Welcome to the College & University Model United Nations Conference Database! This is a project led by Best Delegate.
How to Use this Database:
- Use this database to search for Model UN Conferences to attend. You can sort and filter by date, city, state, country, etc.
- This database includes links to the conference’s website, if it’s available. We do our best to find conference websites and dates but the latest information may not yet be available, so check back regularly.
- Have a conference you want listed? Submit this form.
Conference Name | Start Date | End Date | City | Country / State | Virtual? | |||
Boston Area Model United Nations (BarMUN) | 10/12/2023 | 10/15/2023 | Boston | MA | https://www.barmun.org/ | sg@barmun.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Trojan Model United Nations (TrojanMUN) | 10/19/2023 | 10/22/2023 | Downtown | LA | https://www.trojanmun.org/ | sg@trojanmun.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Cornell International Affairs Conference (CIAC) | 10/17/2024 | 10/20/2024 | Ithaca | NY | https://www.ciaconline.org/ | sg@ciaconline.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
305 Model United Nations (305MUN) | 10/19/2023 | 10/22/2023 | Coral Gables | FL | www.305mun.org | 305munsecretariat@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Appalachia Regional Model Arab League (ARMAL) | 10/27/2023 | 10/29/2023 | Roanoke | VA | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/armal/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National Collegiate Security Conference (NCSC) | 11/2/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Washington | DC | https://ncsc.modelun.org/ | m.xiong@modelun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of Pennsylvania Model United Nations Conference (UPMUNC) | 11/07/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Philadelphia | PA | https://www.upmunc.org/ | upmunc57dg@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
National Model United Nations DC (NMUN DC) | 11/10/2023 | 11/12/2023 | Washington | DC | https://www.nmun.org/conferences/washington-dc.html | info@nmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Brown University Simulation of the Model United Nations (BUSUN) | 11/10/2023 | 11/12/2023 | Washington | DC | https://www.busun.org/ | sg@busun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of North Carolina Model United Nations Conference (UNCMUNC) | 11/16/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Chapel Hill | NC | uncmunc.org | uncmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Santa Barbara Invitational Model United Nations (SBIMUN) | 11/16/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Santa Barbara | CA | https://www.sbimun.org/ | sbi@ucsbmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Northwest Model United Nations (NWMUN-Seattle) | 11/17/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Seattle | WA | http://seattle.nwmun.org/ | sg.seattle@nwmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
METMUN 2023 | 11/17/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Toronto | ON | https://www.torontometmun.com/ | torontometmun@torontomu.ca | In-person | USA/Canada |
American Model United Nations (AMUN) | 11/18/2023 | 11/21/2023 | Chicago | IL | https://www.amun.org/ | mail@amun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Carleton University Model NATO Conference (MNATO) | 11/23/2023 | 11/26/2023 | Ottawa | ON | https://carleton.ca/mnato/ | carletonmnato@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Krewe de Model United Nations (Krewe de MUN) | 2/1/2024 | 2/4/2024 | New Orleans | LA | https://www.togamun.org | secretarygeneral@togamun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of Florida Model United Nations | 2/8/2024 | 2/11/2024 | Gainesville | FL | http://sunmun.weebly.com/ | sunmun.fl@gmail.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
Washington University Model United Nations Conference (WUMUNC) | 2/22/2024 | 2/25/2024 | St. Louis | MO | https://www.wumunc.org/ | washumunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
