1. Work with the Veto powers:
One of the most important factors in the Security Council is the 5 Veto nations, these being: USA, Russian Federation, France, United Kingdom and China. During debate it would be very wise to befriend at least one of these delegates (the more the better). Remember that these will be the delegates that will determine whether a resolution passes or not, this is precisely how the veto power works. If a veto nation does not agree with a potential resolution, at the time of voting the delegation may vote against it and through veto power render it completely obsolete.
2. Remember your powers as part of the council:
Per the UN charter, the Security Council was granted special permissions and powers to execute a global responsibility for peace. If we were to consider the UN as a national Government; the General Assembly would be the legislative power and the Security Council the executive. Sometimes delegates are not aware that the Security Council as a committee has the right to send peace forces, impose economic embargoes or even authorize NATO military intervention. Therefore when dealing with an international crisis or a military situation keep this in mind to amp up your solutions or proposals.
3. Research:
Research is a key factor in any debate, yet when dealing with the UN and you have to represent a country that has a certain foreign policy research becomes much more important. To accurately represent the position your country has you must perform a deep investigation, yet there are always easier and faster ways to do so. The highest importance in how this relates to the Security Council is that traditionally the topics debated in the council have existed for quite some time and sometimes already have resolutions on the issue; my best recommendation is to look up these resolutions that will help you determine the posture the council has taken on the topic before. Some of the pages I recommend on research are the following:
-The CIA world fact book (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/)
This source is the most updated, developed and complete encyclopedia on countries and their general political, military, social, cultural, economic, traditional and geographical facts.
-UNSC Resolutions (http://www.un.org/en/sc/documents/resolutions/index.shtml)
This webpage is part of the UN Security Council webpage; it has every SC resolution adopted ever since it’s conception. Resolutions are organized by year and each have a certain topic, this will help you determine the posture the council has taken on any topic before.

All UNSC Resolutions organized per year, ever since the council’s conception. As seen in the source recommended above.
-UN document Research guide (http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/)
This page shows you how to the search of UN documents through their websites, It also helps in determining what to look for about a certain topic.
4. Always maintain a diplomatic attitude:
True of any committee or debate, being diplomatic and courteous in your affairs is always beneficial. Especially in a UN simulation, where you are essentially simulating a session of the most important diplomatic organization in the world. No one likes the harsh delegate who only seeks the flaws in your solutions or in your proposals (maybe he would make a good lawyer but not a diplomat). The
leader of a committee is determined by he/she who always looks for everyone’s opinion, the one who searches for the greater good of the international community and humanity. So be a leader, be the diplomat and look to satisfy the international community.
5. Really get into it:
Maybe the most important part of a simulation is to have fun, yet fun isn’t necessarily the delegate party afterwards. There are many ways to have fun within session especially in the highly controversial committee of the UNSC. Act as if you WERE the actual delegate in the council, get into it. Take up your role and believe that the decisions you make in that council as the representative of a nation will shape the world tomorrow. Act as if the crisis presented where completely real, and be creative, never hold back on an idea that might sound unreachable. That’s what the UN does, it works miracles.
I hope these tips help you the next time you participate in the Security Council committee of a simulation and remember to always have fun, best of luck!