Liveblog: How to Write Crisis Notes at NAIMUN 50

I had the pleasure of visiting Alicia Chavy and Chloe Krawczyk, Crisis Analysts for the Joint Crisis Committee: Spanish Civil War.  As we talked in the crisis war room, we started discussing what makes an ideal crisis delegate.  Both Alicia and Chloe said that notes you write as a delegate to the crisis team, otherwise known as crisis notes, are crucial in making the committee dynamic and exciting throughout the weekend.  Without further ado, here are some of the major tips that these NAIMUN crisis analysts have for writing the best crisis notes.
  1. Be historically accurate.  Alicia and Chloe, along with the rest of the NAIMUN crisis team understand that in committee, altering history is part of the game.  But, keeping with some of the norms of history can be important in making the crisis realistic.  Being creative is important, but be clear in your intentions “if you’re a member of the Spanish Nationalists in the 1930s, don’t ask for aid from a communist country like the Soviet Union,” said Alicia.
  2. Know your portfolio powers.   Both crisis analysts said if they get notes that try to work outside the range of what a character can do, they cannot allow the delegate to go through with the action request.  Learning the powers of a Minister of Defense versus the Minister of Culture, and asking for appropriate action orders is very important
  3. Write joint crisis notes.  Just like you can work together on a directive with other delegates, you can also write crisis notes that use both sets of portfolio powers between two delegates.  These are different from directives because the actions are covert.
  4. Be specific, yet concise.  When writing notes, keep in mind that they are just that; NOTES. They don’t need to be novels, and can just be basic action orders.  However, also make sure that you are specific when asking for troop movement, locations, and time frames.  in the numbers of troops you want to move, for example.
  5. Be creative! “We love to be entertained.” said Chloe.

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