellie Tingstad Michigan State University
Ellie Tingstad is a rising senior studying Economics at Michigan State University. Ellie is one of MSU’s best delegates, winning awards at all 4 conferences she attended this year. She is constantly inspiring the the rest of MSU’s team to strive to reach her level of competition and a valuable member of the team. Beyond her competitive nature, she is respected across the circuit for her fun and ferocious attitude in and outside of committee. There’s never a dull moment with Ellie, whether it be sassy remarks all weekend long at conferences, or her yelling “YAAAS” as her friends around the circuit win awards during closing ceremonies. She has made lifelong friends through Model UN and will surely make more as she goes into her senior year.
Ishaan Veen University of Virginia
As a first year, Ishaan has left his mark on the college MUN circuit. Coming off hot with a two streak win at NCSC and CMUNNY, Ishaan has impressed some seasoned veterans from the college circuit while also inspiring his fellow younger delegates. Having a knack for creative (and devious) crisis arcs, Ishaan ensures that committee is a fun and suspenseful time. Picking up the baton as one of UVA’s head delegates, Ishaan is sure to take the team to new heights while continuing with his stellar performance across the board.
Ayelet Zamek Michigan State University
Ayelet Zamek is a graduating senior at Michigan State University, with a degree in International Relations with minors in Russian and Eurasian Studies and Geographic Information Science. She has spent the last four years representing Michigan State, and she is really the embodiment of what it means to be a Spartan. Ayelet has served as an example to the rest of MSU’s team of what a best delegate should be: confident, poised, and capable of dealing with whatever committee might bring. She has been successful in every kind of committee, whether it be a double-del GA or an unexpected crisis. In addition to showing up for committee, she has also been instrumental in representing MSU at del fest with her zest for life. When not competing, Ayelet has also been the chair of several innovative committees for Michigan State’s high school conference, MSUMUN, and has also served as a Secretariat member. Ayelet has left a lasting legacy in MUN at Michigan State, and we can’t wait see what amazing things she does next.
Kara Zielinski George Washington University
Kara Zielinski is a graduating senior who, after four amazing years at GW, has left her mark on the team and on the circuit. A frequent GA delegate, Kara brought in an incredible 20 awards in 4 years, while balancing a demanding biophysics schedule, and leading the team for over two years. Anyone who has been in committee with Kara has seen how incredibly passionate she is about MUN, but more than that, they have seen how much she cares about all of her friends on the circuit. On the circuit, she will be remembered for those late Friday night mergers and her composed demeanor during the toughest of Q&As. At GW, she will be remembered as the person who led the team to new heights, who fiercely believed in all of her delegates, and who, above all, deeply cares about her team. Kara will leave an great hole in the hearts of all those who know her, she will continue her journey in Germany next year as a Fulbright Research Fellow.
College Model UN All-Star Team (Second Team)
Shravan Balaji University of Pennsylvania
Shravan Balaji is a phenomenal delegate, crisis director, leader, person, and friend. Shravan’s dedication and passion for Model UN is astounding to anyone who knows him, and is unmatched by anyone he encounters on the circuit. Despite many questionable decisions he may make, like competing in three Ad-Hoc committees back-to-back-to-back weekends, Shravan still manages to be an incredibly successful delegate, and leader for his team. Anyone who has the pleasure or horror of encountering Shravan in committee knows that if there is a crisis arc involving sports, it’s probably him. Shravan is the kind of guy who will have a smile on his face when things get crazy in committee. Not because it’s his arc, but because he just loves when all goes nuts. Shrav, congrats on another fantastic year, buddy. May next year be your best one yet.
Alex Clement University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Alex Clement is someone who is extremely committed to Model United Nations. He works hard to get others excited about the club at the University of Tennessee, and always manages to work hard and excel at each conference he attends. Alex was the Secretary General of the last high school conference put on at the University of Tennessee, and will be the Vice President of the club going into his senior year. His commitment to the message of diplomacy emphasized through Model a United Nations is unmatched by many.