North American Model United Nations (NAMUN) | 2/22/2024 | 2/24/2024 | Toronto | ON | https://www.namun.org/ | natalie.cao@namun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Georgia Tech Model United Nations (TechMUN) | 2/23/2024 | 2/25/2024 | Atlanta | GA | https://gtmun.gatech.edu/techmun/ | gatechmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
William & Mary's Collegiate-Level Model United Nations (&MUN) | 4/11/2024 | 4/14/2024 | Williamsburg | VA | https://www.andmun.org/ | secgen@andmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
McGill Model United Nations Assembly (McMUN) | 1/26/2023 | 1/29/2023 | Montreal | QC | https://www.mcmun.org/ | chargee@mcmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Dayton Model United Nations Conference (DAYMUNC) | 2/3/2023 | 2/4/2023 | Dayton | OH | https://www.sinclair.edu/academics/divisions/lcs/pls/daymunc-xxvix-february-4-5-2022/ | secgen.daymunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Texas Model United Nations (TEXMUN) | 2/3/2023 | 2/5/2023 | Austin | TX | https://osgoodcenter.org/2023-texas-model-un/ | swilliams@osgoodcenter.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Sage Model United Nations (SageMUN) | 02/01/2024 | 02/04/2024 | Claremont | California | https://sagemun.squarespace.com/ | sagemunsecretariat@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Nole Model United Nations (NoleMUN) | 2/9/2023 | 2/12/2023 | Tallahassee | FL | https://nolemun.weebly.com/ | nolemun@fsuwap.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
McMaster University Model United Nations (MACMUN) | 2/10/2023 | 2/12/2023 | Spartanburg | SC | https://www.macmun.org/ | usgdelegateaffairs@macmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Marianopolis Model United Nations (MariMUN) | 2/11/2023 | 2/12/2023 | Montreal | QC | https://www.marimun.ca/ | administration@marimun.ca | In-person | USA/Canada |
Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) | 2/16/2023 | 2/19/2023 | Boston | MA | https://www.hnmun.org/ | secgen@hnmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Rocky Mountain Regional Model Arab League (RMMAL) | 2/16/2023 | 2/18/2023 | Provo | UT | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/rmmal/ | delaney@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Michigan Model Arab League (MMAL) | 2/16/2023 | 2/18/2023 | Allendale | MI | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/mmal/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Northwest Model United Nations (NWMUN-Portland) | 2/17/2023 | 2/19/2023 | Portland | OR | http://portland.nwmun.org | sg.portland@nwmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Bilateral U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce Regional Model Arab League (BUSACC) | 2/18/2023 | 2/19/2023 | Houston | TX | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/busacc/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) | 2/22/2023 | 2/25/2023 | St. Louis | MO | https://mmun.org/ | usga@mmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
North America Model United Nations (NAMUN) | 2/23/2023 | 2/25/2023 | Toronto | ON | https://www.namun.org/ | info@namun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Model United Nations at Emory (MUNE) | 2/23/2023 | 2/26/2023 | Atlanta | GA | https://munemory.org/ | mune.secretariat@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
New York University Model United Nations Conference (NYUMUNC) | 3/2/2023 | 3/5/2023 | New York | NY | http://www.nyumunc.org/ | contact@nyumunc.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of California, Berkeley Model United Nations (UCBMUN XXVII) | 3/2/2023 | 3/5/2023 | San Francisco | CA | https://ucbmun.org/ | secretarygeneral@ucbmun.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Model G20 Leaders Summit | 3/3/2023 | 3/5/2023 | Washington | DC | https://modelg20summit.org/ | modelg20@american.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Mexico City International Model United Nations (MIMUN) | 3/9/2023 | 3/12/2023 | State College | PA | https://www.mimun.mx/ | info@mimun.mx | In-person | USA/Canada |
