After engaging in four days of debate (or three for those who had to survive the snowstorm), we have the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) Best Delegation award winners!
Best Large School: West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South
Outstanding Large School: West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North
Best Small School: Milken Community School
Outstanding Small School: The Dana Hall School
Rahul, a Best Delegate reader from West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South, provided this excellent reflection on his ILMUNC experience:
Our experience at ILMUNC was incredible; Penn IAA never ceases to amaze us with the hard work they put into the conference every year. This year, the experience was different to say the least because we faced a huge snow storm and missed all of Thursday. While missing a day had a huge bearing on creating coalitions and competing, we were able to adapt to the situation because a lot of schools were in a similar circumstance. While one would imagine that missing a day would have a negative bearing on how we viewed the conference, we actually thought that it only added to the experience. On Thursday, we met as a team, unsure if we could even attend the conference because of the 18 inches of snow in NJ. When we entered committee on Friday, we did not treat ILMUNC as the same formulaic Model UN experience– we tried to take as much out of the now 3 day conference as possible.
We can say without hesitation that ILMUNC was, yet again, an incredible experience. From an incredibly unique Ad-Hoc committee on terrorism to the interesting focus areas of GAs and Specialized committees, the Secretariat did an incredible job running the conference despite the snow. The challenge of having been a day late pushed our team to its maximum potential, as we won Best Large, but more importantly, took more out of the experience than just another formulaic MUN conference.
We really like this reflection because it shows Model UN is not just about winning awards — it’s about the journey and challenges that it takes to get to whatever you define success to be and the reflection on what you’ve learned in the process.
Congratulations again to all the delegates and staff!
If you missed the other articles, we’ve provided the links to them below: