This past Saturday on February 22, 2014, Laguna Hills High School MUN (LHHSMUN) hosted its 22nd annual conference at Laguna Hills High School. For it’s 22nd annual conference, LHHSMUN welcomed 650 delegates from 19 schools all over Southern California. Once again, LHHSMUN provided an outstanding conference with a wide range of debate topics, from a Crisis Simulation of the future featuring three regions: Asia, Europe, and North America to their Edge of War Committee.

Opening Ceremonies of LHHSMUN
To start off LHHSMUN, the Secretariat presented an opening clip of their local non-profit organization and continued conference fundraiser, Fútbol 4 Dreams. The non-profit organization hits close to home as Fútbol 4 Dreams was created by former LHHS student, Gabriella Iribarne, back in 2006. Since then, the club has grown to great success, sending soccer balls and equipment to over 25 nations across the globe. In order to encourage delegates to partake in the fundraiser, LHHSMUN sold $2 candy grams throughout the conference. At the end of the conference, the LHHSMUN Secretariat were able to raise $250 for the great cause.

LHHSMUN Secretary General Jennifer Aufill addresses the delegates during opening ceremonies.
LHHSMUN featured 21 various committees, from Crisis to GA in order to accommodate both experienced and novice delegates. The 90 chairs and 25 secretariat have been working for months in order to put together a day full of debate, caucusing, and speeches.

The dais of NARCS novice

Delegates in ICC listen attentively with the new crisis updates

The England delegates work together to discuss strategy in the Diplomacy Committee

Delegate presenting her speech during in the advanced NARCS committee

Delegates in 6th Legal crowding around Egypt to write resolutions
Special LHSSMUN Features
LHHSMUN worked toward increasing advisor to chair communication, by placing each committee’s tally sheets on a google spreadsheet for all head advisors to see. By doing so, advisors could see how their respective delegates are performing in committee by simply logging on.
In addition, in my interview with LHHSMUN Secretary General Jennifer Aufill, she stated how important it was the the LHHSMUN Staff communicate with the advisers from attending schools. From updating country matrices to updates on the conference, communicating via email helps make sure that everything runs smoothly during the day of the conference. In addition, Aufill mentioned that the best way to prepare for a conference is also to prepare the chairs well on the style and simulation of a committee.

Secretary General Jennifer Aufill and myself after our interview
LHHSMUN thanks all staff members, head faculty advisor Carri Geiger, and delegates for their contributions to the conference. Here’s to the next LHHSMUN conference. Go Hawks!
Check out more photos on our LHHSMUN Facebook Album.