Liveblog: NCSC XLI, Friday, October 25, 2013

With Halloween just around the corner, everywhere you look there are costumes, props, and masks…oh wait, no, it’s just the NCSC crisis headquarters.  Armed with copious amounts of coffee and notes detailing the brilliant ideas they’d come up with the night before, delegates took on the second day of committee with the same vigor they exhibited at the start, ready to take on the host of crises and game-changers that the NCSC staff would spring on them.
Delegates in the Revolutionary Army discuss military strategy

Delegates in the Revolutionary Army discuss military strategy

The fast pace of committees continued with several committees experiencing variations on coups, domestic

unrest, and uprisings.   Delegates in the ad hoc committee dealt with issues at home and abroad as they sought to come up with resolutions to their internal practices as well as threats stemming from regions such as the Middle East and China.  The Banana Wars committee dealt with domestic turmoil as their president passed away due to a drugs overdose, and the Greek Cabinet of Cyprus, 1974 was faced with similar issues as delegates divided over whether to bring their ousted leader back into power or not. Over in Mena’s Revolutionary Army, delegates discussed vital military strategy and tactics, debating the merits of using alcohol poisoning to weaken the other side. All in all, it appeared a fruitful if not frantic day of debate.

Crisis! Delegates in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt deal with a kidnapping

Crisis! Delegates in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt deal with a kidnapping

With committee done and dusted for the second day, delegates are abandoning their MUN personas in favor of other characters—everything from a golfer to a band of pirates—and heading down to the NCSC Halloween party.  Beware—as the toils and troubles of committee are temporarily left behind, something NCSC this way comes.


Delegates in the Organisation of African Unity present their resolution

Delegates in the Organisation of African Unity present their resolution

Intense debate rages in the Ad Hoc committee

Intense debate rages in the Ad Hoc committee

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