Elodie Currier Georgetown University
Elodie began a powerhouse year with back-to-back gavels at CMUNNY and BARMUN, setting the tone for what would be her strongest showing yet. She went on to win awards at UPMUNC, McMUN, and CHOMUN, proving herself just as comfortable in the GA room as the crisis suite. Throughout it all, Elodie has emerged as not just as GUMUN’s most consistent member, but also one of its most committed. Distinguished for her diplomatic approach to MUN, Elodie is known for elevating the level of debate in committee, finding consensus where there is none, and moving committee forward in a way that enriches the experience for all those in it. A rising senior, she will go on to serve as CEO of GIRA (the parent organization for NCSC and its sister conference NAIMUN) next year, during which she will continue to compete for GUMUN and prove herself both a formidable opponent and friend to those on the circuit.
Renda Ding New York University
Out of the hundreds of thousands of delegates around the world, Renda Ding stands unmatched in her absolute sincerity, impossible friendliness, and sheer intelligence. Her awards record aside (five total: two gavels from ChoMUN, a gavel from Harvard, another two from European conferences), Renda is different than most. No one walks away from a conference with more friends, more admirers of her beautifully planned crisis arcs, or more respect for her Model UN skill. She epitomizes a “best delegate” through her gift in convincing even the most hostile power delegates that diplomacy comes first.
Renda joined Model UN during her Sophomore year in London. She was a founding member of the outpost of the main club, probably for the free pizza, and immediately dominated GAs across Europe. Upon returning to NYC, Renda turned her attention to Crisis, and quickly became a phenomenal MUN generalist, taking home GA and Crisis gavels from the most competitive of conferences. Her kindness, endless willpower, and undeniable brilliance have solidified her name in Model UN halls of fame across the world.
Muhammad Fusenig University of California, Davis
Witty, charismatic, and the embodiment of professionalism, Muhammad Fusenig is a rising senior and the outgoing President of MUN at UC Davis. One of the fiercest crisis delegates on the West Coast, Muhammad is the delegate you’re relieved isn’t targeting you in committee. The minute debate is suspended, he’s the delegate inviting everyone to enjoy hundreds of McNuggets at 3AM. His undying loyalty to the West Coast, his club, and his friends makes him one of the most loved delegates on the circuit. Coupled with his powerful speeches and brilliant crisis arcs, his ability to empathize makes him a true force wherever he competes. Muhammad’s philosophy of Model UN is a relentless pursuit of a better, more inclusive circuit for everyone. He is a leader who stands by his teammates and will always be there to help. As President, Muhammad led UC Davis to its most successful MUN season ever, ending with the Best Large Delegation award at LAMUN. Muhammad will continue serving his club as a delegate and mentor in his senior year.
Anson Mersereau George Washington University
Anson Mersereau is a graduating senior from the George Washington University. He is truly a crisis delegate through and through. He loves every crazy crisis arc he can come up with and is always willing to help others with theirs. His love of MUN continues to inspire underclassmen into trying crisis committees for the first time. He also served on GW’s Head Delegate Apparatus for two years. This past year, he became the King of Crisis serving as WAMUNC’s USG for Crisis, in which he helped others perfect their committees. He has been a mentor and friend to everyone he has met both at GW and on the circuit. His talent, creativity, and infectious laugh will be greatly missed in the crisis committees he thrived in.
Mohammad Qayum University of California, Davis
Mohammad Qayum is one of the most endearing, driven, and skilled delegates that UC Davis has ever seen. He is confident and kindhearted, and has been an invaluable addition to Davis and the West Coast Circuit. While boasting an impressive resume of four intercollegiate gavels, coupled with an innumerable collection of Outstanding and Honorable awards, Mohammad is not only one of the most successful delegates in Davis MUN history, but one of the most kind and genial individuals you could ever meet. Rising to legendary status, Mohammad helped lead Davis to its most successful campaign ever, including Outstanding Small Delegation at TrojanMUN and Best Large Delegation at LAMUN. This past year he could be heard espousing his favorite motto, “West Coast Best Coast,” which to him is the culmination of the tremendous growth he has seen (and helped contribute to) over the past few years. With this said, there is no doubt that Mohammad Qayum will lead UC Davis to even greater heights as the most successful Secretary-General in Davis history.
