French DGSE: French intelligence is debating whether to enlist the help of private contractors for its operations in Algeria.
This year, BarMUN IV is taking the “UN” out of “MUN” by running only non-United Nations bodies. Instead, BarMUN is featuring a wide array of crisis committees on two tracks, one modern set in 2011, and one historical set in 1931. Both tracks feature a diverse set of state and non-state actors, from French Intelligence and the Soviet Commintern, to Omega Risk Solutions and the Hizb al-Wafd of Egypt
But that isn’t the only thing that makes this conference unique. BarMUN is a fully integrated crisis conference. That means that all delegates on each committee track can interact with each other, making for an incredibly dynamic crisis experience. So far this weekend, the British Conservative Party has responded to the Italian Grand Council of Fascism’s aggression by fortifying the Suez Canal. Meanwhile, on the modern track, the Elders mediated negotiations between striking Brazilian workers and senators on the country’s Foreign Relations Committee.

On the Soviet Commintern, these comrades are discussing the fate of their colleagues in the Communist Party of India.
In addition to having a good time, delegates are using the BarMUN simulation to examine the interplay between ideology and economic competition in geopolitics, and seek to understand which served as the primary foundation for the conflicts that occurred in 1931 and 2011. BarMUN is hosting a Coffee and Conversation hour tomorrow morning for delegates to reflect on the events of the weekend and hopefully draw some conclusions about the substantive theme.
Delegates are also involved in a number of interesting and eye-opening activities outside of committee. They are raising money for Action Kivu’s development initiatives in the eastern Congo and had the opportunity to hear Alex Hellmuth of the Enough Project speak at opening ceremonies on the turmoil in the DRC. Plus, for this evening’s social event, delegates are embarking on a Boston Harbor boat cruise!

A member of the Omega Risk Solutions Board of Directors writes a directive regarding its contract with SinoHydro Corporation