Welcome to the High School Model United Nations Conference Database! This is a project led by Best Delegate.
How to Use this Database:
- Use this database to search for Model UN Conferences to attend. You can sort and filter by date, city, state, country, etc.
- This database includes links to the conference’s website, if it’s available. We do our best to find conference websites and dates but the latest information may not yet be available, so check back regularly.
- Have a conference you want listed? Submit this form.
Conference Name | Start Date | End Date | City | Country / State | Virtual? | USA/Canada or International | ||
Best Delegate Fall Workshop: Chairing MUN 101 | 10/14/2023 | 10/14/2023 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Fall Workshop: Crisis 101 | 10/14/2023 | 10/14/2023 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Fall Workshop: How to Win Awards | 10/14/2023 | 10/14/2023 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Fall Workshop: MUN 101 | 10/14/2023 | 10/14/2023 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 11/04/2023 | 11/04/2023 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 01/13/2024 | 01/13/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 02/24/2024 | 02/24/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 03/23/2024 | 03/23/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/2023-2024-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | International, USA/Canada | ||
Sacred Heart Prep Model United Nations Conference (SHPMUN) | 10/13/2023 | 10/15/2023 | Atherton | CA | https://www.shschools.org/shp-mun | dallari@shschools.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Carl Sandburg Model United Nations (CSMUN) | 10/14/2023 | 10/14/2023 | Orland Park | IL | https://www.csmun.org/ | 230273@d230.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Southpointe Model United Nations (SPAMUN) | 10/21/2023 | 10/21/2023 | Tswwassen | BC | https://www.spamun.org/ | sg@spamun.org | Hybrid | USA/Canada |
South Jersey Model United Nations Conference (SJMUN) | 10/21/2023 | 10/21/2023 | Voorhees | NJ | https://southjerseymun.weebly.com | sjmunsecgen@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Iowa Youth Symposium (IYS) | 10/24/2023 | 10/25/2023 | Des Moines | IA | www.iowayouthsymposium.org | rachel.hansen@mscdonline.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Gordon Fairweather Model United Nations (GFMUN) | 10/30/2024 | 10/30/2024 | Rothesay | New Brunswick, Canada | https://sites.google.com/rnslearns.cc/gfmun-rns/home | gfmun@rns.cc | In-person | USA/Canada |
Sir Winston Churchill High School Model United Nations (SWCHSMUN) | 10/18/2024 | 10/19/2024 | Calgary | AB | https://swchsmun.weebly.com/ | swchsmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Menlo Atherton Model United Nations (MAMUNC) | 10/28/2023 | 10/28/2023 | Atherton | CA | https://www.mamunc.com/ | rden@mamunc.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Secondary School Interactive Crisis Simulation (SSICsim) | 11/3/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Toronto | ON | http://ssicsim.ca/ | sg@ssicsim.ca | In-person | USA/Canada |
William and Mary High School Model United Nations (WMHSMUN) | 11/3/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Williamsburg | VA | https://www.wmhsmun.org/ | registration@wmhsmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of Connecticut Model United Nations (UCMUN) | 11/3/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Mansfield | CT | http://www.uconnmun.com/ | exec@ucmun.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Gannon University Model United Nations Conference (GUMUN) | 11/3/2023 | 11/4/2023 | Erie | PA | https://www.gannon.edu/academic-offerings/humanities-education-and-social-sciences/undergraduate/political-science/model-un/ | caswell002@gannon.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
The Ursuline School Model United Nations (TUSMUNC) | 11/4/2023 | 11/4/2023 | New Rochelle | NY | https://www.tusmunc.org/ | tusmunc@ursulinenewrochelle.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Osgood Center/International Leadership of Texas Lone Star Model UN Conference (LSMUN) | 11/4/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Richardson | TX | https://osgoodcenter.org/international-leadership-texas-lone-star-model-united-nations-conference-fall-2023/ | swilliams@osgoodcenter.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Phillips Exeter Academy Model United Nations (PEAMUN) | 11/5/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Exeter | NH | https://www.peamun.org/ | peamun@exeter.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
McGill Secondary School's United Nations Symposium (SSUNS) | 11/9/2023 | 11/12/2023 | Montreal | QC | https://www.ssuns.org | schools@ssuns.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Empire Model United Nation Conference (EmpireMUNC) | 11/14/24 | 11/17/24 | New York | NY | https://empiremunc.net/ | empiremunc.nyu@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Virginia Model United Nations (VAMUN) | 11/15/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Charlottesville | VA | https://www.vamun.org | delegations@vamun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Altiora Peto-Model United Nations (ALTMUN) | 11/15/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Chattanooga | TN | altmun.org | president@altmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Bruin Model United Nations (BruinMUN) | 11/11/2023 | 11/12/2023 | Los Angeles | CA | https://www.bruinmun.org/ | sg@bruinmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Washington International Relations Conference - American University (WIRC) | 11/11/2023 | 11/11/2023 | Washington | DC | https://wirc.amerimunc.com/ | info@au-wirc.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