Judson Rogers University of California, Santa Cruz
Whether it be for his antics outside committee or for his skill as a crisis delegate, it’s hard to find someone on the West Coast who hasn’t heard of Judson Rogers. Beginning his Model UN career at Diablo Valley College and continuing on through his time at UCSC, Judson has won the first gavel for his school’s team — twice. Being one of the founding members of the UCSC travel team, Judson has served as the Head Delegate of SlugMUN for the past two years. His work in team education, skill as a crisis director, and passion for debate have been instrumental in driving the organization’s growth during this time. For all who know him, it is impossible to deny the mastery, creativity, and dedication with which Judson has approached and conquered each crisis he’s been involved in. It’s been a heck of a ride with Judson on our team and, while his absence will be sorely felt when he graduates, we look forward to seeing all that he will accomplish.
Caroline Rose American University
Caroline Rose is a superstar. A graduating senior at American University, she has been a staple of the circuit for the last four years. Her talent and wit have made both the American University team and the circuit as a whole a better place since she joined. She has worked tirelessly as both Head Delegate and CEO of the IR Society to grow the AU team as well as performing spectacularly every time she traveled this year, in addition to being editor-in-chief of the undergraduate IR policy magazine, taking classes, and still making time for her friends. She is planning on putting her love of London and Middle Eastern policy together at the London School of Economics next year, where hopefully she can still make pancakes and find time to go monumenting. No matter what, her leaving the circuit will create a massive hole that will be hard to fill, and we’re extraordinarily sad to see her go, even if it is on to bigger and better things.
Tristan Smith University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tristan Smith is a graduating senior at the University of Tennessee and president of the school’s Model United Nations Club. A native of Maryville, Tennessee, Tristan has been the president of UT’s Model UN organization since his sophomore year.
Tristan is graduating with a degree in political science with an honors concentration and as a Howard Baker Scholar. He will be working on former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen’s Senate campaign this summer before entering law school in the fall. He has previously interned for Congressman John Duncan Jr. and Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam.
Tristan’s long tenure as the university’s MUN President has seen the club’s membership and activity grow in ways that will leave a longstanding mark on the club’s history. His guidance and dedication to Model UN and the university have made him a welcoming role model and an invaluable friend to everyone in the club. We wish him only the best and have no doubt in his future success as he moves into the professional world.
Joe Wagner American University
Joe Wagner has made a lasting impression on the collegiate circuit—but most importantly has served irrevocably as one of AU Model UN’s most legendary delegates. It is no surprise that Joe made it to All-Stars this year because he has become somewhat of a circuit meme: his fake student government campaign was the subject of a D.C. area Model UN party; Joe is such good friends with outside teams that he has become a “hybrid” member of W&M, Georgetown, and West Point; even Joe’s face and name has even been used as conference promotional material (in coloring book form)—simply because he is loved and recognized by his peers. The All-Star rankings are wonderful because they recognize impactful friends to all, like Joe Wagner. This list isn’t constructed based on awards data or endless knowledge about geopolitics, but rather focused on character, grit, and leadership from behind. Joe’s lack of an official head delegate status on the team does not negate his impact—he’s been a friend, an open ear, and a supporter to all that have approached him. While he’s not leaving DC and we are sure he will keep his door open for friends looking to eat under-cooked pasta on his incredibly stained carpet, the AU MUN team will be missing out next year.
College Model UN All-Star Team (Third Team)
Jackson Armstrong United States Military Academy at West Point
Jackson Armstrong has been a true force of nature on the inter-collegiate circuit and or West Point’s program at large. Despite Jack being an unshakable debater, exemplary leader, and meme extraordinaire – he will be the first to deny the weight of his impact upon teammates, friends, and delegates. He helped the West Point Model UN team collectively architect one of the most realistic inter-agency simulations at WPMUNI in 2016 and 2017, and has thrived in a myriad of ad hoc committees this year. But it is Jack’s demeanor, friendliness, and candor that will be truly missed by all.
Grace Bandeen University of Southern California
Grace is a graduating senior at USC, double-majoring in International Relations and Cinema/Media Studies. In her four years, Grace has been instrumental in bringing a unique culture and motivation to USC’s team. After four years of high school MUN, Grace came full force into the college circuit, racking up one Outstanding Delegate award after the next, finishing off her career with gavels at McMUN and LAMUN in 2018. Grace “Crisis Queen” Bandeen is known across the circuit for her creative crisis arcs and fearless personality, making her an impressive delegate and an even more impressive crisis director. As Director of Crisis Training, Grace shared her expertise with USC Model UN; her passion for international politics has led her to be a role model along the West Coast. On top of her MUN experience, Grace is graduating with an honors thesis in IR focused on oil. Although her Trojan family is certainly going to miss her, we are excited to see where she will go in life.
