Today marked the first annual Red Cedar Model United Nations, the middle school conference hosted by the staff of MSUMUN. After many months of planning, the day finally arrived. Deputy Under Secretary General of External Affairs, Chelsea Bollman, along with the rest of Secretariat, the chairs of SOCHUM and the Treaty of Versailles, and Conference Services worked tirelessly, and all of the hard work paid off. The bright, shining faces of the 40 middle schoolers, some waking up as early as 3:00am to drive from Leland, Michigan to Michigan State University.
Delegates in SOCHUM debated the question: Is Internet access a basic human right? This question proved to be quite contentious, as delegates engaged in debate about censorship and personal rights. It was refreshing, to say the least, to see the delegates break from the norms established in the UN; the delegate from the United States was spotted repeatedly conversing with Cuba and the DPRK. Four draft resolutions were introduced in a very short period of time, and all delegates worked very hard to represent their nation to the fullest.
Delegates in the Treaty of Versailles worked on creating a treaty that would establish national boundaries and norms following The Great War. The dais and staff were so impressed with the way things were going early on in committee that they claimed the students would “create NATO 30 years early,” and “solve the world’s problems before lunchtime.” The end result included reparations in the form of land, “all of the 14 points,” and the division of Austria-Hungary. The committee ended with a signing ceremony, and some “Stump the Dais” trivia.
Many delegates said their favorite part of the day was the lunch provided in the newly renovated Case Hall Cafe, citing the “Triple Berry Crepes” as their favorite snack. Delegates were all smiles at closing ceremonies, each of them received certificates, and a committee photograph. Advisers were all pleased, and many said they would be bringing delegates to MSUMUN this March, and most definitely bring students next year to RCMUN.