The SFMUN2 recap was provided by Gina Wu, a sophomore at Saint Francis High School MUN.
The St. Francis High School Model United Nations Team in Sacramento, California welcomed over 60 delegates from 23 schools in the greater Sacramento area on April 6th, 2013 for its 2nd annual middle school conference, SFMUN2. The day was designed to educate and sharpen students’ skills of public speaking, resolution writing, debate, diplomacy, and teamwork, featuring workshops on public speaking and resolution writing and abbreviated crisis committees with topics such as Hunger Games, Extraterrestrial Refugee Camp, Lifeboat, and Intergalactic Republic and the event’s first historical committee, Treasure Ship.

Delegates listening to speeches.
SFMUN2 officially commenced with opening ceremony and a warm welcome from the Secretary-General, Charlotte Leszinske; however the initial steps in planning taken for the conference started at the beginning of the school year. Through dedication and long hours of rehearsal, the St. Francis MUN team planned committee agendas and promoted the conference. With the support of advisers and parents, the team excitedly turned SFMUN2 from a dream to a reality.

The SFMUN2 Secretariat
Delegates began to flow in and were greeted by the warm smiles and hospitality of St. Francis Ambassadors, team members and parent volunteers. After grabbing a quick morning snack, they grouped into clusters as they nervously wondered about committee assignments and anxiously pondered about the day that lay ahead of them. Following opening ceremony, which started at nine, students then learned about the fundamentals of the Model United Nations: making speeches, Parliamentary Procedure, and resolution writing. The students gained more confidence as they engaged to learn the skills needed for the afternoon break-away crisis committees.
As 7th and 8th grade delegates entered their committee rooms, they completely transformed into professional diplomats, a strong contrast from the nervous attitudes they had two hours ago. The students became more comfortable with Parliamentary Procedure, debate easily transitioned from one eager delegate to another. During lunch, the delegates munched on delicious sandwiches, fruit, chips, and cookies while making friends with the other students and enthusiastically discussing their committees.
Through eloquent speeches, remarkable teamwork, and active debate, delegates exercised impressive diplomacy throughout the committee sessions, and chairs presented awards in closing ceremony. In addition to awards, delegates were given an opportunity to become a rapporteur and recap their committee during closing ceremony.
The conference was well received by the delegates and some of the rapporteurs expressed an interest in doing Model United Nations in high school as well as returning next year’s conference! Observing teachers from middle schools were impressed by the professionalism that the St. Francis MUN team modeled for the delegates. The team members were thrilled to see their hard work pay off in SFMUN2. The St. Francis Model United Nations Team is proud to have hosted its second successful conference and is looking forward to next year’s conference, SFMUN3.

Delegates participating in informal caucus.

Delegates pose for a picture after committee!

Thank you to the SFMUN2 Staff for a great conference!

The full SFMUN2 Staff smiles after a successful conference!
The SFMUN Secretariat put on a great, successful conference! We look forward to seeing what SFMUN3 has for next year!
For more information on SFMUN2, check out their Facebook Page.