Ohio Valley Regional Model Arab League (OVMAL) | 3/9/2023 | 3/11/2023 | Portsmouth | OH | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/ovmal/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Concordia Model United Nations Conference (ConMUN) | 3/16/2023 | 3/19/2023 | Montreal | CA | https://www.conmun.org/ | internal.conmun@cg-aa.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of Minnesota Model United Nations (MinneMUN) | 03/14/2024 | 03/17/2024 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | https://umnmodelun.org/minnemun-2024-v2 | secgen@minnemun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Southeast Regional Model Arab League (SERMAL) | 3/17/2023 | 3/19/2023 | Spartanburg | SC | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/sermal/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Virginia International Crisis Simulation (VICS) | 3/23/2023 | 3/26/2023 | Charlottesville | VA | https://iro-vics.org/ | sg@iro-vics.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) - New York | 3/24/2023 | 3/26/2023 | New York City | NY | https://www.cwmun.org/ | info@cwmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Chicago Model United Nations (ChoMUN) | 3/30/2023 | 4/2/2023 | Chicago | IL | http://www.chomun.org/ | josh23@uchicago.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
National University Model Arab League (NUMAL) | 3/30/2023 | 4/2/2023 | Washington | DC | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/numal/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National Model United Nations (NMUN NY) – Conference A | 4/2/2023 | 4/6/2023 | New York City | NY | https://www.nmun.org/conferences/new-york.html | info@nmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National Model United Nations (NMUN NY) – Conference B | 4/10/2023 | 4/14/2023 | New York City | NY | https://www.nmun.org/conferences/new-york.html | info@nmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Los Angeles Model United Nations (LAMUN) | 4/13/2023 | 4/16/2023 | Universal City | CA | https://www.uclamun.org/lamun-welcome | lamun@bruinmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Model United Nations of the Far West (MUNFW) | 4/21/2023 | 4/25/2023 | San Francisco | CA | http://munfw.org/ | oed@munfw.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Eugene Scassa Mock OAS Summit of the Americas (ESMOAS) | 4/28/2023 | 4/29/2023 | San Antonio | TX | http://esmoas.org/index.html | N/A | In-person | USA/Canada |
Columbia Model United Nations (CMUNNY) | 9/21/2023 | 9/24/2023 | Manhattan | NY | http://www.cmunny.org/ | secretary.general@cmunny.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Alabama International Relations Model United Nations Conference (AIRMUNC) | 9/28/2023 | 10/1/2023 | Tuscaloosa | AL | http://www.airmunc.org/ | sg.airmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation - University Edition 2024 | 10/09/2024 | 10/13/2024 | Rhodes | Greece | https://www.rhodesmrc.org/2024 | contact@rhodesmrc.org | In-person | International |
Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN) | 10/27/2023 | 10/29/2023 | Oxford | United Kingdom | https://www.oximun.co.uk/ | secretary_general@oxuna.co.uk | In-person | International |
Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) - Emirates | 10/27/2023 | 10/29/2023 | Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates | https://www.cwmun.org/change-the-world-mun-emirates/ | info@cwmun.org | In-person | International |
Arsakeia Tositseia Schools Model United Nations (ATSMUN) | 11/2/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Patras | Greece | https://www.atsmun.gr/ | info@atsmun.gr | In-person | International |
Model United Nations of the Universidad del Rosario (MUNUR) | 11/3/2023 | 11/6/2023 | Bogota | Colombia | http://www.urosario.edu.co/munur | ivonne.lara@urosario.edu.co | In-person | International |
Model United Nations LawS Conference (MUNLawS) | 12/1/2023 | 12/3/2023 | Ljubljana | Slovenia | https://www.munlaws.com/ | info@munlaws.com | N/A | International |
Bayern Model United Nations (BayernMUN) | 3/1/2024 | 3/3/2024 | Nuremburg | Germany | https://bayernmun.org/ | secretariat@bayernmun.org | N/A | International |
