Oxford University hosted its 10th annual Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN) Conference from 2nd -4th November, 2012. OxIMUN is one of Europe’s premier annual Model United Nations conferences which attracted delegates and recruited chairs and press teams from as far as Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Geneva and many major MUN actors in the world to a university which is over 900 years old.
This year OxIMUN welcomed 500 delegates from across the world bringing with them an unrivalled diversity of views and backgrounds into 18 global and regional committees.
OxIMUN is also one of the three most prominent collegiate conferences who joined forces to form The MUN League. Americas Model United Nations (AMUN) in Brazil, McGill Model United Nations Assembly (McMUN) in Canada, and Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN) in the United Kingdom jointly announced their MUN League this year to facilitate more diversity and involvement in the Model United Nations within these three continents. This implies that delegates who have won Best Delegate awards at OxIMUN this year shall be offered free passes for the other two MUN League conferences. Congratulations to the award winners.
- Best Delegation Award: MUN Society Belgium
- Small Best Delegation Award: United States Military Academy at West Point
Another point of pride at this 10th edition of OxIMUN is of Developing Global Partnership by recruiting international delegations from all corners of the world to the Oxford campus this year.
When asked by the Oxford Press Officer Dolly Ghuman, the President of United Netherlands Jasmin Vodjani and SPECPOL Director Anmol said:
“My role is to take care everything goes smoothly and making sure all delegates are presents, as well as taking notes and evaluations the performance of the delegates”. On her preparations for the OxIMUN, she said, “I attended a course for 6-7 months, with lectures in morning on international affairs and skills training in the afternoon and MUN simulation for the whole day in different shifts.” According to Jasmin, the best delegate would be a combination of “theoretical knowledge, creative proposals and ideas and level of fruitful interaction with other delegates”. With active participation from most of the SPECPOL delegates, the choice would have been difficult to make.
Anmol, the Director said his “basic job was to create, moderate the flow of debate for delegates to bring in the content and act as a catalyst for them”. He added, “We prepared 3-4 months with meetings on different topics, created a giant blanket of topics and found individual topic that would suit all committees. There has been regular, chronic research over the last 3 months, trying to make sure we study on various complex stances and country problems.”
OxIMUN 2012 is now over, but the Press Team is still working – keep checking http://live.oximun.org/ for the latest articles!

You didn’t think that when the press asked Committees for funny pictures, the Press Team won’t make it tough competition? Check that: OxIMUN Press Rocks!

Heena Mohammed from Manchester MUN Society (ManMUN) representing The Republic of Cuba on the Legal Committee, won an Honorable Mention

Karen Grima, Martin van Wijk and Laura Hawkes (UNESCO, COP-18 and UNHRC respectively) all representing the Republic of Cuba at OxIMUN

Limaben Jamir, MIhaela and Matt posing with other delegates for best funny committee picture’s competition- UNHRC Committee outside Magdalen College
Delegates in ASEAN Central Bank Committee discussing during an unmoderate caucus and drafting a resolution

Axel Van Genechten draws attentions of the fellow delegates to an important clause in International Criminal Court

Royal Holloway Diplomatic Society at the OxIMUN Reception 2012 (Limabenla Jamir -UNHCR ,Silvia Conti- COP18, Amanda Milani Noakes- UNDP. Emil Tan – UNCTAD, Andriena Dagino- WHO
Levke Rickmers- ECOFIN)
Congratulations to all the outstanding delegates for winning awards at Oxford International MUN’s 10th edition we wish you all the best and expect you to compete in other two major MUN League conferences (McMUN and AMUN) as well!
For more information about The MUN League conferences visit our Best Delegate team’s article at https://bestdelegate.com/americas-amun-mcgill-mcmun-and-oxford-oximun-form-the-mun-league/
Photo credits: OxIMUN Press Team