British Columbia Model United Nations (BCMUN) | 11/11/2023 | 11/12/2023 | Vancouver | BC | bcmun.org | sg@bcmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC) | 11/16/2023 | 11/19/2023 | East Brunswick | NJ | https://www.princetonirc.org/pmunc | pmunc@princeton.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Rutgers Model United Nations (RUMUN) | 11/16/2023 | 11/19/2023 | New Brunswick | NJ | https://modelun.com/rumun/ | hana.patel@idia.net | In-person | USA/Canada |
Arkansas Model United Nations (AMUN) | 11/17/2023 | 11/18/2023 | Conway | AR | https://uca.edu/politicalscience/model-united-nations/amun/conference/ | markm@uca.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Breaking Barriers Model United Nations Conference (BBMUNC) | 11/17/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Glastonbury | CT | https://sites.google.com/view/bbmunc/home?authuser=0 | breakingbarriersmodelun@gmail.com | Yes | USA/Canada |
Pacific Model United Nations (PACMUN) | 11/18/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Seattle | WA | https://pacificmun.com/ | sg@pacificmun.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
Pacific Model United Nations (PACMUN) | 11/18/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Seattle | WA | https://pacificmun.com/ | sg@pacificmun.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
Tustin High School Model United Nations | 11/23/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Tustin | California | https://sites.google.com/view/thsmunconference/home | thsmunconference@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Madison Area Model United Nations (MADMUN) | 11/02/2024 | 11/02/2024 | Madison | WI | https://madmun.us/ | madmunxv@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Montana Model United Nations (MMUN) | 11/20/2023 | 11/21/2023 | Missoula | MT | http://hs.umt.edu/mun/ | admiss@umontana.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Great Lakes Invitational Model United Nations (GLIMUN) | 11/29/2023 | 12/2/2023 | Kalamazoo | MI | https://glica.org/ | glicapr@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Canadian American Security Councils & Summits (CASC) | 12/1/2023 | 12/2/2023 | Lansing | MI | https://www.mamunonline.com/ | mamun@mamunonline.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Tiger Model United Nations (RITMUN) | 12/2/2023 | 12/2/2023 | Rochester | NY | https://campusgroups.rit.edu/ritmun/about/ | ssd1485@rit.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
North California Model United Nations (NORCAL MUN) | 12/8/2023 | 12/9/2023 | Pleasanton | CA | https://norcalmun.squarespace.com/ | norcalmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Atlanta International School Model United Nations (AISMUN) | 12/9/2023 | 12/9/2023 | Atlantas | GA | https://munais.wixsite.com/aismun | mun@aischool.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Model United Nations San Antonio (MUNSA) | 1/09/2025 | 1/10/2025 | San Antonio | TX | https://munsa.org/ | munsaisa@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Warrior Model United Nations (WarriorMUN) | 01/11/2025 | 01/11/2025 | Seekonk | MA | https://sites.google.com/seekonkschools.org/warriormun/home | mun@seekonkschools.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Columbia Model United Nations Conference and Exposition (CMUNCE) | 1/11/2024 | 1/14/2024 | New York City | NY | https://cmunce.org/ | public.relations@cmunce.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Yale Model United Nations (YMUN) | 1/18/2024 | 1/21/2024 | New Haven | CT | https://ymun.org/ | secgen@ymun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
American University Model United Nations Conference (AmeriMUNC) | 2/2/2024 | 2/4/2024 | Washington | DC | https://amerimunc.com/ | tristen@amerimunc.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations Conference (SCVMUN) | 01/31/2025 | 02/01/2025 | San Jose | CA | http://scvmun.com/ | sg@scvmun.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Virginia Tech Model United Nations | 02/28/2025 | 03/02/2025 | Blacksburg | VA | https://vtmunc.org/register | vtmunconference@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Old Dominion University Model United Nations Conference (ODUMUNC) | 2/15/2024 | 2/18/2024 | Norfolk | VA | https://ww1.odu.edu/al/centers/modelun.html | odumunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Alberta Model United Nations (ABMUN) | 2/16/2024 | 2/17/2024 | Calgary | AB | abmun.ca | abmun2024@gmail.com | Yes | USA/Canada |
