“MUN is my life.”
– Jayne W., Connecticut
At Best Delegate Summer Programs, delegates gain significant Model UN experience and improve public speaking, negotiation, and research skills, but most importantly — delegates have a lot of fun!
In between lessons on the United Nations and public speaking activities and preparing for Model UN simulations, delegates get to meet new people and make new friends.
Our delegates come from different states and different countries, some coming from as far away as Korea and Kuwait and Columbia.

We use fun icebreakers and games that help delegates get comfortable with one another while still practicing Model UN skills like public speaking and research.
Our residential programs feature different evening activities, from movie nights and delegate dances to guest speakers and college panels.
Delegates get to hang out at some of the most beautiful college campuses in the world, like Georgetown, Harvard, Columbia, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and more.
And delegates get to learn about college life and college MUN from our Diplomacy Fellows, the best delegates on the college circuit.

Part of what makes Model UN such an awesome educational activity is it’s “learning by headfake” — delegates learn so much without even realizing it.
Delegates learn about the world, like foreign countries, foreign cultures, and foreign policies.
Delegates learn life skills, like public speaking, negotiation, and research.
Over the course of their Model UN journey, delegates learn to be leaders.
And delegates learn all of this while barely realizing how much they’re learning because they’re busy having so much fun in the process — from meeting new people, visiting new places, and making new friends.

This is a large part of why we love Model UN, and it’s something that we carry over to our summer programs.
We believe that if our delegates are making friends and having fun, then they’re learning more and becoming better delegates.
Join us this summer and learn why M-U-N is F-U-N!
Learn more about Best Delegate Summer Programs
Diplomat Program Locations | Ambassador Program Locations | Secretary-General Program Locations |
Georgetown | Georgetown | Georgetown |
Berkeley | Berkeley | |
Chicago | Chicago | |
Harvard | ||
Columbia | ||
Emory | ||
Toronto |