With over 100 Secretariat members each year, GCIMUN offers a unique staffing experience, which includes the following: a week in New York City, the opportunity to work with the best college staffers from around the world, interaction with international high school delegates in a learning environment, and partial to full compensation for travel to and from conference. GCIMUN hosts opening ceremonies in the General Assembly Hall and offers a diverse panel of speakers. Previous opening ceremonies speakers have included Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, Russel Simmons, and more.
Applicants should fill out the online form, which can be found here. Applications are due January 12, 2012 at 9 a.m. EST. The deadline is fast approaching, so submit your application as soon as possible!
For more information, visit the UNA-USA Global Classrooms staffing page. And if you have any questions about the application process, feel free to contact this year’s Chief of Staff, Courtney Lee, at Courtney@gcimun.org.