WFUNA International Model United Nations (WIMUN) is the flagship Model UN conference hosted and organized by the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA). After a successful first session in Rome, the second annual WIMUN will take place November 10-14, 2015 at the United Nations Headquarters and the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City.
WIMUN is now recruiting for its Secretariat positions, and Best Delegate is highly encouraging university Model UN participants to apply! We have worked closely with WFUNA in the past and can confidently say that this will be a high profile event as it brings the UNDPI’s UN4MUN procedure to a Model UN conference at the UN Headquarters for the first time.
Here are three reasons to apply for the WIMUN Secretariat:
1. Organize the most accurate simulation of the United Nations
WFUNA has been working closely with the UN’s Department of Public Information (UNDPI), Best Delegate, and other Model UN education experts to introduce a set of Rules of Procedures which best reflect the actual practice of the UN Security Council and General Assembly. These are significantly different from how most Model UN conferences currently operate, and it will be a great learning experience for any serious MUN student who wants to learn from the actual UN. You can learn more at the UN4MUN website or our recap of it here.
2. Your chance to work for a conference with sessions in the United Nations Headquarters in New York!
WIMUN grants Secretariat members and delegates access to the United Nations General Assembly, as opening and closing plenary and ceremonies will be held in the actual (newly renovated) UN GA Hall. Coming from someone who has organized Model UN conferences at the UN, it’s both a thrilling and rewarding experience to be able to give back to delegates from around the world at a location that most delegates would consider to be the pinnacle of the Model UN experience — the UN itself!
3. Meet the people who work in the United Nations
The WIMUN conference features intensive training workshops, briefing by UN Agencies, and Plenary Session in the United Nations. It aims to create a Model UN experience that differs from the traditional conference setting and provides added educational components to foster youth participation in international political affairs. There will be opportunities to work closely with WFUNA, UN staff, and experts in academia in preparation for this conference. This is essentially a high-powered workshop and a MUN conference combined, so the opportunity to organize it from behind-the-scenes will allow for closer meetings with UN staff than usual.
Secretariat Positions
WFUNA is excited to announce the call for Secretariat recruitment for WIMUN 2015! They are are looking for a diverse global Secretariat team with international Model UN experience. The positions that are available include:
- Secretary-General (1)
- Under-Secretary-General of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Management (1)
- Under-Secretary-General of Communications and Public Information (1)
- Secretaries/Directors to the United Nations Security Council, Main Committees of the General Assembly, and UN Specialized Agency (7)
Click here to learn more and to apply! Applications are due March 15, 2015 at 23:59 EST.
WIMUN website:
WFUNA website:
E-mail: Frances Lee