Laguna Hills High School MUN Conference (LHHSMUN) welcomed over 550 delegates from 13 schools all over Southern California this past Saturday on February 23rd, 2013. For it’s 21st annual conference, LHHSMUN provided an outstanding conference once again and presented a wide range of debate topics, from Crisis Mafia/Yakuza/Cartels to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. In addition, LHHSMUN’s organization shined with the unique care packages to each adviser and overall great flow throughout the conference.

Delegates anxiously awaiting for LHHSMUN to begin at Opening Session
To start off their conference, the LHHSMUN Staff prepared a great opening clip of their local non-profit organization, Fútbol 4 Dreams, an organization that provides soccer balls and sports equipment to kids in need. What is so special about this organization is that it was created and started by a former Mission Viejo student, Nicolette Iribarne. Then the organization was spread to LHHSMUN, by Gabriella Iribarne, where a few members of the Secretariat are board members for the great cause! In efforts to get more delegates involved with their charity, LHHSMUN provided soccer balls in each conference for students to personally decorate them throughout committee.
LHHSMUN featured nineteen committees, including the traditional GAs, Specialized Committees such as Security Council, and a three-way Crisis Simulation including the Japanese Yakuza, Russian Mafia, and Mexican Drug Cartel. The Crisis Staff provided a humorous, yet educational, simulation which included plutonium, robots, and iron-men. Each committee had it’s own online spreadsheet, so that all the data was connected and easily accessible to all.


Delegates getting involved in an informal caucus
LHHSMUN also shined through another aspect, the quality of organization the conference held. As stated by LHHSMUN Secretary General, Roohi Kumar, everything was organized, ordered, and packaged, weeks in advance in order to ensure that on the actual day of the conference, there would be no last minute quick changes. In addition, in order to establish communication, frequent emails would be sent out to the advisers in efforts to update them in regards to the conference.

The Lovely LHHSMUN Secretary General, Roohi Kumar

Delegates at Closing Session
Overall, the LHHSMUN 21st annual conference was a huge success, and I congratulate the LHHSMUN Secretariat and Teacher Adviser for a great job well done!
Be sure to Check out the LHHSMUN 21st Conference Album here!

Justices at ICC interrogating the witness

The delegates in the Drug Cartel Crisis questioning the Crisis God

Delegates at Edge of War