Los Alamitos Model Unite Nations (GRIFFMUN) | 2/17/2024 | 2/17/2024 | Los Alamitos | CA | http://www.lahsmun.com/ | losalmun.club@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Global Citizens Model United Nations Session 1 (GCMUN) | 2/22/2024 | 2/24/2024 | New York | NY | gcmun.com | hello@gcmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Seton Hall University Model United Nations (SHUMUN) | 2/24/2024 | 2/25/2024 | South Orange | NJ | https://www.shumun.com/ | shumun.sec@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Mid-American Model United Nations (MAMUN) | 3/6/2024 | 3/9/2024 | Kalamazoo | MI | https://www.mamunonline.com/about-mamun | mamun@mamunonline.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Global Citizens Model United Nations Session 2 (GCMUN) | 3/7/2024 | 3/9/2024 | New York | NY | gcmun.com | hello@gcmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) Session I | 3/8/2024 | 3/11/2024 | New York City | NY | https://imuna.org/nhsmun/nyc/ | registration.nhsmun@imuna.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Berkeley Model United Nations (BMUN) | 3/8/2024 | 3/10/2024 | Berkeley | CA | http://www.bmun.org/ | info@bmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) Session II | 3/13/2024 | 3/16/2024 | New York City | NY | https://imuna.org/nhsmun/nyc/ | registration.nhsmun@imuna.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Toronto Model United Nations (TMUN) | 3/22/2024 | 3/24/2024 | Toronto | ON | www.tmun.ca | sg@tmun.ca | In-person | USA/Canada |
Capital Model United Nations | Simulation Capitale de l'Organization des Nations Unies (CAPMUN) | 3/22/2024 | 3/24/2024 | Ottawa | ON | https://www.capmun-sconu.org/en/home | secretariat@capmun-sconu.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Bay Area Model United Nations Conference (Bay Area MUNC) | 3/23/2024 | 3/23/2024 | Redwood City | CA | bayareamunc.org | bayareamunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Arizona Model United Nations (AZMUN) | 3/23/2024 | 3/24/2024 | Tucson | AZ | https://www.arizonamun.org/azmun62 | secretarygeneral@arizonamun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Southern Ontario Model United Nations Assembly (SOMA) | 4/29/2024 | 5/1/2024 | Toronto | ON | soma.on.ca | soma@utschools.ca | In-person | USA/Canada |
Southern Ontario Model United Nations Assembly | 4/29/2024 | 5/1/2024 | Toronoto | ON | soma@utschools.ca | In-person | USA/Canada | |
Herricks Model United Nations Club (HMUNC) | 5/17/2024 | 5/18/2024 | New Hyde Park | NY | http://www.hmunc.org/hmunc-xviii.html | pr.hmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Jackrabbit Model United Nations VI | 5/25/2024 | 5/25/2024 | Long Beach | CA | https://www.jackrabbitmun.com/ | pgillogly@lbschools.net | In-person | USA/Canada |
Panama Model United Nations (PANAMUN) | 10/25/2023 | 10/27/2023 | Panama | Panama | https://www.panamun.org/ | secretariat@isp.edu.pa | In-person | International |
Seoul Model United Nations (SEOMUN) | 11/3/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Seoul | South Korea | https://www.seomunxxvi.org/ | mun@siskorea.org | In-person | International |
Oxford Global Model United Nations (OxGlobalMUN) | 11/3/2023 | 11/5/2023 | Oxford | United Kingdom | https://www.oxfordglobal.org/conference | info@oxfordglobal.org | In-person | International |
MUNMTY (MUN MONTERREY) | 10/25/2024 | 10/26/2024 | Monterrey | Nuevo León | https://modelunmty.wixsite.com/munmty | modelunmty@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Nord Anglia Model United Nations Mexico (ISRMUN) | 11/8/2023 | 11/10/2023 | Monterrey | Mexico | https://www.isrmun.com/ | isrmun@sanroberto.edu.mx | In-person | International |
American School of Milan Model United Nations (ASMMUN) | 11/9/2023 | 11/11/2023 | Milan | Italy | https://www.asmmun.org/ | mun@asmilan.org | In-person | International |
Warsaw Model United Nations (WawMUN) | 11/9/2023 | 11/12/2023 | Warsaw | Poland | https://wawmun.pl/ | wawmun2023@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Cancun Model United Nations (CancunMUN) | 11/07/2024 | 11/09/2024 | Cancun | Quintana Roo | https://www.cancunmun.ciac.edu.mx/ | cancunmun@ciac.edu.mx | In-person | International |
International School Ho Chi Minh City Model United Nations (ISHMUN) | 11/10/2023 | 8/13/2023 | Ho Chi Minh City | Vietnam | https://www.ishmunvn.org/home-1 | mun@ishmun.edu.vn | In-person | International |
Chennai Model United Nations (CHEMUN) | 11/17/2023 | 11/19/2023 | Chennai | India | https://www.chemun.org/ | chemun@aischennai.org | In-person | International |
Yale Model United Nations Korea (YMUN Korea) | 11/24/2023 | 11/26/2023 | Seoul, South Korea | South Korea | https://ymunkorea.org/ | ymunkorea.secgen@yira.org | In-person | International |
Tangier Model United Nations (TMUN) | 12/13/2024 | 12/15/2024 | Tangier | Morocco | https://www.tangiermun.org/ | saad.elouazzani@ast.ma | In-person | International |
Oporto British School Model United Nations (OBSMUN) | 1/2/2024 | 3/2/2024 | Porto | Portugal | https://www.obsmun.org | obsmun@obs.edu.pt | In-person | International |
Japan Educational International Model United Nations (JEIMUN) | 1/6/2024 | 1/8/2024 | Tokyo | Japan | https://sites.google.com/view/jeimun/home | 2024jeimun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Ferney Model United Nations (FerMUN) | 1/10/2024 | 1/12/2024 | Geneva | Switzerland | http://fermun.org/en/ | phlfermun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Guadalajara Model United Nations (GUAMUN) | 1/18/2024 | 1/20/2024 | Guadalajara | Mexico | https://www.guamun.com | guamun@asfg.edu.mx | In-person | International |
The Hague International Model United Nations Conference (THIMUN) | 1/22/2024 | 1/26/2024 | The Hague | Netherlands | https://thehague.thimun.org/ | info@thimun.org | In-person | International |
