As a two-time Secretary General of BruinMUN, Jennifer Patton makes sure to create a vision early to execute a successful conference. Creating new committees, including the Continental Congress, and a North Korea/South Korea crisis keeps the content relevant, while the organization works to execute the logistical aspects of the conference.
I also had a chance to interview Asad Ramzanali, last year’s club president and Secretary-General of the 2011 Global Classrooms: Los Angeles Conference. He is also featured in our upcoming e-book, How Model UN Can Help You Get Into College:
Treason! British Spies! One of BruinMUN’s featured committee is the historical crisis committee, the First Continental Congress, as a buildup to the American Revolution. Chair Chris Janney has prepared a cast of characters ready to debate their stance to the British government, all the while operating as individual colonies.

Delegates of the First Continental Congress

The Delegate from New Hampshire
Are you at BruinMUN? Let us know what you think of the conference in the comments!