Best Delegate ran a Model UN summer camp in Saudi Arabia and plans more visits to the Islamic world.
Best Delegate will be back on the road again this year! Actually, our focus this year is to have our awesome team of Media Associates provide coverage for the community by writing and posting up guest articles that share a success story, reflect on a valuable experience, or teach the readers something new. Feel free to email your regional Media Associate if you’re interested in submitting a guest article about your team or conference!
That said, we will still be visiting a few conferences this year. One of the themes of this year’s tour is the Rise of Model UN in the Islamic world. We took our first trip to the Middle East when we ran a Model UN summer camp in Saudi Arabia in July. We just returned from our second trip where we delivered presentations at the Qatar Leadership Conference and conducted workshops in Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. Ryan also plans to visit MUNIK in Karachi, Pakistan, in January, and we’re hoping to return to the Gulf region in the Spring. Model UN is definitely growing in the Islamic world and we want to help the activity develop there and share the success stories from the region.
Other highlights on our tour include:
- Best Delegate’s first visit to Latin America with workshops in Honduras and workshops and blogging in Puerto Rico.
- Both Ryan and KFC will be at ILMUNC, which may have “championship” implications this year
- NAIMUN should be a big reunion for us with our YMUNI summer camp participants
- Coverage of the Southern California high school Model UN circuit as we are now based here
Our Spring schedule is far from set, but we plan to visit a few of the major conferences. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to visit a major THIMUN or THIMUN-affiliated conference, make a return trip to China, or drop by Harvard WorldMUN in Melbourne, Australia. Finally, we’ll conclude the liveblogging portion of the tour in the late Spring and kick off our Best Delegate Academy Model UN summer camps tour around June!
Here’s the tour schedule:
Best Delegate 2012 Fall Tour (subject to change)
- Workshop in Bahrain – Kevin
- Qatar Leadership Conference – Ryan and Kevin
- Workshops in Jordan, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates – Ryan
- South Orange County Model United Nations (SOCOMUN) – Kevin
- Workshop in Honduras – Ryan and Kevin
- Security Council Simulation at Yale (SCSY) – Sabrina and Loreena
- La Federacion at St. John’s School in Puerto Rico – Kevin
- Cerritos High School Model United Nations (CHSMUN) – Ryan and Jessica
- Edison High School Model United Nations (EHSMUN) – Ryan
- National Collegiate Security Conference (NCSC) – Kevin and Loreena
- Contra Costa County Model United Nations (CCCMUN) – Kevin
- University of Pennsylvania Model United Nations Conference (UPMUNC) – Ryan and Phill
- Secondary Schools Model United Nations Symposium (SSUNS) – Sabrina and Loreena
- University of Connecticut Model United Nations (UCMUN) – Emily
- Tustin High School Model United Nations (THSMUN) – Kevin
- Corporate Case Simulation (CCSim) – Sabrina
- Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC) – Nikita
- Reading International Model United Nations (ReadIMUN) – Fozan
Best Delegate 2013 Spring Tour (tentative)
- Mission Viejo High School Model United Nations (MVHSMUN) – Kevin
- Model United Nations IBA Karachi (MUNIK) – Ryan
- Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) – Ryan, Kevin, and Phill
- McGill Model United Nations Assembly (McMUN) – Sabrina, Loreena, and Mari
- Florida Gator Model United Nations (GatorMUN) – Ashley
- Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN) – Ryan and Kevin
- North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) – Kevin
- Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) – Ryan
- National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) – Ryan
- Berkeley Model United Nations (BMUN) – Kevin
- Washington Area Model United Nations Conference (WAMUNC) – Mari and Nikita
- Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) Grades 7-9 – Kevin
- California YMCA Model United Nations – Ryan
- Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) Grades 4-6 – Ryan
Best Delegate Academy Model UN Summer Camps
- Best Delegate Academy Model UN summer camps will be offered in multiple locations! We ran summer camps at Yale, UC Irvine, Saudi Arabia, and Hawaii this past summer. Sign up in the blue box below to receive the latest updates!
Visits: Conferences that wish to invite us to visit and liveblog may email us at info@bestdelegate.com. Please include dates of your conference, how we can help beyond liveblogging (e.g. providing workshops for students or teachers, delivering a keynote speech, participating in Opportunities Fair), and your budget.
Publicity: Conferences seeking publicity can write an article that shares a success story, reflects on a valuable experience, or teaches the readers something new and email the article and an accompanying photo to media@bestdelegate.com. Your regional Media Associate will help you get the article edited and published.