Harvard National Model United Nations Latin America (HNMUN LA) | 1/11/2023 | 1/15/2023 | Lima | Peru | https://www.hnmunla.org/ | info@hnmunla.org | In-person | International |
Thammasat University Model United Nations (TUMUN) | 1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 | Bangkok | Thailand | https://www.facebook.com/TUMUNC/ | dlg.relations@thailandmun.org | In-person | International |
NUST International Model United Nation Conference (NIMUN) | 1/19/2023 | 1/22/2023 | Islamabad | Pakistan | https://nimun.com.pk/ | webnimun@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Entre Model United Nations (EntreMUN) | 1/28/2023 | 1/29/2023 | Mumbai | India | https://www.ecell.in/esummit/mun | tejassandipkamat@gmail.com | N/A | International |
American University of Sharjah Model United Nations (AUSMUN) | 2/3/2023 | 2/5/2023 | Sharjah | United Arab Emirates | https://www.ausmun.com/ | info@ausmun.com | In-person | International |
IITBHU Model United Nations 2023 (IITBHUMUN) | 2/3/2023 | 2/5/2023 | Varanasi | India | https://www.iitbhumun.com/ | secretariat@iitbhumun.com | Hybrid | International |
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Model United Nations (URJCMUN) | 2/7/2023 | 2/10/2023 | Madrid | Spain | http://www.urjcmun.com/ | info@urjcmun.com | In-person | International |
Geneva International Model United Nations(GIMUN) | 2/13/2023 | 2/17/2023 | Geneva | Switzerland | https://www.gimun.org/ | info@gimun.org | N/A | International |
Mumbai Model United Nations (MumbaiMUN) | 2/17/2023 | 2/19/2023 | Mumbai | India | https://www.mumbaimun.com/ | info@mumbaimun.com | N/A | International |
London International Model United Nations University (LIMUN) | 2/24/2023 | 2/26/2023 | London | United Kingdom | https://www.limun.org.uk/about-uc | enquiries@limun.org.uk | In-person | International |
Mexico City International Model United Nations (MIMUN) | 3/9/2023 | 3/12/2023 | Mexico City | Mexico | https://www.mimun.mx/ | info@mimun.mx | In-person | International |
Scotland Model United Nations Conference (ScotMUN) | 3/10/2023 | 3/12/2023 | Edinburgh | Scotland | https://www.scotmun.com/ | scotmun@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Kadir Has University Model United Nations (HASMUN) | 3/11/2023 | 3/12/2023 | İstanbul | Turkey | https://hasmun.org/ | hasmun@khas.edu.tr | In-person | International |
Harvard World Model United Nations (WorldMUN) | 3/12/2023 | 3/16/2023 | Paris | France | https://www.worldmun.org/ | info@worldmun.org | In-person | International |
Mediterranean Model United Nations (MEDMUN) | 3/31/2023 | 4/2/2023 | Nicosia | Cyprus | https://www.medmun.org/ | secretariat@medmun.org | In-person | International |
Pioneers of International Geopolitics Model United Nations (PIGMUN) | 3/31/2023 | 4/2/2023 | Lisbon | Portugal | www.pigmun.com | pigmun2023@gmail.com | Virtual | International |
Birla Institute of Technology & Science Model United Nations (BITMUN) | 4/1/2023 | 4/4/2023 | Jaipur | India | https://unstop.com/conferences/model-united-nations-conference-apogee-bits-pilani-a-hivemind-genesis-bits-pilani-630720 | f20211727@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in | N/A | International |
WFUNA International Model United Nations Geneva (WIMUN Geneva) | 4/11/2023 | 4/14/2023 | Geneva | Switzerland | https://wfuna.org/wimun/geneva-april-2023 | wimun@wfuna.org | In-person | International |
Milan Model Ucnited Nations (MILMUN) | 4/13/2023 | 4/16/2023 | Milan | Italy | https://milanmun.it/ | info@milmun.org | In-person | International |
Catalonia Model United Nations (C'MUN) | 4/13/2023 | 4/16/2023 | Barcelona | Spain | https://www.cmunbcn.org/ | info@cmunbcn.org | In-person | International |
Zurich Model United Nations Conference (ZuMUN) | 4/27/2023 | 4/30/2023 | Zurich | Switzerland | https://zumun.ch/ | info@zumun.ch | In-person | International |
Colloquium Magna Model United Nations (CMMUN) | 4/28/2023 | 4/29/2023 | Aligarh | India | https://m.facebook.com/events/517010833950528/ | cmmun.amu@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Yale Model African Union (YMAU) | 5/12/2023 | 5/14/2023 | Kigali (capital of Rwanda) | Rwanda | https://www.yalemodelau.org/ | president@yalemodelau.org | N/A | International |
