In keeping with the conference’s tradition of rotating among host cities within Latin America, the conference staff received bids from numerous applicants in order to determine where the upcoming conference would take place. In the end, it was decided that the Universidade Federale do Rio Grande do Norte would receive the honor. The chosen city of Natal, Brazil, will offer delegates the opportunity to debate serious issues while enjoying the beautiful Brazilian atmosphere.
A dedicated team of Harvard undergraduates, together with their Brazilian counterparts, will be responsible for providing the most rewarding experience possible to hundreds of delegates from the region and around the world. Delegates will be able to participate in organs such as the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council as well as engage in more dynamic debate within the Specialized Agencies. There will be a total of nine committees and a Third Party Actors program that will allow delegates to represent media outlets, NGOs, and other unique entities.
We encourage all within the university circuit to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity. For more information visit the HNMUN Latin America website or the organization’s Facebook page, which will continue to be updated in the coming weeks!