Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC) Liveblog and Awards

The awesome delegates/Best Delegate fans in the IMF committee at PMUNC

The Princeton International Relations Council, a subsidiary of the American Whig-Cliosophic Society which is oldest collegiate political, literary, and debating society in the United States, hosted its annual Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC) this weekend in East Brunswick, New Jersey.

There was strong demand for the conference — it reached capacity at 1,200 delegates — and the conference was highly anticipated among many of our website’s readers. Best Delegate made a special bonus visit to liveblog the conference and we have photos of delegates in action from almost every committee!

Let’s take a look at the delegates in action in almost every committee:

Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)

Canada leads her caucus bloc to produce a draft resolution in DISEC

The co-delegates representing Rwanda (Oceanside High) show off their teamwork by fielding questions from two different delegates in DISEC

Chile (West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North) leads the collaboration process for her caucus bloc in DISEC

Delegates caucus outside the committee room in DISEC

Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)

Delegates enjoy speaking with each other in SOCHUM

Delegates ballin' in SOCHUM

What does it take to be part of a nationally-ranked Model UN team? Check out this huge, tabbed research binder from a Dalton School delegate.

Bosnia & Herzegovina (The Dalton School) -- the male delegate standing -- tries to absorb an entire caucus bloc with similar ideas in SOCHUM

Mexico (League of Creative Minds) agrees with Bosnia & Herzegovina in SOCHUM

Special, Political, and Decolonization

The delegates representing the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Perth Amboy High) get into character with portraits of their leaders which they brought up to the podium when they made their speeches

Delegates draft their resolution together in SPECPOL

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Canada makes a speech in UNESCO

Switzerland makes a comment during moderated caucus in UNESCO

Delegates are enjoying their time in UNESCO

International Monetary Fund

The awesome delegates of IMF and chair Erick Walsh pose for Best Delegate.

Delegates are eager to get called on to speak about how to solve the global debt crisis in the IMF

The United States (Edgemont High) stays positive despite having a policy that is highly criticized by the rest of the IMF

Spain (Millburn High) stays stylish despite his country's economy needing a bailout from the IMF

Delegates vote in the IMF

Organization of American States

The co-delegates of Brazil (Eastern Regional High) address the OAS

Mexico (League of Creative Minds) has much to say about the situation of refugees within the OAS

Nicaragua (Scarsdale High) speaks in the OAS

Honduras (Bergen County Academies) makes a speech in the OAS

Colombia (Centennial High) delivers her speech in the OAS

Cuba (The Dwight School) gets animated as he attacks the United States' policies

The United States (Edgemont High) needs to defend against criticisms of his country's immigration policies in the OAS

Security Council

Colombia (Centennial High) makes his arguments for his draft resolution

China (New Canann High) has some concerns about violating national sovereignty in the UN Security Council's plans for Somalia

Portugal (Moorestown Friends School) suggests to strike four operatives clauses in a draft resolution in the UN Security Council

International Court of Justice

The prosecution team for Costa Rica questions the defense team of Nicaragua on the Nicaraguan Canal dispute

A judge asks a scathing question to the prosecution in the ICJ

Another judge isn't entirely convinced by the defense's arguments in the ICJ

One of the judges speaks in the ICJ

Young Turk Revolution 1908

Delegates participate in the Young Turks Revolution 1908

A delegate gives his response in the Young Turks Revolution 1908

Berlin Conference of 1884

A delegate explains his proposal for further colonization of Africa in the Berlin Conference of 1884

Joint Crisis – Hamas vs. Fatah 

Delegates listen carefully for the latest crisis update in the joint crisis between Hamas and Fatah

Delegates seem stressed over the crisis

Delegates strategize on their proposals in preparation for a joint meeting between the crisis cabinets

War in Afghanistan

A delegate is alone in his support of the United States as an ally as most of the cabinet has sided with Pakistan

A delegate addresses the council in the War in Afghanistan committee

Republican National Convention 

Ambitious delegates crowd around the dais during an unmoderated caucus for advice from the chairs in the Republican National Convention

Two delegates engage in a discussion during unmoderated caucus in the Republican National Convention

Politburo of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1945 

A delegate of the USSR Politburo 1945 explains her directive to send covert spies to Korea in order to weaken American control of the area

Chinese military officials (the two crisis staffers on the left) are dissatisfied with the lack of aggressive action by the USSR Politburo and decide to take unilateral action

Council of Cartels: Mexican Drug War

A delegate speaks in response to a crisis update in the Council of Cartels

One of the delegates points the blame on another delegate in the Council of Cartels

Deepwater Horizon Emergency Response Team

Delegates collaborate to resolve the Deepwater Horizon crisis

A delegate seeks to convince two of his peers during unmoderated caucus in the Deepwater Horizon Emergency Response Team

Ad Hoc Committee on Indonesian Sovereignty

A guest speaker from Aceh answers questions to delegates in the Ad Hoc Committee on Indonesian Sovereignty

Conference in general:

Students from West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South are enjoying PMUNC


The much anticipated face-off between the East Coast powerhouses — and first conference of the season for some New Jersey schools since RUMUN had a schedule conflict this year — ended up with Horace Mann coming out on top with the Best Large Delegation. The Dalton School had their impressive multi-year undefeated streak snapped but they still captured Outstanding Large Delegation. The well-traveled University of Chicago Lab School won Best Small Delegation and Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) from Singapore took the Outstanding Small Delegation.

Best Large Delegation: Horace Mann School
Outstanding Large Delegation: The Dalton School
Best Small Delegation: University of Chicago Lab School
Outstanding Small Delegation: Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

Horace Mann won Best Large Delegation at PMUNC


Thanks to Secretary-General Grace Kim, Charge d’Affaires Kandasi Griffiths, and USG of Operations Andrew Choi for the warm welcome! Also, thanks to all the delegates who said hi!

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