Al Diyafah Model United Nations (ADMUN) | 2/2/2024 | 2/4/2024 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | https://www.diyafah.com/diyafahmun/ | Executive.ADMUN@diyafahschool.com | In-person | International |
Georgetown Model United Nations Conference (GMUN) | 2/8/2024 | 2/10/2024 | Doha | Qatar | https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu/academics/programs/programs-high-school-students/model-united-nations/ | qatarmun@georgetown.edu | N/A | International |
Nexus International School Malaysia Model United Nations Conference (NISMUNC) | 3/1/2024 | 3/3/2024 | Putrajaya | Malaysia | https://www.nismunc.org/ | nisp_mun@nexus.edu.my | In-person | International |
Bay Area Model UN Conference | 03/23/2024 | 03/23/2024 | Pleasanton | California | https://www.bayareamunc.org/welcome | bayareamunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Cheongshim International Academy Modeul United Nations (CSIAMUN) | 04/14/2024 | 04/14/2024 | Gapyeong-gun | Gyeonggi Province, South Korea | csiamun.org | csiamun@csia.hs.kr | In-person | International |
EagleMUNC XIII | 04/04/2024 | 04/06/2024 | Boston | MA | eaglemunc.org | sg@eaglemunc.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Princeton High School Model UN Conference (PHSMUNC) | 10/28/2023 | 10/28/2023 | Princeton | NJ | https://phsmun.wixsite.com/phsmunc | phs.mun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Baltimore Area Training Model UN Conference | 10/28/2023 | 10/28/2023 | Baltimore | MD | http://www.batmunc.org/ | msjmun@msjnet.net | In-person | USA/Canada |
MountMUNC - Mt. St. Joseph Model UN Conference | 04/13/2024 | 04/13/2024 | Baltimore | MD | http://mountmunc.weebly.org/ | msjmun@msjnet.net | In-person | USA/Canada |
SICMUN VI | 02/10/2024 | 02/10/2024 | Georgetown | TX | https://www.sicmun.org/ | externalsicmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
West Japan Model United Nations (WJMUN) | 04/05/2024 | 04/07/2024 | Fukuoka City | Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan | https://www.wjmun.org/ | wjmun@fis.ed.jp | In-person | International |
Northwood High School Model United Nations Conference (NHSMUNC IV) | 04/26/2025 | 04/26/2025 | Irvine | California | https://www.northwoodmun.org/conference | NHSMUNC@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Dartmouth Model United Nations | 04/05/2024 | 04/07/2024 | Hanover | New Hampshire | https://sites.dartmouth.edu/modelun/ | dartmun@dartmouth.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
WIMUN New York | 01/30/2024 | 02/02/2024 | New York | New York | https://wfuna.org/program/wimun-new-york/ | wimun@wfuna.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Harvard Model United Nations | 01/25/2023 | 01/28/2023 | Boston | Massachusetts | https://www.harvardmun.org/ | info@Harvardmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
The Clinton School Model UN II | 04/26/2024 | 04/26/2024 | Manhattan | NY | clintonmodelun.org | clintonmodelun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
PawMUNC IV | 04/20/2024 | 04/20/2024 | Laurel | Maryland | https://pawmunc.weebly.com/ | pawmunc24@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
TriMUN III | 01/06/2023 | 01/06/2023 | Raleigh | North Carolina | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhlP_sY68E2N6RRuD2IU5m7ER8JjXl35LvGCRczho2I3_4PQ/viewform | enloemodelun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
MUN Tetouan/Morocco | 03/22/2024 | 03/24/2024 | Tétouan | Morocco | https://www.facebook.com/Tetouan.MUN/?_rdc=1&_rdr | tetouan.mun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
ClarkMUN XIV | 03/23/2024 | 03/23/2024 | Worcester | Massachusetts | https://www.clarkmun.org | munatclark@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Budapest International Model United Nations (BIMUN) | 04/11/2024 | 04/16/2024 | Budapest | Hungary | https://www.bimun.hu/ | bimun@bimun.hu | In-person | International |
Yale Model United Nations Taiwan | 03/15/2024 | 03/17/2024 | Taipei | Taiwan | http://ymunt.org | secgen@ymunt.org | In-person | International |
Golden State Independent Model United Nations Conference - GSMUNC2024 | 02/24/2024 | 02/24/2024 | Granite Bay | California | https://www.gsmunc.com/ | goldenstatemun@gmail.com | In-person | |
Florida International Model United Nations (FIMUN) | 03/15/2024 | 03/17/2024 | Miami | Miami | https://modelun.fiu.edu/conference/index.html | modelun@fiu.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Houston Area Model United Nations (HAMUN) | 02/01/2024 | 02/02/2024 | Houston | Texas | https://www.hamun.org/ | secgen@houstonareamun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Palos Verdes High School MUN Conference | 3/23/24 | 3/23/24 | Palos Verdes Estates | California | https://sites.google.com/pvpusd.net/palosverdeshighschoolmunconfer?usp=sharing | drivera@pvpusd.net | In-person | USA/Canada |
San Gabriel Valley Model United Nations (SGVMUN) | 4/27/2024 | 4/27/2024 | Walnut High School | California | https://www.sgvmun.org/ | info@sgvmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
VolMUN | 02/23/2024 | 02/25/2024 | Knoxville | TN | https://www.volmun.com/ | secgen.volmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
BISH Model United Nations (BISHMUN) | 03/07/2025 | 03/08/2025 | Katy | Texas | bishmun.org | manuel_lazo@houston.nae.school | In-person | USA/Canada |
