6+ Things Advisors Want from Model UN Conferences

Faculty Advisors are the teachers that lead student groups to Model UN Conferences and build Model UN Clubs. These advisors are a huge part of conferences as they often choose conferences, and prepare students for said conferences. Here are a few of the things Faculty Advisors want from Model UN Conferences…


  1. Strong Learning Outcomes. Faculty Advisors want students to leave conferences with a clear knowledge of what they learned and how to improve on it. Students should be able to identify what their Model UN and academic strengths and weaknesses are, and how to improve them.
  2. Every Delegate Speaks. Faculty Advisors want to encourage their students to participate in the conference, and a large part of the MUN Conference experience is public speaking. That’s why it can often be frustrating for Faculty Advisors to invest so much time in bringing students to conferences and some of them not having the opportunity to speak. That’s why it is a big deal for Faculty Advisors that every student has the opportunity and is highly encouraged to make a speech.
  3. Clear and Fast Communication With Conference Staff. Advisors want to be able to reach conference staff within a short period of time in order to handle logistical issues and manage student training and country assignments.

    Students participating in simulations held at the Model UN Institute.

  4. Preparation Made Easy. Faculty Advisors want their students to feel prepared and confident to perform at conferences without needing to spend too much time on it. Some of the ways this can be done include clear training guides and simple instructions on how to move forward.
  5. Strong Informative Background Guides. Advisors want to see simple, clear, media-rich Background Guides that can give students a starting point for the conference while making sure they offer them academic insight into the topic. This is a great way for Faculty Advisors to guarantee students feel confident about the content of the conference.
  6. Highly Trained and Highly Engaged Chairs. Faculty Advisors want to feel confident when they leave their students to more experienced student officers. Faculty Advisors care about the student leaders in the room that are role-models for their own delegates.
  7. [Bonus] Advisor Workshops. Faculty Advisors want the opportunity to learn more about Model UN themselves and be able to support their students in the future, as well as learn tips and tricks that can assist their students in building their Model UN and academic success.


Here are some of the ways the Best Delegate Model UN Conference 2019 puts these things together. BDMUNC offers personalized feedback to every delegate in order to offer them strong learning outcomes. At BDMUNC, every delegate will get the opportunity to speak. BDMUNC has a 48 hour email response time to ensure strong and clear communication with Faculty Advisors. BDMUNC offers training guides, a training plan, and strong Background Guides that are made in collaboration with UN Organizations and NGOs that work directly on the topics. Best Delegate is also known as one of the leading Model UN organizations and has hired some of the top Model UN superstars to staff BDMUNC as chairs and Secretariat. Finally, BDMUNC will offer Professional Development and an Advisor Workshop for Advisors to take their Model UN journey to the next level. Learn more here.

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