This article is part of our Celebrating Success in MUN: Recognition and Rankings in 2020-2021 series. Please read here to understand about the purpose behind these articles.

Calling for MUN Leadership Stories!
Model United Nations has been more important than ever during a school year with the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting student learning and human connections at schools. Virtual Model UN has helped students connect outside of their homes, discuss world issues and social justice issues that were happening in real life, and build valuable public speaking and leadership skills in an increasingly polarized world.
Model UN participants were resilient in making Model UN happen this year. Students, teachers, and conference organizers had to navigate many challenges with school, MUN, and beyond this year. Nevertheless, our community collectively created one of the most engaging virtual educational experiences available.
The MUN Leadership Stories recognize leaders who contributed to MUN in intangible ways besides winning awards as delegates. This could be making a virtual MUN club or conference happen or even thrive at your school this year despite COVID-19. This could be hosting a panel about social justice issues or doing a club project on the SDGs. This could be leading an initiative that improved your school or community. For some, this could be appreciation for the journey of navigating the financial, mental health, or logistical challenges this year, even if MUN ultimately could not happen at your school this year.
We all navigated challenges and achieved our own definitions of success for this school year. And we want to recognize that. This all contributes to the larger mission of making a difference in the world. Thank you for sharing how you, your fellow student leaders, and your advisors are Bring Out the Best in Model UN.
Any MUN student, student officer, faculty advisor, conference organizer, or conference staffer can submit a Top MUN Leadership Story. This is open to all levels of MUN and stories will be batched accordingly: college, high school, and middle school.
Please fill out the form linked below by May 9th for college stories, and by May 16th for high school and middle school stories!