After the Conference Zero, the Conference series began. There were 6 councils in JakartaMUN 2014, they were The World Health Organization (WHO) which discussed about HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other disease; United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) which talked about eradicating literacy; United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) which discussed about child mortality; United Nations Women (UN-Women) which talked about rape; United Nations World Food Program (UN-WFP) which talked about extreme poverty and world hunger; and the last was United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) which talked about the green economy.
Following the one day full with debate and diplomacy, all participants were entertained with one of JakartaMUN 2014 social event, which was Gala Dinner. In Gala Dinner, all participants had a special dinner in a round table together with the Directors and Assistant Directors of each council in order to get to know each other better. Gala Dinner was held in Museum Nasional Indonesia. All participants were also entertained by Band and solo performance.
In June 25th 2014, besides all series of conference, the participants were served with a discussion through the event of Hearing with the Experts. The expertise that came to had a discussion with all the bright youths are Ms. Choerunnisa from The Indonesia Institute of Science, Mr. Shahbaz Khan from UNESCO, dr. Donette Goodall from Lone Star College, and Ms. Gracia Paramitha from Indonesia Youth Diplomacy. The discussion was run very sharp and fruitful because the participants tried to get the input about the issue as much as possible in order to create an excellent Draft Resolution.
In the last day of JakartaMUN 2014, in June 26th 2014, debates and negotiations in the conference
room heated up because all participants have entered the Draft Resolutions session. But at last, all councils succeed to create an excellent Draft Resolution. Conference series was closed by General Assembly where all participant from six councils gathered together to discuss each council Draft Resolution.
The following is the name of award winner from each council that was announced in the Closing Ceremony. Do find your name below? Congratulations for your success!
Best Delegate : Alfian Mohammad Pala (representing Netherlands)
Most Outstanding Delegate : M. Radhiyan Pasopati (representing Algeria)
Honorable Mention : Zumaro (representing USA)
Best Position Paper : Aila Kafrawi (representing Germany)
Best Delegate : Laras Thyrza (Representing Argentina)
Most Outstanding Delegate : Margianta Surahman Juhanda (representing Germany)
Honorable Mention : Adizsa Nurulhuda (representing Turkey)
Best Position Paper : Adizsa Nurulhuda (representing Turkey)
Best Delegate : Christella Feni (Representing India)
Most Outstanding Delegate : Melvin Hade (representing Spain)
Honorable Mention : Nadia Sekarsari Anindyati (representing USA)
Best Position Paper : Marcella Karina (representing United Kingdom)
Best Delegate : Giasinta Livia (Representing India)
Most Outstanding Delegate : Kevin (representing United Kingdom)
Honorable Mention : Alexander Wielgos (representing Russian Federation)
Best Position Paper : Giasinta Livia (Representing India)
Best Delegate : Diovio Alfath (Representing Saudi Arabia)
Most Outstanding Delegate : S. Hanny Lismora (representing Russian Federation)
Honorable Mention : Frans Jediza (representing United Kingdom)
Best Position Paper : S. Hanny Lismora (representing Russian Federation)
Best Delegate : M. Inardi Rizky (Representing USA)
Most Outstanding Delegate : Mochammad Dimas Andra (representing Bangladesh)
Honorable Mention : Talita Luna Siagian (representing Japan)
Best Position Paper : Carissa Tridina (Representing Singapore)
All of the event series of Jakarta Model United Nations 2014 was closed by the splendor After Party.