After ten years, and with the urging for a new mission to promote the right for students’ international mobility, Diplomatici has carried out a new project “Change the World Model United Nations” (CWMUN). CWMUN was the first academic simulation organized in New York by a non-American association, thanks to the strong collaboration with UNA-USA and Global Classrooms.
Change the World MUN 2012, first edition, took place in NYC from the 29th of March to the 1st of April, and involved more than 1400 students from schools and universities around the world. The conference focused on issues stemming from human rights and renewable energy, topics that allowed students to discuss global problems, embrace a complex analysis of reality, force cross-cultural connections, and reinforce skills in problem solving.
This year Diplomatici is planning two conferences to take place in Italy and the United States: Change the World Model United Nations – Rome (March 8 – 9) and Change the World Model United Nations – New York City (March 13-15). Students will debate topics on the relationship between Human Rights and Access to Water. Diplomatici Association encourages and welcomes any and all high school and university students to apply!
For registration or further information please visit