Delegates discussed how to reunify the Korean Peninsula in Surf City's joint cabinet crisis
One highlight of the conference was the joint crisis between the cabinets of North Korea and South Korea discussing reunification of the Korean Peninsula. The crisis staff had access to a green screen and made liberal use of it to create crisis videos. The two cabinets merged during the last committee session to have a joint negotiation on how to reunify the Koreas.
Click below to see more pictures from the conference!
- The North Korea crisis cabinet
- The crisis staff had access to a green screen that they used to make crisis videos
- The joint crisis was between the cabinets of North Korea and South Korea discussing Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
- Delegates discussed how to reunify the Korean Peninsula in Surf City’s joint cabinet crisis
- Secretaries-General Tianne Nguyen and Monica Vergara
- Various delegation awards that Huntington has won over the years
- Closing ceremonies
- Gahr High School received a Best Small Delegation award
Thank you to advisors Shaun Haney and Bill Harmicar and Secretaries-General Tianne Nguyen and Monica Vergara for having me visit!