Global Longevity Federation (GLF) | 5/15/2023 | 5/16/2023 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | https://longevityfederation.com/ | longevityfederation@sciinovhealth.com | Hybrid | International |
Münster University International Model United Nations (MUIMUN) | 5/16/2023 | 5/19/2023 | Germany | Germany | http://muimun.org/ | delegates@muimun.org | In-person | International |
European Model United Nations (EuroMUN) | 5/18/2023 | 5/21/2023 | Maastricht | Netherlands | https://www.euromun.net/ | secretary-general@myunsa.org | In-person | International |
Göttingen Model United Nations (GöMUN) | 6/1/2023 | 6/4/2023 | Göttingen | Germany | http://munsg.de/ | goemun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Chiang Mai Scholar Mode United Nations | 6/12/2023 | 6/14/2023 | Chiang Rai | Thailand | https://aishin24545.wixsite.com/csmun | csmun2023@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Tokyo International University Model United Nations (TIUMUN) | 6/16/2023 | 6/18/2023 | Matobakita, Kawagoe | Japan | https://tiumun.com/ | tokyointunimun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Ghana International Model United Nations (GIMUN) | 6/27/2023 | 6/30/2023 | Accra | Ghana | https://thegimun.org/ | info@thegimun.org | Hybrid | International |
Da Nang Youth Model United Nations (DYMUN) | 7/14/2023 | 7/16/2023 | Da Nang | Vietnam | https://www.dymun.org/dymun-2023 | dymun.info@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Japan English Model United Nations (JEMUN) | 7/15/2023 | 7/17/2023 | Osaka | Japan | https://www.jemun.net/ | jemunconference@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Vienna International Model United Nations (VIMUN) | 8/13/2023 | 8/17/2023 | Vienna | Austria | http://www.afa.at/vimun/index.html | vimun@afa.at | N/A | International |
Virtual Model United Nations (SATHYABAMA) | 8/24/2023 | 8/26/2023 | Chennai | India | https://in.docworkspace.com/d/sIFigxspN5tTQpQY | sslmodelunitednations@gmail.com | Virtual | International |
SICMUN VI | 02/10/2024 | 02/10/2024 | Georgetown | TX | https://www.sicmun.org/ | externalsicmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Rutgers International Security Council (RISC) | 10/03/2024 | 10/06/2024 | New Brunswick | New Jersey | http://www.rutgersisc.org | rutgers.united.nations@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Virginia Tech Model United Nations Conference | 02/02/2024 | 02/04/2024 | Blacksburg | Virginia | https://vtmunc.org | vtmunconference@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
WIMUN New York | 01/30/2024 | 02/02/2024 | New York | New York | https://wfuna.org/program/wimun-new-york/ | wimun@wfuna.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Mid-Atlantic Simulation of the United Nations (MASUN) | 04/12/2024 | 04/14/2024 | Fairfax | Virginia | https://www.georgemasun.org | secgen.masun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
NOTTSMUN 2024 | 03/15/2024 | 03/17/2024 | Nottingham | United Kingdom | https://nottsmun.uk/ | model-united-nations@uonsu.com | In-person | International |
Princeton Diplomatic Invitational 2024 | 04/04/2024 | 04/07/2024 | Princeton | New Jersey | https://www.princetonirc.org/pdihome | pdi.secretarygeneral@gmail.com | In-Person | USA/Canada |
London School of Economics Model United Nations (LSEMUN) | 02/02/2024 | 02/04/2024 | London | United Kingdom | https://www.lsemun.co.uk/ | lsemun@lsesu.org | In-person | International |
MUN Tetouan/Morocco | 03/22/2024 | 03/24/2024 | Tétouan | Morocco | https://www.facebook.com/Tetouan.MUN/?_rdc=1&_rdr | tetouan.mun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
AMIMUN'24 | 01/19/2024 | 01/21/2024 | Noida | Uttar Pradesh | https://www.amity.edu/amimun/ | infoamimun24@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Model United Nations Society of NMIMS' Kirit. P. School of Law (SOLMUN) | 03/02/2024 | 03/03/2024 | Mumbai | India | https://solmun.nmims.edu/ | solmunsoc@gmail.com | In-person | International |
