How to Succeed When Your Committee…Doesn’t Exist!

Ah, fantasy committees: they are a truly polarizing sub-category of Model UN crisis committees. A common criticism of fantasy committees is how preposterous their topics are. However, when we really break down Model UN, all topics have an aspect of “fantasy” to them: for two to four days, we make up scenarios and solutions! Fantasy committees really aren’t so different from normal crises. So, how can you succeed?


A crisis committee in action at UCLA’s MUN club

  1. Draw parallels to reality.

Often times, chairs choose committees based on their similarities to real cabinets. Compare and contrast your committee to real governments, and the topics to real issues in the world. For example, the storyline of Harry Potter actually hits on problems such as discrimination and corruption. Once you find these similarities, you can create solutions that parallel the real world too!

  1. Take it seriously.

Just because it’s a fantasy committee, doesn’t mean you can treat your time at the conference as a joke. Do not go in unprepared, expecting everything to fall in place. Chairs will be impressed if you put your full effort into your speeches, crisis notes, and directives.

  1. Do your research!

Going along with taking it seriously, sometimes delegates make the mistake of not researching for fantasy committees because they assume they can make things up. However, the storylines of characters in books and TV shows can be very intricate. You will feel better if you research the plot and character development of your topic. Researching can also be fun! Maybe it requires watching some movies, or reading a comic book.

  1. Be realistic.

Although you’re transported to fantasyland, you still want to make sure your directives are within your portfolio powers, and realistic.

  1. Make new friends!

Why did you choose the Batman committee? Maybe your club leader forced you to, but maybe The Dark Knight was your favorite movie. The room will probably be filled with other people who love Batman too. You could meet your new best friend, or a group of you could geek out over your passion for Heath Ledger. Either way, these committees are a great way to meet people with the same interests as you!

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