While we don’t have a social networking service on our website yet, we do want to share four Model UN social networking services — Unmod, MUNnection, UNA-USA Model UN Discussion Boards, and ModelUN.com — that have already been launched (with the first two just recently launched). Each of them has a different niche, so check them out and let us know what you think!
Service Provider: The Circuit (muncircuit.com), a college Model UN website started by Ross Slutsky from the Emory Model UN team
Focus: Collegiate Model UN students
Self-Description: One of the most important aspects of going to conferences is the people you meet. Collegiate Model UNers are highly motivated students who share a commitment to global citizenship and have many things in common. The delegate you work with today might be the colleague you work with tomorrow. While the geographical constraints between us are real, in this age of social media, we can still form bonds which last long after the closing gavel. Unmod brings us closer together with features tailored to the specific needs of collegiate MUNers: the Forum, MUNtube, and the Conference Calendar.
Service Provider: MUNnection, a startup led by İlteriş K. Canberk and four other team members from Robert College in Turkey.
Focus: European high school Model UN students, particularly those who attended THIMUN
Self-Description: MUNnection offers several services that aim to improve communication and cooperation among the MUN society as well as offering conferences an opportunity to advertise and provide more information about their organizations. MUNnection also stands out with its own jargon, which was devised from the parliamentary language. Members can add their friends by issuing a “motion to befriend”, or create a delegation to exchange ideas.
UNA-USA Model UN Discussion Boards
Service Provider: United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA)
Focus: Teachers, Model UN educators, and Global Classrooms participants
Self-Description: UNA-USA’s Model UN Discussion Boards are a great way to connect teachers, students, and Model UN enthusiast. The discussion boards are also a valuable resource for learning from the experience of fellow teachers and sharing ideas to better prepare for the conferences.
Service Provider: Institute for Domestic and International Affairs (IDIA) affiliated with Rutgers Model UN
Focus: High school Model UN students, particularly those who attended IDIA-affiliated conferences such as RUMUN and PhilMUN.
Description: The website allows students to learn, debate, and resolve international issues; find and join their schools’ page; and download resources for teachers and students.
What do you think about these social networking sites? What type of social networking would you like to see from Best Delegate?