NAIMUN Liveblog: Harlem Shake Helps Save 385 Lives
byKFConFebruary 18, 2013
The North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) conference is traditionally one of the largest (if not the largest) fundraisers for philanthropic causes and social justice among all Model UN conferences in the world, raising an average of over $20,000 every year. This year, NAIMUN’s official charity benefited Action Against Hunger, an international NGO that provides nutrient-rich foods such as Plumpy’Nut to malnourished communities worldwide.
A guest speaker from Action Against Hunger spoke to over 3,000 delegates during the Saturday afternoon session to explain their work and how students can make a difference by raising the money.
Delegates learned more about Action Against Hunger
Of course, NAIMUN staff always does a good job at encouraging participants to donate through various fun and creative incentives. Last year, pie-ing the chairs in the face seemed to be popular. This year, the popular incentive seemed to be having the committee film a Harlem Shake, the Internet meme de jour. Here’s an example from the UN Women committee after they successfully completed their fundraising goal:
Auctions for various items and even staff members was popular. For example, SOCHUM auctioned off a box of Valentine’s-themed chocolates, which one delegate won and gave to another delegate who helped her throughout the weekend.
A delegate gives off the item she won in the SOCHUM charity auction
Overall, NAIMUN raised enough money for Action Against Hunger to save 385 lives this weekend. Congrats to all the NAIMUN participants for making a huge difference in the world!