Finn Carlson posing for a picture with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
A lot of MUNers have imagined themselves working at the United Nations. Unfortunately, many of those individuals have never applied to intern or work for the United Nations. Some MUNers do not even know how to apply — or worse — believe that there is no chance of being accepted into such a competitive internship. Well, I have good news for you! I recently sat down with Finn Carlson on munCast to discuss how to apply to intern at the United Nations and what his experience was like. During this munCast Finn shares his advice and more! Finn Carlson graduated from University in the Netherlands, worked as an intern at the United Nations, and has participated in UNA-USA, THIMUN, and UN4MUN conferences around the world.
Part I
In Part I we discuss how to apply for a UN internship, what the application process is like, and what you can do to make yourself a more qualified candidate.
Part II
In Part II we discuss what Finn’s experience was like as an Intern at the United Nations and how it was different than what delegates experience at a Model UN conference.
Part III
Part III will be released soon. In Part III we discuss the differences between the MUN culture in North America and Europe.
Episode 5 of munCast will feature Richard Pyo. Richard Pyo graduated from the University of Southern California and works at Yelp. He was the Director-General for Global Classrooms International Model UN, taught Model UN as a Diplomacy Fellow for Best Delegate in Korea and the United States, and more.