I know – it’s difficult to make yourself stand out in a 2×2 square on a computer screen. In-person Model UN conferences can make it easier for you to increase your visibility in committee, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do so virtually. In fact, a lot of the same skills apply! In this article I’m going to walk you through some key ways to differentiate yourself from other delegates while participating in virtual MUN.
1. Dress to Impress
What would Model UN be without WBA (Western Business Attire)? Just because you may be delivering your opening speech from your childhood bedroom doesn’t mean you should wear pajamas! I’ve seen multiple delegates participate in committee sessions from their beds, dressed in casual clothes or sweats. Although the temptation exists and WBA isn’t the most comfortable attire, looking professional in committee can contribute to how both the delegates and dais or chairs perceive your performance. Before participating in a virtual conference, try finding a clean desk space as opposed to a bed or couch. You should also wear WBA from at least the waist up! Dressing in complete WBA, though, can help you get in the mindset of the committee and facilitate in recreating the environment of an in-person conference.
2. Deliver Engaging Speeches
There’s something about standing up in front of the entire committee and delivering a dramatic speech complete with hand motions and theatrics, but that doesn’t need to end with virtual MUN! There are many ways that you can still differentiate your speeches from those of other delegates. First, remember to check your microphone before the conference starts and speak loudly and clearly so everyone can hear you. You should also continue to use hand motions and appropriate theatrics in your speeches, when applicable. Even though everyone is seated, it’s okay to stand up for an important speech. This will set you apart from the rest of the committee and make your statement more engaging. If you’re in a crisis committee, feel free to utilize appropriate props that won’t distract from what you are saying. You can take advantage of everything in your home that’s at your disposal.
3. Type in Different Colors
Many delegates like to use colored pens to write resolutions or directives in committee so everyone knows what clauses they wrote. This is an “insider trick” that some of the most advanced delegates will use to stand out. It can be even harder to differentiate between different delegates’ clauses during an online conference because everything is typed. That’s why it’s important to choose a color to type everything in for the duration of the conference. This should be a unique and easily readable color such as red, purple, or green. If you’re in a crisis committee you should also write your crisis notes in this same color. Some virtual platforms don’t allow for different colored text, but, if possible, you should take advantage of this opportunity to stand out!
4. Stay Focused
This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s often quite easy to get distracted during an online conference. If you tune out for only a few minutes you can miss important developments in committee and easily fall behind. To help stay focused, I would suggest leaving your phone in a different room, turning off notifications on your computer, and closing all tabs except what is necessary for the conference. The other delegates and dais will take note of who stays engaged throughout the entire conference. Make sure to constantly raise your placard and speak whenever possible!
5. Familiarize Yourself With the Conference Platform
I’m sure we’re all quite familiar with Zoom by now, but many conferences have started to use new platforms for Model UN such as Gatherly, Masters of Disaster, and Discord. Make sure to research whatever platform the conference is using beforehand as part of your conference prep. If possible, try to explore the interface before the committee begins so you’re ready to hit the ground running! Many conferences will also offer tutorials and orientation sessions, so be sure to take advantage of that. You should also take note of any special features on the platform and how you can use them to reach your goals in committee. Many delegates will come to committee without any knowledge of the platform and it may take them one or two sessions to get acclimated. Coming in from the start with this background will help you stand out immediately and allow you to focus your energy on debate rather than navigating new software.
6. Communicate with Fellow Delegates
In-person conferences make it fairly easy to simply walk up to a delegate and start a conversation. Many great delegates are able to form relationships with their peers before the committee session even starts, so that they already have a group of people to work with. It’s much harder to start a conversation on a virtual platform. In fact, it’s almost impossible to have one-on-one discussions in many online settings. That’s why note passing (or chat function) is key! You should start sending chats to delegates as soon as possible. You can use these notes to introduce yourself and coordinate with delegates you want to work with during unmods. Delegates who do not utilize chats enough or properly will be at a severe disadvantage. Make sure your chats are appropriate, many conferences can monitor what is being sent!
Following these suggestions will bring you one step closer to mastering this new art of virtual MUN! It can be daunting to meet people online, but just remember to bring the same energy and passion to virtual conferences as you would to in-person conferences. And remember that M-U-N is ALWAYS F-U-N no matter where the conference is taking place!