SGMUN (Sun God MUN) | 04/05/2024 | 04/07/2024 | San Diego | California | sgmun.org | sgmun.ucsd@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
TennMUN | 09/26/24 | TennMUN | Knoxville | Tennessee | tennmun.org | info@tennmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMGDC) | 03/30/2024 | 03/31/2024 | Karnataka | India | muncommitteesolblr@nmims.edu.in | In-Person | International | |
Jakarta International Model United Nations 2024 | 08/23/2024 | 08/25/2024 | Jakarta | Indonesia | https://www.jakartamun.com/ | delrel.jmun@isafis.or.id | N/A | International |
DawgMUN | 10/24/2024 | 10/27/2024 | Athens | GA | https://dawg-mun.squarespace.com/ | ugamunc@gmail.com | In-person | International |
GLOBALPODIUM MODEL UNITED NATION 2024 | 04/13/2024 | 04/14/2024 | Jaipur | RAJASTHAN | https://mymun.com/conferences/gpmun-2024 | GLOBALPODIUMLLP@GMAIL.COM | Virtual | International |
Genesis MUN 2024 | 05/23/2024 | 05/25/2024 | Noida | Uttar Pradesh, India | https://smartpay.easebuzz.in/88515/DelegateRegistration%7CGenesisMUN2024 | genesis.mun@genesisgs.edu.in | In-person | International |
International Model United Nations Conference on Environmental Sustainability | 06/08/2024 | 06/09/2024 | Chennai | Tamil Nadu | https://cmunsoc.blogspot.com/ | collegiatemunsoc@gmail.com | Virtual | International |
FUTURE LEADERS FORUM MODEL UNITED NATIONS | 06/28/2024 | 06/30/2024 | Dubai, UAE | UAE | Futureleaderforum.com | futureleadersmun2024@gmail.com | In-person | International |
International Diplomaicalliance Model United Nations | 07/17/2024 | 07/19/2024 | Gwalior | Madhya Pradesh | https://mymun.com/conferences/intl-dap-2024 | bhavishyagupta26@gmail.com | Virtual | International |
CINNAMUN | 11/14/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Cincinnati | Ohio | https://www.cinnamun.com | cincy.modelun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Vienna International Model United Nations (VIMUN) | Vienna | Austria | http://www.afa.at/vimun/index.html | vimun@afa.at | N/A | International | ||
Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation - RhodesMRC 2023 | Rhodes | Greece | https://rhodesmrc.org/2023/ | contact@rhodesmrc.org | In-person | International | ||
Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) - Emirates | 10/25/2024 | 10/27/2024 | Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates | https://www.cwmun.org/change-the-world-mun-emirates/ | info@cwmun.org | In-person | International |
Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN) | 10/01/2024 | 10/03/2024 | Oxford | United Kingdom | https://www.oximun.co.uk/ | secretary_general@oxuna.co.uk | In-person | International |
Arsakeia Tositseia Schools Model United Nations (ATSMUN) | Patras | Greece | https://www.atsmun.gr/ | info@atsmun.gr | In-person | International | ||
Model United Nations of the Universidad del Rosario (MUNUR) | 11/01/2024 | 11/04/2024 | Bogota | Colombia | http://www.urosario.edu.co/munur | ivonne.lara@urosario.edu.co | In-person | International |
Columbia Model United Nations (CMUNNY) | 09/19/2024 | 09/22/2024 | Manhattan | NY | https://www.columbiamun.org/ | secretary.general@cmunny.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Alabama International Relations Model United Nations Conference (AIRMUNC) | 10/17/2024 | 10/24/2024 | Tuscaloosa | AL | http://www.airmunc.org/ | sg.airmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Boston Area Model United Nations (BarMUN) | 10/10/2024 | 10/13/2024 | Boston | MA | https://www.barmun.org/ | sg@barmun.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
