Traveling to a different country, roughing the jetlag and exhausting transits, packing and preparing, getting visas and documentation done, and everything that comes with International Model United Nations Conferences may seem like a lot of effort for a single Model United Nations Conference. Even with that said, your next Model United Nations Conference should be an international conference.
The fact that not everyone can attend an International Model United Nations Conference for a plethora of reasons is understandable but if you do have an opportunity you should definitely use your chance. This article thus aims essentially to provide an insight into International Model United Nations Conferences and the experience of participating in one to help you decide to book those flight tickets while you still can.
Reason 1: Forming diverse friendships
Despite the fact that Model United Nations Conferences are traditionally only a two to three-day affair, the time spent in the conference helps delegates gain a basic understanding of how life in a new country operates. Just the realization of how different life can be one flight away helps one understand how diverse different worldviews are.
This experience is only complemented by the relationships you will make with the people of different backgrounds, cultures, ideologies and ethnicities. The friendships you create in Model United Nations can be the best ones of your life. Making friends that are diverse and unique only add to your worldview by removing prejudices and unjust biases.
Reason 2: Representing your school, region and even your country in front of a plethora of diverse people
Very much like you learning about the host country of the conference, the native delegates of the country also get to learn more about your school, region, state and even country – especially with regards to your approach to Model United Nations. While it is an excellent opportunity to learn more about other nations, ethnicities, and cultures, you should always remember that you represent your culture as well.
From personal experience chairing and staffing International Model United Nations Conference, it is usually evident that delegates put in more effort and are better prepared not only because of the opportunity being a unique one but also to ensure that they do their best when they are representing major parts of their identities.
The chance to represent your background and make an impression among students from various countries and regions across the world who will for a long time associate your country and its culture with “that person I met in the International Model United Nations Conference” is one of the best experiences that Model United Nations has to offer.
Reason 3: A completely different approach to Model United Nations that can be explored
The approach to Model United Nations at your home country may seem to be the norm if you have delegated for more than two conferences and that is because people from one country usually have a similar approach to Model United Nations. Only when you go to an international conference do you get the realization of how different countries’ and people’s approach to Model United Nations differs.
There are countries where Model United Nations is done as a hobby and the circuit may not be as dominant and competitive while there are also countries where Model United Nations is seen as an academic extracurricular activity and thus the approach itself ensures greater competition and dominance based. The change in approach is usually very evident in international conferences wherein the approach is the norm and adapting to the mindset of the other delegates is a strategy required to win.
This not only makes you a versatile Model United Nations delegate but also greatly contributes to your current skills especially in committees like crisis committees wherein adapting to situations is an essential skill that dictates your performance.
Reason 4: There’s just so much to do and experience
You will be in a different city located in a different country. You will get to try food you have never tried. See places and sights that you only could on the internet. You will get to make friends who are different than you in many aspects and learn a lot from them. The opportunities and experiences are only furthered by your interest and excitement and the whole conference will be a highlight of your Model United Nations career.
So when you see an international conference you like and imagine if it will be worth the effort and the time, more often than not it will be an absolutely amazing experience. The experience will not only help improve your Model United Nations skills but will also prove to be an experience which will contribute greatly to your worldview and your life skills as a whole because you will now know how to navigate your way and live (albeit for a few days) in a completely different country.
Before going off and booking your tickets check out how to ensure a “trouble-free” team travel here to ensure that your experience remains a hassle-free one. The International experience is an essential and important part of Model UN, and thus International Model United Nations Conferences truly are truly experiences of a lifetime.