But first, the GCIMUN staff wanted to share their thoughts on why more students should participate in Global Classrooms. Featured in this video are:
- GCIMUN Secretary-General Sam Lichtenstein from Johns Hopkins University, a graduating senior who will join Teach for America in Houston next year
- Marco Alberti of Seton Hall University, who is studying to be an English teacher
- Bryce Jarvis of George Washington University
- Sarah Shadeed of Seton Hall University
- Nicholas Barkley of Seton Hall University
- Nida Nizam of McGill University
- Miles Greengard of Michigan State University
- Asad Ramzanali of UCLA
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Opening ceremonies featured keynote speeches by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon US-UN Ambassador Susan Rice. During his speech, BKM showed a video to the audience and took seat in the audience — right next to a few excited students from John Adams High School! I caught up with the John Adams students after opening ceremonies to get their reaction — and apparently it was cooler than meeting President Obama!
The delegates of the Historical Security Council discussed the issue of Haiti in 1993. In this video, the US representative and her fellow Security Council delegates reach a compromise on what to do.
The staff of each committee brought in professionals who work in international relations to speak to their delegates. The International Court of Justice featured a lawyer who specializes in international law and lectures at Columbia University. Upon arriving to the committee, he was promptly grilled by one of the justices, a student who looks like he might become a lawyer himself!
I had a chance to interview a number of delegates about what they thought of the conference.
And finally, I was able to catch up with GCIMUN Secretary-General Sam Lichtenstein. We spoke about how much of an impact that Model UN and Global Classrooms have made on Sam’s life, so much so that it’s inspired him to become a teacher himself and join Teach for America in Houston next year.