Aric Chang University of California, Berkeley
Some may ask, who is Aric Chang? Well, where to begin… the definition of the American Dream, Aric Chang was born in Taipei City, Taiwan and moved to the U.S. at a mere 3 years old. As a political, economic, and cultural hub for Taiwan, Taipei set the stage for our beloved young Aric to do great things. After moving across the Pacific pond, Aric attended Diamond Bar High School where he was briefly introduced to MUN. Upon attending Berkeley, he joined UCBMUN, a realm of pure adrenaline, intellect, and competitive spirit. The adolescent Aric Chang had discovered his true passion. Even though he wasn’t able to attend the University of Chicago, it worked out for the better as he completed his MUN career 3 for 3 with ChoMUN gavels. He also served as UCBMUN crisis head delegate for spring 2017-2018. Aric is known for his humble yet competitive demeanor and genuine compassion for everyone lucky enough to call him a friend. As a graduating senior, we’re sad to see him go, but he’s on to bigger and better things. We love you Aric! #westcoastbestcoast
Seth Fiderer College of William & Mary
Seth Fiderer is a rising junior at the College of William & Mary and the incoming Head Delegate of the Model UN team. He made a big splash on the circuit last year as a freshman, accruing several awards and making just as many friends. Seth excels in both crisis and GA committees, but he has a special place in his heart for all topics and committees related to the environment. If you haven’t heard him talk about the Environmental Kuznet’s Curve, you probably haven’t competed against him. Widely known across the team and the circuit for having some of the most intricate and well-thought-out crisis plans, Seth is a force to be reckoned with inside of the committee room. He also has an unrivaled charisma which enables him to make friends wherever he goes. Seth is a tenacious delegate, a fearless leader, and an even better friend, who will undoubtedly lead the William & Mary team to further success next year and in the years to come.
John Govern United States Military Academy at West Point
John Govern, a junior at West Point, has certainly made a distinct impact in the circuit through his three years in college MUN. When he’s not raving about his semester in France, he can be found in committee devising brilliant crisis arcs and making poignant speeches to drive home his talking points. John has succeeded in all different types of committees throughout the year, winning awards in general assemblies and crisis committees alike. John also has begun to fill his role as the Ad-Hoc delegate for next year, participating and gaveling in NYUMUNC’s Ad-Hoc. John not only captivates delegates with his words, but his friendly and approachable demeanor. Wholesome, genuine, and ready to send a meme at a moment’s notice, John has undoubtedly contributed positively to the MUN circuit. Next year, John will serve as the Head Delegate of the West Point team, carrying on a strong legacy of passion, competition, and friendliness that the team is known for.
Lily Harty University of Southern California
Lily Darragh Harty is a graduating senior at the University of Southern California, and she is certainly not your conventional MUN All-Star. As the former President of USC Model United Nations, Lily transformed the club from a group of students interested in IR into a competitive team and close-knit family. She has not only born witness to her team’s growth, but also played a first-hand role in it. For conferences, Lily has traveled all over the continent, and staffed TrojanMUN and SCMUN as a USG and as a chair. In addition to her innumerable MUN accomplishments, she has excelled even further as a film student. As a Film and Television Production major, she was one of only a handful of students to be selected to direct a senior thesis film: “The Fringes.” Around the circuit, Lily is known for her soft smile and bubbly spirit, but don’t let her kind-hearted demeanor fool you––she’s there to win. The credits may be rolling for Lily’s MUN series finale, but don’t be surprised if the next time you hear her name is at the Academy Awards!
Stephan Horler Florida International University
Stephan Horler is a graduating senior from Florida International University with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Political Science. On the circuit and among his peers, he is notorious for knowing something about almost everything. Stephan is characterized through his “out of this world” creativity, complex plans and detailed notes. This past semester he competed in 4 conferences where he earned a top award in each one including the Best Delegate award from major conferences HNMUN and CHOMUN. All across the circuit, Stephan has created a network of “bros” that respect and admire him for his presence both inside and out of committee. After committee you can probably find him sharing gentlemen’s fashion tips, luxury watch guidance, or general life advice to anyone who asks for it. In Stephan you will find an amazing delegate and even more amazing friend. His retirement from the circuit will definitely leave a void – just like his man-bun did.