Global Houston Model UN (GHMUN) | 03/23/2024 | 03/23/2024 | Houston | Texas | https://globalhoustonmodelun.org/ | globalhoustonmodelun@wachouston.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Global Youth Model Health Forum | 08/01/2024 | 08/03/2024 | Suwon | South Korea | https://www.gymhf.org/ | globalyouthmodelhealthforum@gmail.com | In-person | International |
ACGMUN | 03/29/2024 | 03/31/2024 | Athens | Greece | https://www.acgmun.gr/ | acgmun@acg.edu | In-person | International |
Washington Area Model United Nations Conference (WAMUNC) | 03/20/2025 | 03/23/2025 | Washington | District of Columbia | wamunc.com | wamuncdcr@email.gwu.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Jakarta International Model United Nations 2024 | 08/23/2024 | 08/25/2024 | Jakarta | Indonesia | https://www.jakartamun.com/ | delrel.jmun@isafis.or.id | N/A | International |
GLOBALPODIUM MODEL UNITED NATION 2024 | 04/13/2024 | 04/14/2024 | Jaipur | RAJASTHAN | https://mymun.com/conferences/gpmun-2024 | GLOBALPODIUMLLP@GMAIL.COM | Virtual | International |
Columbia Model United Nations in New York (CMUNNY) | 9/19/24 | 9/22/24 | New York | New York | https://www.cmunny.org/ | secretariat@cmunny.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Genesis MUN 2024 | 05/23/2024 | 05/25/2024 | Noida | Uttar Pradesh, India | https://smartpay.easebuzz.in/88515/DelegateRegistration%7CGenesisMUN2024 | genesis.mun@genesisgs.edu.in | In-person | International |
Vancouver Model United Nations | 01/31/2025 | 02/02/2025 | Vancouver | British Columbia | https://vmun.com | conference@vmun.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Boston University Model United Nations Conference | 02/07/2024 | 02/09/2024 | Boston | Massachusetts | https://www.bosmun.org/ | sg@bosmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
BriarMUNC II | 05/17/24 | 05/18/24 | Ashburn | Virginia | https://bwhsmodelun.weebly.com/ | briarwoodsmodelun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Bridges MUN | 06/01/2024 | 06/01/2024 | Tarzana, Ca. | California | www.rbmun.org | nudibranch3@me.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
FUTURE LEADERS FORUM MODEL UNITED NATIONS | 06/28/2024 | 06/30/2024 | Dubai, UAE | UAE | Futureleaderforum.com | futureleadersmun2024@gmail.com | In-person | International |
International Diplomaicalliance Model United Nations | 07/17/2024 | 07/19/2024 | Gwalior | Madhya Pradesh | https://mymun.com/conferences/intl-dap-2024 | bhavishyagupta26@gmail.com | Virtual | International |
Jaipuria Model United Nations (JMUN) | 07/18/2024 | 07/20/2024 | Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India | India | thejmun.in | preetisingh@jaipuria.com | N/A | International |
Vienna International Model United Nations (VIMUN) | Vienna | Austria | http://www.afa.at/vimun/index.html | vimun@afa.at | In-person | International | ||
Harvard Model United Nations Conference China (HMUN China) | 08/15/2024 | 08/18/2024 | Beijing | China | https://www.hmunchina.org/ | info@hmunchina.org | In-person | International |
Enka International Model United Nations (ENIMUN) | 02/13/2025 | 02/16/2025 | Istanbul | Turkey | https://www.enimun.org/ | enimunenka@gmail.com | In-person | International |
Lorentz Lyceum Model United Nations Arnhem (LMUNA) | 10/04/2024 | 10/06/2024 | Arnhem | Netherlands | http://www.lmuna.eu/ | lmuna@lorentzlyceum.nl | In-person | International |
Panama Model United Nations (PANAMUN) | 10/23/2024 | 10/25/2024 | Panama | Panama | https://www.panamun.org/ | secretariat@isp.edu.pa | In-person | International |
Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN) - Emirates | 10/25/2024 | 10/27/2024 | Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates | https://www.cwmun.org/change-the-world-mun-emirates/ | info@cwmun.org | In-person | International |
MUN Monterrey (MUNMTY) | 10/25/2024 | 10/26/2024 | Monterrey | Mexico | https://modelunmty.wixsite.com/munmty | modelunmty@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Oxford Global Model United Nations (OxGlobalMUN) | 11/22/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Oxford | United Kingdom | https://www.oxfordglobal.org/ | info@oxfordglobal.org | In-person | International |
Seoul Model United Nations (SEOMUN) | 11/08/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Seoul | South Korea | https://www.seomunxxvii.com/ | mun@siskorea.org | In-person | International |
American School of Milan Model United Nations (ASMMUN) | 11/14/2024 | 11/16/2024 | Milan | Italy | https://www.asmmun.org/ | mun@asmilan.org | In-person | International |
Warsaw Model United Nations (WawMUN) | 11/07/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Warsaw | Poland | https://wawmun.pl/ | wawmun2023@gmail.com | N/A | International |
Cancun Model United Nations (CancunMUN) | 11/07/2024 | 11/09/2024 | Cancun | Mexico | https://www.cancunmun.ciac.edu.mx/#:~:text=What%20is%20CancunMUN%3F,delegate%20of%20any%20given%20country. | paolo.delgadillo@ciac.edu.mx | In-person | International |
Chennai Model United Nations (CHEMUN) | 11/08/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Chennai | India | https://www.chemun.org/ | chemun@aischennai.org | In-person | International |
Yale Model United Nations Korea (YMUN Korea) | 11/29/2024 | 12/01/2024 | Seoul | South Korea | https://ymunkorea.org/ | ymunkorea.secgen@yira.org | In-person | International |
Tangier Model United Nations (TMUN) | Tangier | Morocco | https://www.tangiermun.org/ | tangiermunofficial@gmail.com | In-person | International | ||
