JOINMUN 2012 was held on May 3rd-May 6th at Inna Garuda Yogyakarta; we can’t believe it’s almost been a year! JOINMUN stands for Jogja International MUN, and it is hosted by Universitas Gadjah Mada, which is one of Indonesia’s top universities. At this year’s upcoming conference, we’re committed to keep the same, perhaps even higher, level of fun and excitement to our second annual JOINMUN. In last year’s event, we talked about Humanity and the Syrian Government in the Arab League, Global Economic Recovery in the G-20 Forum, Rights of Indigenous People in General Assembly, and the future of South Sudan in the UNSC council.
The opening ceremony was opened by the National Anthem and Hymne Gadjah Mada, which was beautifully sung by Gadjah Mada Music Choir. Next, gamelan music played as five traditional dancers came in and performed the Golek Ayun-Ayun dance. Welcoming remarks were first delivered by the JOINMUN Head of Board, Adisty Bahri, and JOINMUN Secretary General, Aulia Kushardini. Among the special guests and speakers were the representatives from Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and Gadjah Mada University, Makarim Wibisono (ASEAN Foundation) and Michael Zaccheo (UNIC).
The first conferences were opened in each council room, and each was attended by an expert as the special speakers discussed the topics related to their council’s issue before the conference began. Some observers were allowed to watch the conference, especially in General Assembly. During the days, the delegates had conferences and issues to solve. But in the night, we had a global village in Ndalem Ngabean, which is located in the Sultan Palace area, and the next night was Ramayana Ballet performance in Prambanan Temple.
On the last day, May 6th, the closing ceremony was held in Nakula-Sadewa hall in Inna Garuda Yogyakarta. We awarded the best delegate and the best position paper awards for each committee. The last performance was from a quartet of strings, playing accoustic version of Viva La Vida as the conference ended. We are looking forward to providing even more cultural performances for our delegates this year!
This year, we are still opening the registration for both delegates and observers with limited space. Register for JOINMUN 2013 at before March 31st!
- JOINMUN 2012 began with a beautiful opening ceremony.