The North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) XLIX conference ended up raising $24,234.48 for our Conference Charity, charity: water. We’re incredibly proud of this result. We’re particularly proud of the fact that the fundraising was quite spread out among all the many committees at the conference – no one committee raised all the money. It was truly a group effort.
Much of the money was raised in direct donations in committee sessions by our NAIMUN delegates. We also had Candy Grams and the NAIMUN Charity Raffle as fun ways to donate to charity: water, in which the money donated by each delegate actually counted towards his or her committee total. Some of our moderators even got involved! We had lots of candy grams sent to lucky delegations by generous moderators.
I was very lucky to have a team of NAIMUN staffers who not only took the time to learn about and get involved in charity: water, but also were willing to do ridiculous things to incentivize donations. The number of Justin Bieber impersonation performances, pies thrown at the faces of committee chairs, USG-led sing-a-longs, and ridiculous Dais Dances was truly impressive.
All in all, I feel NAIMUN was able to make a real difference by raising money for water projects through charity: water, while also educating our delegates about water-related issues and making it all fun.
Editor’s note: Although the Model UN community (including Best Delegate) hasn’t really kept track of the different fundraising initiatives at all the conferences throughout the years, we can confidently say that raising over $24,000 for charity is probably one of the largest sums ever and we applaud NAIMUN’s staff and delegates for their outstanding fundraising efforts!