Dear Delegates, Faculty Advisors and Friends of HNMUN-LA,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the second session of Harvard National Model United Nations-Latin America. The conference will be held form Monday, 14 January to Thursday, 17 January 2013 at the Commission Wing of the National Congress of Brazil in Brasilia.
Founded just one year ago, HNMUN-LA has tasked itself with transforming the traditional experience of model UNited Nations. Inspired by the success of our Boston conference, HNMUN-LA emphasizes an unparalleled excellence in diplomacy, infused with a focus on international exchange in a unique cultural setting. Our conference features intimate committee sizes tailored for inclusive debate and with bold ingenuity, our delegates have crafted resolutions to some of the most important global issues of our day.
Our staff of Harvard undergraduates brings a rich experience with model UN, as well as an endlessly innovative energy in seeking to create- to invent- a truly memorable experience. The diverse selection of committees we offer, including four General Assemblies, three Economic and Social Councils, three Specialized Agencies and Regional Bodies, and an extensive Third Party Actors program is buttressed by multimedia presentations, expert witnesses and distinguished speakers from around the world. Our second session in Brasilia will far exceed the first session both within and outside of the committee, fostering innovative ideas and emphasis on the holistic delegate experience. For more information, we encourage you to visit our website at www.hnmunla.org.
You may register online at www.hnmunla.org. The final registration deadline is 15 October 2012, however, as our conference fills quickly, we urge you to register as early as possible!
Please contact us with any questions you may have. The easiest way to contact us is to email us at info@hnmunla.org. Beginning in September, you can call the HNMUN- LA office at 617-495-5828 during office hours from 3-5 PM EST. We look forward to seeing you in Brasilia this January for HNMUN-LA 2013!
Serena L. Bai Secretary-General
HNMUN Latin America 2013