305 Model United Nations (305MUN) | 11/14/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Coral Gables | FL | www.305mun.org | 305munsecretariat@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Cornell International Affairs Conference | 10/17/2024 | 10/20/2024 | Ithaca | NY | https://www.ciaconline.org/ | sg@ciaconline.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Trojan Model United Nations (TrojanMUN) | 10/24/2024 | 10/27/2024 | Downtown | LA | https://www.trojanmun.org/ | sg@trojanmun.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Appalachia Regional Model Arab League (ARMAL) | 11/01/2024 | 11/03/2024 | Roanoke | VA | https://ncusar.org/modelarableague/conferences/armal/ | hannah@ncusar.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National Collegiate Security Conference (NCSC) | 10/31/2024 | 11/03/2024 | Washington | DC | https://ncsc.modelun.org/ | m.xiong@modelun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Brown University Simulation of the Model United Nations (BUSUN) | 11/08/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Washington | DC | https://www.busun.org/ | sg@busun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National Model United Nations DC (NMUN DC) | 11/08/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Washington | DC | https://www.nmun.org/conferences/washington-dc.html | info@nmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Santa Barbara Invitational Model United Nations (SBIMUN) | 11/21/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Santa Barbara | CA | https://www.sbimun.org/ | sbi@ucsbmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of North Carolina Model United Nations Conference (UNCMUNC) | 11/21/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Chapel Hill | NC | uncmunc.org | uncmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Northwest Model United Nations (NWMUN-Seattle) | 11/22/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Seattle | WA | http://seattle.nwmun.org/ | sg.seattle@nwmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
American Model United Nations (AMUN) | 11/23/2024 | 11/26/2024 | Chicago | IL | https://www.amun.org/ | mail@amun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Carleton University Model NATO Conference (MNATO) | Ottawa | ON | https://carleton.ca/mnato/ | carletonmnato@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
University of Florida Model United Nations | Gainesville | FL | http://sunmun.weebly.com/ | sunmun.fl@gmail.com | N/A | USA/Canada | ||
Washington Area Model UN Conference (WAMUNC) | Washington | DC | https://www.wamunc.com/ | wamuncsecgen@gmail.gwu.edu | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
North American Model United Nations (NAMUN) | 02/20/2025 | 02/22/2025 | Toronto | ON | https://www.namun.org/ | natalie.cao@namun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Washington University Model United Nations Symposium (WUMUND) | 10/18/2024 | 10/20/2024 | St. Louis | MO | https://wumuns.org/ | In-person | USA/Canada | |
University of Pennsylvania Model United Nations Conference (UPMUNC) | 11/13/2025 | 11/16/2025 | Philadelphia | PA | https://www.upmunc.org/ | upmunc56sg@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Stanford University Model United Nations | 02/14/2025 | 02/16/2025 | Stanford | California | https://www.stanfordmodelun.org/ | secgen@stanfordmodelun.org | In-Person | USA |
University of Regina Model United Nations Conference | 01/29/2025 | 02/01/2025 | Regina | Saskatchewan | https://urmun.org/ | info@urmun.org | In-person | International |
WE THE PEOPLE MODEL UNITED NATIONS | 03/12/2025 | 03/15/2025 | NEW YORK CITY | USA | WWW.WEMUN.ORG | wethepeoplemodelunitednations@gmail.com | In-person | USA |
Southern Regional Model United Nations | 03/20/2025 | 03/22/2025 | Charlotte | NC | http://www.srmun.org/charlotte/index.php | jordin.dickerson@srmun.org | In-person | USA |
HoosierMUN | 03/28/2025 | 03/30/2025 | Bloomington | Indiana | https://www.hoosiermun.com/ | board@indianamun.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
CSMUNI | 02/08/2025 | 02/08/2025 | Colorado Springs | Colorado | https://uccsmun.wixsite.com/csmuni | csmunsec@gmail.com | In-person | USA |
Beirut Model United Nations | 04/12/2025 | 04/13/2025 | Beirut | Lebanon | mun.org.lb | beymun2025@mun.org.lb | In-person | International |
Beirut United Model Nations | 04/12/2025 | 04/13/2025 | Beirut | Lebanon | beymun2025@mun.org.lb | beymun2025@mun.org.lb | Virtual | International |
I.I.M.U.N. Europe Conference 2025 | 03/28/2025 | 03/30/2025 | Brussels | Maharashtra | https://iimun.in/ | divyamjain.iimun@gmail.com | In-person | International |