- France (center) leads this caucus in the European Union. Notice how she is in the center of the caucus bloc and seated lower than the other delegates. You can often tell from delegates’ body language how they are performing and who the leaders are.
- Another exercise in body language: the delegate who is seated at the center of the caucus bloc is in a leadership position.
- The delegate representing China in SPECPOL
- Edmund Burke in the British Parliament of 1776
- Future politicians in training: as soon as these delegates saw me enter the room they decided to pose for the camera. The delegate with his hand raised spoke with a fake British accent throughout the entire conference — but everyone in committee thought it was real!
- UNEP delegates wearing very Fall-appropriate colors: yellow, red, and even orange eyeglasses!
- Delegates in the UNEP
- UNEP chairs address a few delegates’ questions
- The Louis Vuitton committee discussed how to stop the sale of fake merchandise around the world
- Delegates represented various board directors in the Louis Vuitton committee
- The seated delegate has effectively placed himself at the center of this caucus bloc
- Josiah Bartlett rocks a tri-fold hat in the 1776 American Second Continental Congress
- Delegates in the Libyan National Transitional Council
- In his opening ceremonies speech, SMUNC Secretary-General Konstantine Buhler challenged delegates to find their passion during the conference
- Opening ceremonies featured a panel discussion of Stanford faculty on human rights, nuclear non-proliferation, and the situation in Afghanistan
- USG Crisis Yael Wulfovich, SecGen Konstantine Buhler, and USG Crisis Charles Mbatia
- The crisis room
- The crisis staff thinks different
- Grant Beard chairs the 1962 Warsaw Pact
- Alka Nath and Chan Chi Ling chair the Economic and Social Council
- Andi Clark and XiaoSong Mu in Security Council A
- The crisis staff dressed in various costumes throughout the conference
- SMUNC featured a very timely simulation on Libya
- Sophia Paliza, a Middle Eastern Studies major, chairs the Libyan National Transitional Council
- Dina Hassan chairs the 1776 British Parliament
- “God Save the King!”
- Stefan Norgaard and Alisha Adam chair the United Nations Environmental Programme
- Claire Colberg and Adam Adler chair the Republican National Committee
- Max Johnson and Christine Liu chair the Organization of American States
- Alison Baskin and Luis Armona, who attended Huntington Beach HS and Mater Dei before coming to Stanford, chair the Special Political & Decolonization Committee
- Closing ceremonies was held at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business
- California High School
- Alameda Science and Technology Institute
- African Union
- 1776 American Second Continental Congress
- Arab League
- 1776 British Parliament
- East Asian Summit
- European Union
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- International Council of Museums
- International Court of Justice
- International Monetary Fund
- Iranian Cabinet
- Libyan National Transitional Council
- Louis Vuitton Board of Directors
- 1962 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Organization of American States
- Republican National Convention
- United Nations Environmental Programme
- Security Council A
- Special Political & Decolonization
- 1962 Warsaw Pact
- White House Task Force on Child Obesity
- World Health Organization
- NorCal MUN powerhouse Gunn High School, led by advisor Faith Hilal, received Best Large Delegate at this weekend’s Stanford MUN Conference
- Gunn’s seniors got off to a strong start for their last year of high school MUN
- California High School received the Outstanding Large Delegation Award
- Congratulations to the SMUNC Secretariat on a wonderful conference!
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