Welcome to the spring semester! For years, the fall rankings have been a staple of the North American collegiate circuit, whether it be for inspiration or for motivation. We consistently push for improvement in making our rankings as accurate, detailed, and inclusive as possible. The schools that rank the highest on the list show a consistency in their programming to prepare their delegates to succeed in committees. We hope to showcase the effort and hard work that has been shown repeatedly by club members to bolster the spirit of Model United Nations.
With that said, Best Delegate recognizes that the true value of Model UN goes far beyond awards, and that these rankings are only one of many different ways to recognize teams for the hard work they have put in. We value learning, diplomacy, creativity, and the creation of global citizens as far more vital aspects of the activity. In order to highlight these and other definitions of success in MUN, we highly encourage readers and MUN enthusiasts to send us accounts of their MUN clubs and conferences as well. If you would like your team to be featured on the Best Delegate Facebook page, feel free to send an email to genevieve.pool@bestdelegate.com.
We also recognize that not every conference or school chooses to focus on the competitive aspect of Model UN. These rankings only capture what we call the “World Division” of student-led teams that attend conferences organized by university clubs, and most of these conferences are competitive in nature and significantly feature crisis committees. It does not capture the successes of the “National Division” of advisor-led programs that attend conferences organized by nonprofit organizations, which are more academic in nature and primarily focus on traditional UN committees.
Methodology and Disclaimers
The Weighted Score Methodology is the same as in previous years. The article above also provides insight into the purpose and philosophy behind the rankings. However, we made two changes to the weightings in Fall 2018:
First, changes were made to the weightings for each type of award in order to reward delegates for their hard work and to acknowledge that oftentimes, the difference between award winners is too close to value one award significantly higher than the other. Best Delegates are now worth 5 points, Outstanding Delegate is worth 4, Honorable Mention is worth 3, and Verbal Commendation is worth 2. This 5-4-3-2 weighting reflects common practice on the circuit. Additionally, double delegations as two individual awards, to equally value all delegates.
Second, changes were made to the weightings of each conference so that there is relatively less disparity in value between the largest and smallest conferences while still taking into account a variety of factors for competitiveness: number of delegates in attendance, number of teams who won awards, number of Top 25 teams in attendance, and percent of awards won by each team. The change would in general rank a team that won many awards at a small conference over a team that won few awards at a large conference, all else in their resume being equal.
Fall conferences were weighted in the following order, although placement in the same tier does not indicate the exact same weight:
- BarMUN
A few notes to bear in mind:
- It is important to note that we use aggregate weighted scoring while many conferences use a ratio in their scoring methodology. Please keep in mind these scoring differences as you read the following narratives- our rankings of for example “2nd Place” at a conference is in terms of total weighted awards, and may not match with the Outstanding Large Delegation at that conference.
- Schools that host conferences in the fall are at a slight disadvantage since they cannot compete at their own conference. However, most of the top schools will host a conference at some point, thus balancing out the scoring opportunities for the end of year rankings.
- We can only use data that has been submitted to us by conferences. Collegiate conferences who wish to have their awards data included in the spring rankings should contact Conna Walsh at conna@bestdelegate.com.
- Credits go to Best Delegate Editor-in-Chief Conna Walsh and Best Delegate Media Team Editor Khai Nguyen for their work on this project. All calculations are formulaic and manually checked by the Best Delegate Co-Founder, Kevin Felix Chan.
We appreciate the circuit’s patience on this ranking being released in January instead of our usual timeframe of December. We wanted to make sure all awards data from major conferences were submitted first so that the ranking reflects the accomplishments of the teams across the circuit. On behalf of the Best Delegate family, we would like to congratulate the top 75 teams of the Fall season.
[Editors note: article was updated after initial publishing to reflect a data error between UC Berkeley and UCLA]
Top 25 Best Delegations
1. University of Chicago
The University of Chicago is back as the #1 ranked team on the college Model UN circuit, and the competition was not even close as the team won the most individual awards and most delegation awards en route to a nearly undefeated Fall. The team won the Best Large Delegation award at the three most competitive conferences this Fall: UPMUNC, NCSC, and BarMUN. The NCSC win was notable as it was the only conference where they did not receive a delegation award last Fall. The team also won an Outstanding Small Delegation award at CMUNNY, but they tied for the highest weighted score there. So in that sense, the team placed first in some form at every conference it attended this Fall. UChicago will host ChoMUN in the spring.
2. American University
American University has risen to become the top Model UN program not just in Washington DC but on the entire East Coast after placing in the top two of this Fall’s ranking — this is their highest rank ever. The team was nearly perfect with delegation awards this Fall. It started the year with a pair of Best Small Delegation awards at BarMUN and CMMUNY. It then upgraded to compete as a large delegation. Although it missed out on a delegation award at NCSC likely because of ratio, the team finished tied for second in terms of weighted score with Best Large winner UChicago there. And finally, the team showed to the rest of the circuit that it is one of the best teams on the circuit this year with an Outstanding Large Delegation win at UPMUNC, the most competitive conference of the Fall.
