College admissions officers and job recruiters are always looking for people who can take the initiative, effectively lead groups, and manage their time. Leadership is a key part to how they determine their student community because they want students who can foster innovation and bring together teams. Fortunately, MUN provides multiple opportunities for you to work on these leadership skills!
Leading Blocs
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Blocs are important to creating resolutions to the global issues delegates face in every committee. Without group collaboration, comprehensive solutions cannot be formed! Even more necessary to each bloc are people who can organize the group effort.
At the Best Delegate MUN Institute, these leaders are often called recruiters and defenders. As a recruiter, a delegate can be expected to organize the group’s thoughts and assign different parts of the resolution to other delegates. In addition, they recruit other delegates to join their bloc. Likewise, a defender carries out the same former role. However, they protect the bloc from recruiters, trying to keep as many delegates in their bloc.
Basically, these two bloc diplomacy roles allow you to lead a bloc because fellow delegates in your group are relying on you to protect them from other recruiters and recruit more delegates from other blocs. You can use this to practice your negotiation and public speaking skills. College admissions officers look for these skillsets, as do job interviewers.
Being an Officer of your School’s MUN Club
You can also be a part of your school’s MUN club cabinet. A standard cabinet consists of a Secretary-General, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Head Delegate of Training. Each position has its own responsibilities, some examples of which are listed below:
- Secretary-General (or President) – Manage the club officers and communicate between the club members, officers, and advisors
- Secretary – Keep attendance sheets for mock conferences, trainings, and actual conferences
- Treasurer – Raise money for upcoming conferences through multiple fundraisers and events
- Historian – Take photographs and update FaceBook/Twitter/social media pages
- Head Delegate of Training – Recruit and train new delegates for the MUN world
If your school doesn’t have an MUN club, that’s even better! Now you have the opportunity to start a new MUN team and possibly create a new legacy for the school! Delegates often reminisce about their experiences in Model United Nations in application essays and interviews, which bolsters the application as a whole.
Serving as Part of the Conference’s Secretariat
The most distinguished (and often, the most difficult) of all is serving as part of a conference’s secretariat. As part of the secretariat, you can participate in all conference activities, including registration, committees, and more! Through participating in this leadership role, you develop skills in areas such as training staff members, handling a budget, organizing logistics, and maintaining relationships and outreach. These are all valuable experiences to talk about during a job or college interview.
You can also choose to start your own conference at your school! Follow this guest article on how to “Start a Model UN Conference by Completing These 6 Tasks.”
Of course, creating your own conference is difficult, but through hard work and dedication, it’ll all pay off!