Daniel Montoya Harvard University
Daniel Montoya has been a force to be reckoned with on the circuit for the last four years. He has previously served as Harvard’s head delegate, DG of HMUN India, and he has gone above and beyond not just for his team, but for others he’s competed against. While he may have a soft spot for Disney (a position which he awarded with), Dan has proven himself in every committee he’s competed in. Dan isn’t just a fantastic delegate, but is also a friend of the circuit as a whole, and he has consistently given advice not just to members his team, but rather his friends across the board when it came down to it. He will be truly missed next year and is wished the best of luck! Dan isn’t just a fantastic delegate, but rather is an incredibly talented friend to all who will do what it takes for what he believes in!
Aradhana Parikh University of Chicago
In a year of record-breaking performance for the University of Chicago, all of the team agrees that they could not have done it without Aradhana Parikh. As the Team Director, Aradhana has been a driving force behind all of the successes that UChicago delegates have had- both in committee rooms and in their personal lives. On the circuit, Aradhana has frequented several Ad-Hocs and UNSCs where she’s been loved by many because of her seamless ability to get along with anyone. On campus, she’s led her team with a collected sense of confidence, passion, and a genuine care for every single individual. For the other members of her team’s leadership, Aradhana has served as a role model of the ideal professional and the perfect friend. For the rest of her team and the circuit as a whole, Aradhana is an example of a person who achieves everything she sets her eyes on. She’ll be dearly missed by all of us, but will continue to shine as a role model as she excels in her career with Boston Consulting Group and beyond.
Luxi Peng New York University
Luxi has been on the circuit since her freshman year and her presence has been felt in every committee she’s been in. She has become NYU’s GA queen and has done committee after committee, all in 6 inch stilettos. She has been the designated team mom, team robot, and NYU’s favorite dog lover over the past 4 years. The circuit won’t be the same without her and she will be incredibly missed. The team loves her immensely and isn’t looking to lose this MUN All-Star, but we wish her all the best and cannot wait to see her kill it in those heels in boardrooms instead of committee rooms.
Genevieve Pool Georgetown University
Gen Pool is a rising senior in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, majoring in coloring and why capitalism is bad. Although she loves being the mastermind of anything crisis while in the crisis suite, Ms. Pool peddles the rumor that she refuses to compete in anything but GA’s. Outside of MUN, she works with kids, is planning a big auction, and lives for New Student Orientation and senior dis-Orientation. Ms. Pool is one of the pillars of the Georgetown MUN program, and is setting herself to not only succeed on the circuit for her final year, but also to make some wonderful friends while doing so. Cheers to the best “nice on the outside, but infinitely petty on the inside” delegate we know, Gen Pool!
Matthew Rappe Michigan State University
Matthew Rappe is a rising senior and true gem on the MSU team and the circuit. Hailing from Chicago, Matt has been involved in Model United Nations and passionate about all things Middle Eastern since high school. In addition, Matt’s enthusiasm and creativity in and outside of committee makes him a force to be reckoned with on and off the circuit. His approachable and energetic personality makes him one of the most beloved delegates on and off the MSU team. Matt has made significant efforts to increase a sense of community within the travel team to ensure that everyone feels included and confident as delegates and as individuals. Over the course of his MUN career, Matt has won several noteworthy awards, most recently in Kurdish and Iranian committees. Next year, Matt will make his final impact at MSU by serving as USG of Crisis for MSUMUN, MSU’s high school conference.
Oksana Ryjouk American University
Oksana Ryjouk is one of the most ebullient delegates on the circuit—hands-down. Anyone that knows or has competed with Oksana is well-aware of her keen ability to make anyone feel welcome and included. As a exemplary leader and crisis maestro on the AU Model UN team, Oksana has been an asset to Head Delegates wishing to improve team skillsets and to newcomers, looking for a friendly source of encouragement. While her navigation skills are sub-par at best, her success on the circuit has been invaluable for the team’s ascent from top #75 her freshman year to top #8 this fall—to which she worked tirelessly for along with the team’s seniority and members at large. While the team jokes that Oksana would rather be a Hoya delegate because she hangs out with them all of the time, she’s been an amazing channel for AU’s team to meet and grow to love other teams on the circuit. AU will be missing a monumental part of its team next year without Oksana.
