When asked about the partnership with THIMUN, Lisa Martin said “Partnership with THIMUN allows O-MUN to keeps its focus on student leadership and the high quality debating that the organization is known for. It is also a tremendous honor to be offered the opportunity to take the THIMUN program to students all over the world who will never have the opportunity to travel to a THIMUN conference. Those of us who worked incredibly hard last year to build a truly global program are gratified by The THIMUN Foundation’s endorsement of the online program.” Maryam Al-Ammari, the Secretary General for THIMUN O-MUN, was equally exited about the partnership, and had this to say about the partnership. “It means our program will be able to reach more people. It is also the ultimate seal of approval and support from THIMUN, one of the most important organizations in MUN.”
Meanwhile, the THIMUN board is equally pleased with the partnership. Fran Laughlin, Co-Chair of the THIMUN Board of Directors, stated “It has been THIMUN’s mission, since its early conferences nearly 50 years ago, to spread the word about the work of the United Nations, for students to learn about contemporary world issues, and to learn the procedures for formal debate and negotiation. Until now this has been done through our four (soon to be five) international conferences and our more than forty affiliated conferences. Developments in technology have allowed us to continue this program, and the THIMUN foundation is delighted to welcome O-MUN (Online Model United Nations) to its family. We welcome this opportunity, which enables students across the world, especially those who are not able to attend conferences, to participate in debate and negotiation while stepping into the shoes of another country. We are particularly grateful to Lisa Martin, whose energy and vision made O-MUN happen.”
Congratulations to both THIMUN and O-MUN for a wonderful partnership that will bring Model UN to more people from around the world!