Since the founding of the United Nations, NGOs have been critical members of the policy and implementation process. NGOs, or Non-Governmental Organizations, are non-profit organizations working on humanitarian, human rights, and sustainable development issues worldwide. In Model UN, knowledge of NGOs will help you write a better position paper, deliver stronger speeches, and write more informed and realistic resolutions. However, in Model UN students often have a hard time finding NGOs to help with their solutions, and often use NGOs in the entirely wrong way! We’re hoping to fix that.
That’s why we’ve put together the Model UN NGO Guide– a list of NGOs sorted by all the 17 different Sustainable Development Goals for you to use in committee. Looking through this guide, you’ll find NGOs to use in your committee based on what SDG your topic is related to, and how to use NGOs in committee. In committee, you can use NGOs to improve every part of your performance.
- In your Position Paper, use research and solutions from NGOs to strengthen your ideas.
- In your Opening Speech, use NGOs to demonstrate why your solutions already work, and to show that your ideas and realistic and well-planned.
- In your Preambular Clauses, use NGOs to call attention to issue and recognize their hard work.
- In your Operative Clauses, use NGOs as a local network to help implement your solutions, as an amplifier for your public awareness campaigns, or as a reference point for new creative solutions.
A few things to keep in mind with this list:
- The SDGs are all related- search through all the goals related to the topic of your committee.
- This list is not exhaustive- we will add more NGOs over time, however we chose these NGOs because of their impact, effectiveness, and influence globally.
- You can find the list here, or under the Resources tab on our navigation bar.
Good luck, and happy researching!