Dear Model United Nations Community,
We are devastated by the murder of George Floyd and other members of the Black community in the United States. Police violence is an alarming problem around the world, and each death is an incalculable loss.

Our mission at Best Delegate is to empower students to solve global challenges. Through Model United Nations, we promote global citizenship education, and we help students understand global issues, including racism, inequity, and injustice.
We support the hard work of community organizers across the nation and around the globe to educate people about the realities of racism and violence faced by Black communities every day. They should not have to bear the responsibility of educating others, but they do the work nonetheless.
We also recognize that historically, Black students and students of color have been severely underrepresented in Model United Nations in the United States at all age levels.
As an organization, we have an obligation to amplify Black voices in our community and provide a platform to share their experiences and solutions, and a space for the community to listen and learn. We will be hosting a virtual panel of Black Model UN student leaders in the coming weeks. We will share more details on our social media and homepage as they become available.
We are proud to be part of a global community of students, teachers, and professionals who work to solve global issues every day. We look forward to fostering meaningful discussions about racial justice in America and how each of us can work to make positive change.
Kevin Felix Chan & Ryan Villanueva
Co-Founders, Best Delegate