The XLII annual session of the Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations (SCVMUN) took place on February 1st and 2nd at Santa Teresa High School in San Jose, California. Although the conference has been held at the school for many years, this year marked a few firsts in its history. It was the largest SCVMUN to date, with nearly five hundred students from twenty-six schools representing fifty-five countries in attendance. The delegates were distributed across ten committees, making the conference quite competitive. Similarly to previous years, the conference included an inspiring speaker, San Jose City Councilmember Ash Kalra, and was chaired by students from UC Berkeley’s model united nations organizations and by the alumni of Santa Teresa High School’s own International Relations Club. For the first time in its history, SCVMUN included a fund-raiser for a not for profit organization, Heifer International, which provides agricultural supplies and livestock to the poor in developing countries. This fund raiser was introduced at the opening ceremony of the conference by the young scholars of Gazarla Elementary, a group of young students with a passion for making a difference in the world.
The Santa Clara Valley Model United Nations conference has grown to be a mainstay of model united nations activities in northern California, and will continue to provide ample opportunities for delegates, seasoned veterans and new ones alike, to develop and practice their debate and oratory skills.