3. University of Pennsylvania
UPenn has been mostly a top-five team, if not the best team, at the conferences it competed in this Fall. They received a pair of Best Large Delegation awards at the mid-sized crisis conferences, SCSY and CMUNNY. They were particularly dominant at SCSY, where their weighted score was more than double the next closest team. The team also contended for a delegation award with a Top 5 performance at NCSC, and came within the Top 10 at BarMUN. Overall, they have the second most individual awards on the circuit including the most gavels. Since they hosted the most competitive conference of the Fall, UPMUNC, they are still in good position to compete for a higher rank in the spring.
4. University of California, Berkeley
Despite making it known the team faces funding challenges, UC Berkeley traveled to five conferences to become not just the top team on the West Coast but break into the top five on the circuit — this is their highest rank ever. Their strategy to go after quantity of awards at many conferences enabled them to capture the third most individual awards and the second most gavels of any team this Fall. This included a Best Large Delegation award at SBIMUN and an Outstanding Large Delegation award at TrojanMUN on the West Coast. On the East Coast, Berkeley received the Best Small Delegation award at NCSC, contended for a delegation award at UNCMUNC, and received awards at UPMUNC. Berkeley will host UCBMUN in the spring.
5. Florida International University
Although FIU had less consistent performances at some of the smaller conferences this Fall, the team nevertheless still racked up the fourth most individual awards on the circuit. This included an Outstanding Large Delegation award at BarMUN. The team also was in the Top 10 at SCSY and got on the scorecard at CMUNNY. More important, the team placed within the Top 5 at the two most competitive conferences of the Fall, UPMUNC and NCSC, to stay within the Top 5 of the Fall rankings.
6. Georgetown University
The Georgetown team traveled to more conferences this Fall than they did last year. They found some early success with Top 10 performances at CMUNNY, BarMUN, and UNCMUNC. The team also won a Best Small Delegation award at CIAC. But when it came time to seriously show the firepower of the team’s top delegates, the team delivered with a second place finish in terms of weighted score at UPMUNC, the most competitive conference of the Fall. This was behind only Best Large winner UChicago and ahead of Outstanding Large winner Yale. Georgetown also hosted a more competitive NCSC this Fall.
7. George Washington University
GW scheduled smartly this Fall by going to two conferences that rose in competitiveness and winning awards there. They won the Best Small Delegation award at UNCMUNC and the Outstanding Small Delegation award at BarMUN. But their top performance didn’t come with a delegation award — they were the top team in terms of weight score at NCSC, beating Best Large winner UChicago, Outstanding Large winner UPenn, and crosstown rival American. They likely missed out on a delegation award because of ratio; the team usually brings a full delegation to NCSC for training. Their resume also included wins at UPMUNC and CMUNNY.
8. Claremont McKenna College
Claremont McKenna has become a perennial Top 10 team on the circuit and their performance this Fall is not exception. CMC was recognized as the Best Small Delegation at UPMUNC, the most competitive conference this Fall. They also won a Best Large Delegation award at TrojanMUN. In both of those conferences, they topped West Coast rival UC Berkeley. CMC also finished third overall at SBIMUN and had a solid NCSC performance.
9. Harvard University
Harvard is the highest ranked team that has yet to receive a delegation award this year, but the team has consistently won individual awards and contended for delegation awards at the four most competitive conferences of the Fall. This included Top 5 finishes at both BarMUN and CMUNNY. The team also had Top 10 performances at the more competitive UPMUNC and NCSC. Harvard will host the most competitive conference on the circuit, HNMUN, in the spring.
10. University of Virginia
UVA breaks into the Top 10 for the first time in team history after upgrading its Fall schedule to five conferences and consistently winning awards at all of them. The team’s highlight was putting on a dominant performance at the increasingly competitive UNCMUNC — the team received twice as many awards as the next best team — en route to a Best Large Delegation award there. Their resume also includes a Top 10 finish at CMUNNY and many awards at NCSC, SCSY, and UPMUNC. They host VICS in the spring.
11. University of Southern California
The USC Model UN team has been methodically rising up the rankings and is now on the cusp of the Top 10. They showed they could compete with the best on the circuit at CMUNNY, where they tied for first place with UChicago and UPenn and likely missed out on a delegation award because of ratio. They also won an Outstanding Large Delegation award at SBIMUN to top rivals CMC and UCLA, and had solid performances at UPMUNC and NCSC. USC also hosted TrojanMUN in the Fall.
12. Seton Hall University
Seton Hall enters the Top 25 for the first time in team history after a dominating performance at CIAC, where they won as many gavels as all the other teams combined. They are the main beneficiary this year of the re-weighting in the methodology last Fall to decrease the weighting disparity between large and small conferences. Seton Hall proved itself outside of CIAC by finishing second overall at SCSY behind only UPenn, where they likely missed out on a delegation award by ratio. Lastly, they also won at BarMUN.
