The COVID crisis has been a challenging situation for everyone. Parents need to ensure the safety and health of their families, adjust to working from home, and now, learn how to homeschool their children. Students should be finishing up the academic year and celebrating the end of middle school, high school, or college — or their final MUN conferences — and instead, many are trying to stay engaged academically and stay connected socially.
We believe in our mission more strongly than ever: to empower students to lead through Model United Nations. We believe that MUN is needed more than ever, to help students understand the current COVID crisis and prepare them to be leaders in a changing world. Despite the crisis, we remain more committed than ever to educating students in world issues and global leadership.

Throughout the last month, over 600 students have signed up to participate in MUN Online Debates. They have discussed critical issues like the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nuclear Disarmament, Equal Representation of Women, and Protecting Endangered Species. They have improved the public speaking and negotiation skills. These amazing students have opted to spend their free time at home to engage in Model United Nations discussions and learn about new topics!

Our students are learning Model United Nations skills from MUN experts. Not only are our staff experienced in teaching at the Model United Nations Institute, but many of our teachers are directly involved in global issues through their professional work in the education, international development, law, and public health sectors. We are so proud to have such a wonderful group of teachers working with our students!
This week, we are launching brand new MUN Online Debates that will take place over the next few weeks. New topics, new friends, and new skills – our students are primed to gain so much from participating! Click below to learn more about our new MUN Online Debates, and join today.