Japan Educational International Model United Nations (JEIMUN) | Tokyo | Japan | https://jeimun.moispress.org/ | 2024jeimun@gmail.com | In-person | International | ||
Ferney Model United Nations (FerMUN) | 01/07/2025 | 01/10/2025 | Geneva | Switzerland | http://fermun.org/en/ | phlfermun@gmail.com | In-person | International |
The Hague International Model United Nations Conference (THIMUN) | The Hague | Netherlands | https://thehague.thimun.org/ | info@thimun.org | In-person | International | ||
Al Diyafah Model United Nations (ADMUN) | 01/31/2025 | 02/01/2025 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | https://www.diyafah.com/diyafahmun/ | Executive.ADMUN@diyafahschool.com | In-person | International |
Georgetown Model United Nations Conference (GMUN) | Doha | Qatar | https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu/academics/programs/programs-high-school-students/model-united-nations/ | qatarmun@georgetown.edu | N/A | International | ||
Nexus International School Malaysia Model United Nations Conference (NISMUNC) | 02/21/2025 | 02/23/2025 | Putrajaya | Malaysia | https://www.nismunc.org/ | nisp_mun@nexus.edu.my | In-person | International |
Washington University Model United Nations Symposium (WUMUNS) | 10/18/2024 | 10/18/2024 | St. Louis | MO | https://wumuns.org/#:~:text=Washington%20University%20Model%20United%20Nations%20Symposium&text=Early%20Registration%20is%20currently%20open,Louis'%20Danforth%20Campus. | wumunssecretariat@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
South Orange County Model United Nations (SOCOMUN) | 10/28/2024 | 10/28/2024 | Santa Margarita | CA | http://socomun.org/ | socomunsecretariat@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Georgia Tech Model United Nations (GTMUN) | 10/14/2024 | 10/15/2024 | Atlanta | GA | http://www.gtmun.gatech.edu/ | gatechmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Vista del Lago Model United Nations Conference | 11/17/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Folsom | CA | tinyurl.com/vmunc | vmunc.sg@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
South Jersey Model United Nations Conference (SJMUN) | Voorhees | NJ | https://southjerseymun.weebly.com | sjmunsecgen@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
Southpointe Model United Nations (SPAMUN) | 10/19/2024 | 10/19/2024 | Tswwassen | BC | https://www.spamun.org/ | sg@spamun.org | Hybrid | USA/Canada |
Iowa Youth Symposium (IYS) | 10/06/2024 | 10/07/2024 | Des Moines | IA | www.iowayouthsymposium.org | rachel.hansen@mscdonline.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Gordon Fairweather Model United Nations (GFMUN) | Rothesay | NB | https://sites.google.com/rnslearns.cc/gfmun2022/home | gfmun@rns.cc | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
Sir Winston Churchill High School Model United Nations (SWCHSMUN) | 10/18/2024 | 10/19/2024 | Calgary | AB | https://swchsmun.weebly.com/ | sg.swchsmun@gmail.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
Secondary School Interactive Crisis Simulation (SSICsim) | 10/25/2024 | 10/27/2024 | Toronto | ON | http://ssicsim.ca/ | sg@ssicsim.ca | In-person | USA/Canada |
University of Connecticut Model United Nations (UCMUN) | 11/08/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Mansfield | TX | http://www.uconnmun.com/ | exec@ucmun.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
William and Mary High School Model United Nations (WMHSMUN) | 11/15/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Williamsburg | VA | https://www.wmhsmun.org/ | registration@wmhsmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Phillips Exeter Academy Model United Nations (PEAMUN) | 11/03/2024 | 11/03/2024 | Exeter | NH | https://www.peamun.org/ | peamun@exeter.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Empire Model United Nation Conference (EmpireMUNC) | 11/14/2024 | 11/17/2024 | New York | NY | https://empiremunc.net/ | empiremunc.nyu@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
McGill Secondary School's United Nations Symposium (SSUNS) | 11/07/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Montreal | QC | https://www.ssuns.org | schools@ssuns.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Virginia Model United Nations (VAMUN) | 11/15/2024 | 11/17/2024 | Charlottesville | VA | https://www.vamun.org | vamun.sg@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Bruin Model United Nations (BruinMUN) | 11/09/2024 | 11/10/2024 | Los Angeles | CA | https://www.bruinmun.org/ | sg@bruinmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Washington International Relations Conference - American University (WIRC) | 11/09/2024 | 11/09/2024 | Washington | DC | https://wirc.amerimunc.com/ | info@au-wirc.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC) | 11/21/2024 | 11/24/2024 | East Brunswick | NJ | https://www.princetonirc.org/pmunc | pmunc@princeton.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Rutgers Model United Nations (RUMUN) | 11/21/2024 | 11/24/2024 | New Brunswick | NJ | https://modelun.com/rumun/ | info@idia.net | In-person | USA/Canada |
Arkansas Model United Nations (AMUN) | 11/22/2024 | 11/23/2024 | Conway | AR | https://uca.edu/politicalscience/model-united-nations/amun/conference/ | markm@uca.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Breaking Barriers Model United Nations Conference (BBMUNC) | Glastonbury | CT | https://sites.google.com/view/bbmunc/home?authuser=0 | breakingbarriersmodelun@gmail.com | Yes | USA/Canada | ||