Derrick Siebman United States Military Academy at West Point
Derrick Siebman is graduating with a degree in Economics from the United States Military Academy at West Point. He served as Cadet-in-Charge this year, winning more than a handful of individual awards and leading the team to win delegation awards at TrojanMUN, UCBMUN, MedMUN and NYUMUNC. Derrick’s relationship with Model UN is complicated to say the least, but when he’s not grumbling about Sunday sessions or crisis arc reveals, Derrick is one of the most talented, brilliant, and personable delegates to compete on the circuit. Though he probably won’t miss Model UN, Derrick will certainly miss all of the people that he has befriended along the way. Derrick looks forward to moving on beyond the world of Model UN to commission into the U.S. Army as an officer and attend flight school at the end of the summer. His (mostly) calm demeanor, commanding presence, and love for economics and the Army Team will be sorely missed by both the West Point MUN Team and the circuit.
Suraag Srinivas Georgetown University
Suraag Srinivas is a sophomore in Georgetown’s SFS majoring in Science, Technology, and International Affairs with a concentration in Business, Growth and Development. While the National Collegiate Security Conference may be his natural habitat, this year Suraag was a force to be reckoned with on the circuit (as were his continuously questionable tie choices). In committee, Suraag is always one of the most energetic and passionate people in the room, and he was was more than willing to stay up at all hours to do what was necessary for his friends and the rest of his team. Catch him leading a fantastic NCSC next year as SG!
Jake Stoffel United States Military Academy at West Point
Jake Stoffel is a rising senior at the United States Military Academy, where he studies history. Since joining West Point Model UN at the start of his sophomore year, Jake has been a favorite both on the team and beyond. His authentic Connecticut charm and expert eyeglass wear have won acclaim all around the circuit. With a smile and a smooth rebuttal, he can win hearts and arguments equally well, as both his committee performance and his wide-ranging friendships can attest. There is perhaps no one alive today that exemplifies genuine good-naturedness and honesty better than Jake. After closing this year out with a handful of gavels and a consistently stellar individual performance, Jake will move into a critical role on the West Point Model UN team next year and will undoubtedly help lead the team to even more success.
Aaron Tarajos University of California, Berkeley
There are two types of people in this world: those who fight, and those who surrender. Aaron “Chad” Tarajos is a fighter. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania to a humble, middle-class family, Aaron grew up moving from place to place every few years. With his fighting spirit and nomadic lifestyle, Aaron was born to do MUN. Starting off his MUN career in Diablo Valley College, Aaron endlessly attended conferences. By the time he joined UCBMUN, Aaron had racked up 22 conferences, more than any other person on the team. A MUN kingpin and cunning Crisis delegate, Aaron takes no survivors, taking his most recent gavel from ChoMUN 2018. With his sharp wit and boisterous attitude, Aaron is well-loved by many on the circuit. A quintessential frat star, Aaron will power move his entire Committee with a fresh navy blazer, blue and gold Berkeley tie, and brown leather Sperry’s. Though many of his friends are graduating, we trust Aaron to carry on our legacy in his last year on the circuit. Love you, bro.
Malvika Varma University of California, Los Angeles
Ever since joining Model United Nations at UCLA as a freshman, Malvika Varma had but one dream: to overthrow the Indian Patriarchy. Over the last few years, Malvika’s ability to command a committee room, weave together a crisis arc like no other, and cry at the slightest bit of turbulence on a flight have made her one of the most powerful and endearing delegates on the circuit. This past year, she has picked up awards at CMUNNY, TrojanMUN, HNMUN, UCBMUN, and ChoMUN, including winning 100 percent of the gavels that went to the West Coast at UCBMUN. Serving as one of the USG’s of Crisis Committees at LAMUN, Malvika has also been a constant pillar of support for many members of MUN at UCLA. After watching three Indian male Presidents pass by, she has finally accomplished her dream of toppling the Indian Patriarchy and sits atop as the President, establishing the first Indian Matriachy in the club’s history.