13. University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA primarily focused on West Coast conferences this Fall and won plenty of awards to stay within the Top 15. UCLA received a Best Small Delegation award at SBIMUN and had a strong performance at crosstown TrojanMUN where they contended for a delegation award with a third place overall. They also placed within the Top 10 at CMUNNY. UCLA hosts LAMUN in the spring.
14. Columbia University
Columbia ensured that they would rise up the rankings by winning awards at a circuit-high six conferences this semester. They did best at the smaller conferences, including an Outstanding Large Delegation award at CIAC and an Outstanding Small Delegation award at TrojanMUN. They also did well at SCSY and collected awards at BarMUN, NCSC, and UPMUNC. Columbia hosted CMUNNY in the Fall.
15. Indiana University
Indiana has now established themselves to be one of the top teams from the Midwest with another Top 15 ranking this Fall. They placed within the Top 10 at UPMUNC and contended for a delegation award with a Top 5 finish at BarMUN. They also had a solid performance at NCSC.
16. Yale University
After placing in the Top 50 last Fall, Yale is back in the Top 20 despite attending only two conferences this semester. They displayed their abilities at the most competitive conference, UPMUNC, where they won the Outstanding Small Delegation but placed third overall in terms of weighted score behind only UChicago and Georgetown. Yale hosted SCSY this Fall.
17. McGill University
McGill is off to a strong start after a travel-heavy Fall semester. The highlight of the semester was winning the Best Small Delegation award at SCSY. They also contended for a delegation award with a top 5 finish at BarMUN. Finally, they won awards at CMUNNY, NCSC, and UPMUNC. They host McMUN to start the spring semester.
18. University of Miami
Miami’s team this year can challenge any team for a Top 10 finish at any conference. That’s because they have consistency placed within the Top 10 at the three conferences they attended this Fall, including the two most competitive: UPMUNC, NCSC, and CMUNNY.
19. Emory University
Emory traveled to a lot of conferences this semester. Their strong start is primarily due to winning an Outstanding Large Delegation award at the increasingly competitive UNCMUNC and contending for a delegation award with a top 5 finish at BarMUN. They also received a few awards at TrojanMUN, NCSC, and UPMUNC. They host MUNE in the spring.
20. Florida State University
FSU did well at all the conferences they have traditionally done well at in the Fall. Their strongest performance was putting in another Top 10 finish at NCSC. They also contended for a delegation award at UNCMUNC and won awards at UPMUNC.
21. College of William & Mary
William & Mary won the Outstanding Small Delegation award at the increasingly competitive UNCMUNC, and tied for second overall in weighted score with Best Small Delegation winner George Washington. They rounded out their resume with awards at UPMUNC, NCSC, and CMUNNY. They host &MUN in the spring.
22. New York University
NYU continued where they left off last year with a solid Top 25 finish this Fall. They received awards at three of the more competitive conferences: UPMUNC, BarMUN, and CMUNNY. As usual, their best performance was at in-city CMUNNY. They host NYUMUNC in the spring.
23. Boston University
The highlight performance for BU this semester was receiving the Outstanding Small Delegation award at NCSC. The team also won awards at UPMUNC and CMUNNY to ensure a Fall Top 25 rank this year. Finally, it hosted BarMUN, which has grown to exceed its peer mid-sized crisis conferences (CMUNNY and SCSY) in weighting.
24. Princeton University
Princeton has a few strong delegates carrying the team this year as they’ve won more gavels than other types of award. The team did best at SCSY where they received the Outstanding Small Delegation award. Princeton also won at BarMUN and NCSC. They plan to host PDI in the spring.
25. Clark University
Clark is starting this year off strong with a Top 25 appearance in the Fall. This is in contrast with the past three years, where they’ve placed in the Top 50 in the Fall and relied on second-half performances to end up in the Top 25 rankings. Clark consistently won awards at UPMUNC, NCSC, BarMUN, and CMUNNY.
Top 50 Outstanding Delegations (Alphabetical Order)
The five teams closest to breaking into the Top 25 were: West Point, Wheaton College, College of the Canyons, UC Santa Barbara, and Notre Dame, respectively.
Brown University
Case Western Reserve University
College of the Canyons
Elon University
Hamilton College
Ithaca College
Michigan State University
Mount Holyoke College
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Pomona College
Queen’s University
SUNY Geneseo
United States Military Academy at West Point
University of Alabama
University of California, Davis
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Florida
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Notre Dame
University of Pittsburgh
Victor Valley College
Wheaton College
Top 75 Honorable Mention Delegations (Alphabetical Order)
Note: there were less than 25 remaining teams that received an award based on the dataset that was submitted.
Carleton College
Cornell University
Johns Hopkins University
Kutztown University
Middlebury College
Northern Arizona University
Stanford University
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Cincinnati
University of Connecticut
University of Mary Washington
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
Vanderbilt University
Wellesley College
Congratulations to all the schools! Hope everyone had a great winter break and good luck on the Model UN conferences for the rest of the school year!