Pacific Model United Nations (PACMUN) | 11/23/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Seattle | WA | https://pacificmun.com/ | sg@pacificmun.com | N/A | USA/Canada |
Tustin High School Model United Nations (THSMUN) | 11/23/2024 | 11/24/2024 | Tustin | CA | https://sites.google.com/view/thsmunconference/home | thsmunconference@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Montana Model United Nations (MMUN) | 11/25/2024 | 11/26/2024 | Missoula | MT | http://hs.umt.edu/mun/ | admiss@umontana.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
Great Lakes Invitational Model United Nations (GLIMUN) | 12/04/2024 | 12/07/2024 | Kalamazoo | MI | https://glica.org/ | glicapr@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Canadian American Security Councils & Summits (CASC) | 12/06/2024 | 12/07/2024 | Lansing | MI | https://www.mamunonline.com/ | mamun@mamunonline.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Model United Nations San Antonio (MUNSA) | San Antonio | CA | https://munsa.org/ | munsaisa@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
Warrior Model United Nations (WarriorMUN) | 01/11/2025 | 01/11/2025 | Seekonk | MA | https://sites.google.com/seekonkschools.org/warriormun/home | mun@seekonkschools.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Yale Model United Nations (YMUN) | 01/23/2025 | 01/26/2025 | New Haven | CT | https://ymun.org/ | secgen@ymun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
American University Model United Nations Conference (AmeriMUNC) | 01/31/2025 | 02/02/2025 | Washington | DC | https://amerimunc.com/ | tristen@amerimunc.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Alberta Model United Nations | Calgary | AB | abmun.ca | abmun2024@gmail.com | Yes | USA/Canada | ||
Global Citizens Model United Nations Session 1 (GCMUN) | 02/27/2025 | 03/01/2025 | New York | NY | gcmun.com | hello@gcmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Mid-American Model United Nations (MAMUN) | 03/05/2025 | 03/08/2025 | Kalamazoo | MI | https://www.mamunonline.com/about-mamun | mamun@mamunonline.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Mid-American Model United Nations (MAMUN) | 04/26/2025 | 04/27/2025 | Kalamazoo | MI | https://www.mamunonline.com/about-mamun | mamun@mamunonline.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Global Citizens Model United Nations Session 2 (GCMUN) | 03/20/2025 | 03/22/2025 | New York | NY | gcmun.com | hello@gcmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Berkeley Model United Nations (BMUN) | 03/07/2025 | 03/09/2025 | Berkeley | CA | http://www.bmun.org/ | info@bmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) Session I | 03/07/2025 | 03/10/2025 | New York City | NY | https://imuna.org/nhsmun/nyc/ | registration.nhsmun@imuna.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) Session II | 03/12/2025 | 03/15/2025 | New York City | NY | https://imuna.org/nhsmun/nyc/ | registration.nhsmun@imuna.org | N/A | USA/Canada |
Toronto Model United Nations (TMUN) | Toronto | ON | www.tmun.ca | sg@tmun.ca | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
Herricks Model United Nations Club (HMUNC) | 05/16/2025 | 05/17/2025 | New Hyde Park | NY | http://www.hmunc.org/ | pr.hmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Model UN Chapel Hill (MUNCH) | Chapel Hill | NC | https://www.munchcira.org/ | munchcira@unc.edu | In-person | USA/Canada | ||
Duke Model UN (DUMUNC) | Durham | NC | http://dumunc.dukedira.org/ | |||||
Best Delegate Workshops (MUN 101, MUN Advising 101) | 09/21/2024 | 09/21/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-model-un-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Workshops (MUN 101, Crisis 101, Winning Awards, MUN Advising 101) | 10/05/2024 | 10/05/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-model-un-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Workshops (MUN 101, Chairing 101, MUN Advising 101) | 11/02/2024 | 11/02/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-model-un-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Workshops (MUN 101, Crisis 101, MUN Advising 101) | 01/18/2025 | 01/18/2025 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-model-un-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Workshops (MUN 101, Winning Awards, MUN Advising 101) | 02/08/2025 | 02/08/2025 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-model-un-workshops | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 11/16/2024 | 11/16/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-virtual-model-un-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 12/07/2024 | 12/07/2024 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-virtual-model-un-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 02/22/2025 | 02/22/2025 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-virtual-model-un-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
Best Delegate Training and Advanced Virtual Conference | 03/22/2025 | 03/22/2025 | https://learnmodelun.com/pages/best-delegate-virtual-model-un-conferences | support@bestdelegate.com | Virtual | |||
CheongShim International Academy Model United Nation | Gapyeonggun | South Korea | https://csiamun.org/ | csiamun@csia.hs.kr | In-person | International | ||
California Coastal Model United Nations Conference & Symposium (CCMUNCS) | 01/10/2025 | 01/12/2025 | Irvine | California | http://ccmuncs.org/ | ccmuncs@ccmuncs.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
AISMUN V | 12/13/2024 | 12/14/2024 | Atlanta | Georgia | https://munais.wixsite.com/aismun | mun@aischool.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
RiceMUN | 2/28/2025 | 3/2/2025 | Houston | Texas | ricemun.com | rp60@rice.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
SAMO-MUN | 03/22/2025 | 03/22/2025 | Santa Monica | CA | https://sites.google.com/smmk12.org/samohi-model-un/samohimun-conference-2025 | hknight@smmusd.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Florida High School Model United Nations Flagship (FHSMUN 46) | 02/21/2025 | 02/24/2025 | Altamonte Springs | FL | https://www.fhsmun.org/f46 | advisor.relations@fhsmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Japan Metropolitan Model United Nations | 03/29/2025 | 03/30/2025 | Kawasaki, Kanagawa | Japan | http://jmmun.org/ | jmmunadmin@senzoku.ac.jp | In-person | International |
CALSMUN | 01/18/2025 | 01/19/2025 | Nieuwegein | Utrecht | https://www.calsmun.com/ | mun@cals.nl | In-person | International |
University of Regina Model United Nations Conference | 01/29/2025 | 02/01/2025 | Regina | Saskatchewan | https://urmun.org/ | info@urmun.org | In-person | International |
CINCYMUNC III | 01/25/2025 | 01/26/2025 | Cincinnati | OH | https://cincymun.com/cincymunc/ | cincy.modelun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Wisconsin High School Model United Nations (WHSMUN) | 03/20/2025 | 03/21/2025 | Madison | Wisconsin | https://www.whsmun.org | wisconsinhighschoolmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
NPMUNC I | 01/11/2025 | 12/11/2024 | Covington Township | PA | https://sites.google.com/npsd.org/npmunc/home | cgensel@npsd.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
FLAGMUN | 03/08/2025 | 03/09/2025 | St. Augustine | Florida | https://flagmun.wixsite.com/flagmun | usg.flagmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Indiana Model United Nations Conference | 02/28/2025 | 03/02/2025 | Bloomington | Indiana | www.indianamun.squarespace.com | admin@indianamun.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
VIMUNC | 02/28/2025 | 03/01/2025 | McLean | Virginia | http://www.langleymodelun.com/ | vimunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Southern Regional Model United Nations | 03/20/2025 | 03/22/2025 | Charlotte | NC | http://www.srmun.org/charlotte/index.php | jordin.dickerson@srmun.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
OSUMun | 03/21/2025 | 03/23/2025 | Columbus | OH | https://www.osumunconference.com/ | ccwaosumun@gmail.com OSUMun | In-person | USA/Canada |
NBTHSMUNC (North Brunswick Township Model UN Conference) | 03/22/2025 | 03/22/2025 | North Brunswick | NJ | https://www.nbthsmunc.com/ | nbthsmunc@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
DePaul University Model United Nations - DeMUN I | 04/05/2025 | 04/05/2025 | Chicago | Illinois | https://www.depaulmun.org/ | dmun.board@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
JackrabbbitMUN VII | 05/24/2025 | 05/24/2025 | Long Beach | California | https://www.jackrabbitmun.com | jackrabbitmun1@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Dubai International Academy Model United Nations | 02/21/2025 | 02/23/2025 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates | https://www.diamun.org/ | diamun@diadubai.com | In-person | International |
LexMUN X | 01/25/2025 | 01/25/2025 | Lexington | MA | https://sites.google.com/view/lexmunx/home | lexmun@gmail.com | In-person | USA/Canada |
Potomac School Model United Nations Conference | 02/07/2025 | 01/08/2025 | McLean | Virginia | https://sites.google.com/potomacschool.org/psmunc/home | ghicks@potomacschool.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
ILMUNC x PURMUN 2025 | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2025 | San Juan | Puerto Rico | https://www.ilmunc.com/puerto-rico | secretary_general@purmun.org | In-person | International |
Saddle River Day School Model UN Conference I (SRDSMUNC I) | 05/31/2025 | 05/31/2025 | Upper Saddle River | NJ | https://sites.google.com/view/srdsmunci/home | rkettlewell@saddleriverday.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
McKendree University Model United Nations Invitational | 03/04/2025 | 03/06/2025 | Lebanon | IL | https://www.mckendree.edu/student-life/involvement/org/departmental/model-un/index.php | modelun@mckendree.edu | In-person | USA/Canada |
FletcherMUN | 04/26/2025 | 04/26/2025 | Neptune Beach | Florida | https://sites.google.com/view/fletchermun/home | danielss2@duvalschools.org | In-person | USA/Canada |
Beirut Model United Nations | 04/12/2025 | 04/13/2025 | Beirut | Lebanon | mun.org.lb | beymun2025@mun.org.lb | In-person | International |
AGC MUN | 04/26/2025 | 04/27/2025 | Chennai | Tamil nadu | https://linktr.ee/agcmun1stedition?fbclid=PAY2xjawImnu5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABpum3LRsK80lXsvjub9Tl5yRsKOF2gMgTqYvyMsDPfCwNOjDc6lrU6djk1Q_aem_11UkULvvpw9R9G5Zx58orw | agcmun1stedition@gmail.com | Virtual | International |
I.I.M.U.N. Europe Conference 2025 | 03/28/2025 | 03/30/2025 | Brussels | Maharashtra | https://iimun.in/ | divyamjain.iimun@gmail.com | In-person | International |